Anakin Image Thread

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Hey, complainers:

IrishJedi said:
Hey, complainers:


Yes, sideshow's looks light years ahead of what I assume to be a Hasbro figure comparison (forgive my ignorance if it is from another company).
I think we have established that ANYTHING sideshow puts out is going to beat Hasbro and probably Medicom and many other figure making companies out there. I still feel that this pic does not live up to the pics of the prototype sideshow showed us, specifically at least in the paint application on the head.
The unpainted sculpt in the blog was flawless, the costuming looks to be nothing short of incredible, and the accessories I am positve will be amazing. The paint application, at least in the pics that I have seen posted, is nowhere near as good as what I hoped for and expected after seeing the toyfair pics. Better than any other Anakin on the market today? Absolutely. As good as what we were shown at toyfair? I don't think so.
With that said, has anyone got a shipping notice yet? I am on the East coast and don't usually get these until after many pics have been posted. I am still hopeful that in hand this figure will shine.

Dusty,that was a very informative post and if I had to guess I would say that to some degree the SS employees who devoted so much time in the production of this figure,especially Andy b.,were a little dissapointed in some of the paint apps on the Anakin. Here is my question though: Is the SDCC Anakin already in the production process as we speak? or is it going into production shortly? I would think that SS would really keep a tight watch over the SDCC Anakin in light of the regular Anakin coming out a little less than what they and some of us expected. Dusty,maybe you can chime in here or someone else who may be in the know.
He looks really good with the exception of the lips. That to me is what is messing the overall look up if any. The skin tone appears to be pretty solid not what we saw at TF but I'm happy with how he came out. While I do think the lips and even the eye liner if that looks bad in person could have been better I'm not gonna go saying I'm disapointed in this figure just because of a couple small error. I'm not saying this because I'm considered a SS brown noser but because overall I'm happy with how things came out.

Now if they mess up :maul I'll be upset.:D
DarkArtist81 said: did I mess that up? :rotfl :rotfl

So are you excited about Clerks II? :chew

Cautiously excited. It can be great but I'm very weary about it as well. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back is probably the funniest movie ever but then again there was Jersey Girl.
miles said:
Dusty,that was a very informative post and if I had to guess I would say that to some degree the SS employees who devoted so much time in the production of this figure,especially Andy b.,were a little dissapointed in some of the paint apps on the Anakin. Here is my question though: Is the SDCC Anakin already in the production process as we speak? or is it going into production shortly? I would think that SS would really keep a tight watch over the SDCC Anakin in light of the regular Anakin coming out a little less than what they and some of us expected. Dusty,maybe you can chime in here or someone else who may be in the know.

Miles, did Dusty post comments on this thread? If so I missed it. If not please include it with your response so we know what she said. Thanks, man.
pjam said:
Miles, did Dusty post comments on this thread? If so I missed it. If not please include it with your response so we know what she said. Thanks, man.
I was wondering how in the world I coulda missed a Dusty posting...

Also, Irish Jedi (nice avatar) am I correct in assuming that comparison pic is the production figure? The lips don't seem as bad in that one. I wonder if some are better than others or if it just doesn't look bad from a distance.

If some are better than others does anyone know if sideshow will keep sending you figures back and forth until you get one you find acceptable?
Agent0028 said:
I was wondering how in the world I coulda missed a Dusty posting...

Also, Irish Jedi (nice avatar) am I correct in assuming that comparison pic is the production figure? The lips don't seem as bad in that one. I wonder if some are better than others or if it just doesn't look bad from a distance.

If some are better than others does anyone know if sideshow will keep sending you figures back and forth until you get one you find acceptable?

I think some "complainers" are simply hoping they will receive a figure which matches the one they ordered (proto pic) as we did with Luke. I, for one, am not complaining about the quality of product Sideshow is putting out, I am asking SSC to be more consistent with their paint apps at the production level, and I'm sure some at SSC are asking the same thing.
This was the post by Dusty in the "neverending cycle thread"

Originally Posted by SideshowDusty
It's not true. I'm pretty sure more than a few of us read most everything posted here. (We don't like to interfere too much in the conversations because it is a FAN board after all ) And I can almost guarantee that almost everything that is pointed out is noticed first by the production guys. They spend all day, every day, with these figures. If a figure comes off the assembly line with the incorrect forearm length, believe me, it's noticed, even before the posts start flooding the forum! That doesn't mean we don't appreciate all the comments, be they good or bad!! So keep 'em coming - all we ask is that you just not get TOO personal (for instance, some of the comments saying we're being intentionally dishonest do make me sad). We're all only human after all - people get busy with the daily grind, photos sometimes don't get updated as often as we'd like, with such a very small Web and CS staff some things get lost in the cracks until someone points it out on the board or writes into Customer Service, etc

The thing about production is, the prototype can be perfect, the pre-production samples (which are what the guys look at to determine whether production can go ahead, or if it needs more tweaking) can be as close as humanly possible to the prototype, and yet there can still be differences when the figures start getting mass produced. All they can do is try to anticipate what those problems may be (such as the percentage of shrinkage in the headsculpt when casting, etc) and overcome them as best they can. Believe me, they aren't slacking off and just saying, "Oh well, too bad, so sad!" They take production snafus (as small or as large as they might be seem to be) just as hard - if not harder - than you guys... after all, this is not only their passion, but their livelihood!!

Honestly, we really do love all the discussion, be it good or bad - it means that people actually care about what we are doing, and really, as a company based on fandom, what more could we ask for?! So thanks again! :chew
pjam said:
I think some "complainers" are simply hoping they will receive a figure which matches the one they ordered (proto pic) as we did with Luke. I, for one, am not complaining about the quality of product Sideshow is putting out, I am asking SSC to be more consistent with their paint apps at the production level, and I'm sure some at SSC are asking the same thing.
Very true. I think everyone has slightly different expectations. Personally as long as the figure looks good in my hand I'm going to be happy, but I'm pretty laid back about all of this. If mine looks like he's puckered up wearing lipstick and its not good enough I'll probably just send it back. I'm pretty sure it will meet my standards and I do feel bad for those who it doesn't, I can certainly understand why people are disappointed. Hmph, am I exhibiting symptoms of Sympathetic Chicken Little Syndrome?
LOL that sounds like some good thinking there Agent. No CL coming out there. When he gets to us I think many of us will be very happy with him.
pjam said:
Miles, did Dusty post comments on this thread? If so I missed it. If not please include it with your response so we know what she said. Thanks, man.
Sorry guys, I got my threads mixed up. I hope I am not coming across as a complainer, although I am a little dissapointed in the paint apps even though I didn't preorder this figure. I just really hate that this figure has let alot of you guys down because I know all of you have been hyped up for this figure for months now after seeing the proto and toy fair pics. I have come to the understanding after reading Dusty's post that some things are out of SS's control and I would think that they are a little dissapointed at the outcome also,even though it's a great looking,quality figure.I'm almost positive SS has alot of perfectionists working for them and when something turns out not quite the way they planned it's a little hard to swallow and I'm sure that reading all of the negative posts by freaks and scummers doesn't help much. I want to go on the record and apologize to SS,fellow freaks,and scummers for any negative posts I have made, I guess I,like alot of people are rabid fans and we get carried away sometimes.Back to my question to Dusty though and to whoever else wants to chime in: Do you guys think that SS is going to keep a tighter watch on the production of the SDCC Anakin and do you think the paint apps as far as eyebrows and lips will be different from the currently soon to be shipping Anakin.Also is the SDCC Anakin in production now or will it start production shortly?Thanks Andrew
I've done that before, get confused with which posts are in which threads, sometimes they run so parallel.

Don't worry about any negativity or criticisms you may have posted Miles, I don't think sideshow gets upset until it gets personal and nasty name calling etc.

As for us board members...I think some of us just enjoy a good fight. :lsvader :lol
Agent0028 said:
I've done that before, get confused with which posts are in which threads, sometimes they run so parallel.

What does that have to do with how sexy the Slave Leia PF should be? Stay on topic, for gosh sakes!


I would like to anounce to you all that I will be receiving my shipment notification e-mail for Anakin this evening. I can feel it in my spleen...
tomandshell said:
What does that have to do with how sexy the Slave Leia PF should be? Stay on topic, for gosh sakes!


I would like to anounce to you all that I will be receiving my shipment notification e-mail for Anakin this evening. I can feel it in my spleen... US collectors are so lucky.......the rest of us have to wait longer for our Ani (in addition to paying huge shipping fees!)...

Maybe I should just move to HK.......
Naw, you wouldn't want to move there. Because then you would be alone, AND you wouldn't be able to communicate with anyone. Then you try the cheap Chinese---a.k.a. yelling english really loud like somehow that's supposed to make people understand you.
