Anakin Image Thread

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hairlesswookiee said:
i will post a couple pics tonight. i finally got my camera back from my brother.

Please do! I like seeing the pics posted here especially those with Ani in imaginative poses. Gives me plenty of options when I'm posing my own figure!
I finally got some decent pics of Anakin... even though my Dad's digital is having focus issues and will not take a decent pic unless you are right in the subjects face. At least you guys can see the lips.... :lol




Alrighty, got my Anakin, and his lips are a little "rosy" but otherwise I love the likeness. I am sorta inspired to repaint the lips, but I am afraid to try, as I think it may look like I had the makeup gun set on whore (simpsons). Love all the pics of the repainted efforts!!!
Those pics look pretty kick a** DarkArtist. These head shots are some of the best I've seen of this figure so far IMO. Great job:chew
JonZ said:
Those pics look pretty kick a** DarkArtist. These head shots are some of the best I've seen of this figure so far IMO. Great job:chew

Thanks a bunch JonZ! I hope that I can get a better one tonight... If I can.. you can be rest assured it will end up here. The first one took the longest to set up, but I'm really proud of it. :D
pjam said:
Looks great D.A.! Nice work!

Thanks pjam! I really didn't want to lighten the lips too much so I went over them with a dry brush saturated in lighter skin tone until I got the shade I wanted. Now he looks much closer to the proto and I'm happy... The hair is trickier than I thought, so I'm leaving that be.... for now. :D
Darth Rage said:
If you don't give a damn why do you make it such a point to counter every post that looks at a figure in any kind of negative light? I'm not trying to be antagonistic, but your post just came across to me as a little....condescending. Sorry if I am misinterpretting.

Cause I want to. Its my right to interject my opinion when and where I choose. Just because I respond doesn't mean I care.

FlyAndFight said:
Darth, don't waste your time, bro. Many have gone down this same path and discussions end up being futile. :banghead

Like I give a damn what you got to say. You're one of the biggest damn cry babies I've seen on a message board.
Nice, it makes a difference for sure, he looks more realistic, especially in the hooded shots for some reason. Thanks bro
pjam said:
Nice, it makes a difference for sure, he looks more realistic, especially in the hooded shots for some reason. Thanks bro

You know for some reason, Anakin just rocks hooded.... I love how evil he looks! Can't wait for Darth Vader.... man, the poses I can come up with... I just might have to buy a bunch of 1:6th children and hack em up in preparation for a scene I want to take pics of!!! :devil

And Galactiboy....I hope you get him soon... he's awesome... not Origins Kurgan awesome...but sweet nontheless... :lol
Agent0028 said:
You don't mince words do ya pallie? :D
Not when a wee bit O'perspective is needed. On Topic: I have such a cool idea to pose my Anakin in... now if only my darn Anakin would come! :D
DarkArtist, your pics look great. How long did it take you to touch up the lips? Do you do custom work for other people? I ask because it looks like you're just a couple hours north of me.

Maybe I won't care when I see it in person but yours looks to be quite an improvement.
Khev said:
DarkArtist, your pics look great. How long did it take you to touch up the lips? Do you do custom work for other people? I ask because it looks like you're just a couple hours north of me.

Maybe I won't care when I see it in person but yours looks to be quite an improvement.

Thanks for the comments Khev!! Nice coming from another Bespin Luke fan like yourself... :D

I have yet to paint anything for anyone else, but would do it if asked... no problem. It only took me about 10-15 minutes to paint the lips, and I was taking my time. It was fairly quick and painless, despite the obvious stress of painting the lips on something that meant so much to me... :monkey2

But once I had it finished and breathed... it was all gravy. You don't live too far away from me, so if you ever wanted it done, I'd do it for you. Anything to help a fellow freak and SW fan....

It does feel a lot better to have him in hand and the lips to be lots closer to what the pics on the box represent. I'm really happy I took the chance and painted it. :cool:

Oh...and just to give you an update on that Bespin Luke I am working on... I got the head and he's currently "renting" Ceremonial Luke's uniform until I get the Bespin one... Check it out...


I didn't paint this one though... just tweaked it... I just love how it's coming along.