Animal Cruelty

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no way. my tax dollars shouldn't go to keeping those scum alive in jail. anyone who does something like that, once convicted they should be shot in the head behind the courthouse. no one will miss them.

my dog and best friend of 17 years died 3 years ago from old age, and if l caught someone beating my dog trying to kill here, hands down l would run into my room grab my gun and shoot them to death.

And you'd go to jail for life so they'd take your dog and euthanize it. Also the pyschological damage you inflicted on his and your own friends and family. And now my tax dollars are paying to keep you the scum alive in jail. Congratulations your stupid in four scenarios.
And you'd go to jail for life so they'd take your dog and euthanize it. Also the pyschological damage you inflicted on his and your own friends and family. And now my tax dollars are paying to keep you the scum alive in jail. Congratulations your stupid in four scenarios.

l could care less. she is a family member to me. what would you do if someone came on your property and killed one of your family members, what would you do. l think of it the same way. l would have to make that person pay. MAYBE I MISS STATED WHEN I SAID I WOULD KILL THEM,. but l would grab my gun and put a bullet in there leg if they were running away, or if l could get my hands on them l would give them a serious beating. no way someone kills my best friend, the most important thing to me and gets away with it.
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Thanks for clearing that up. :duff

l guess in reality it would be (NOT KILL, BUT SEVERE BEATING, TILL WHEELCHAIR BOUND). l am just saying someone who does something like that need to be severely punished. unfortunately the law doesn't see it that way.

You don't have the right to kill a person for beating an animal.

of course you dont have the right to kill a person for beating an animal, we're humans, superior beigns, on top of the food chain, we know right from wrong, but what good is it when we choose do the total opposite. i guess the point of the thread was animal cruelty, is it right or wrong, not is animal cruelty compared to child abuse and which is worse. theres a comparison between these everytime a thread on animal abuse gets started its really sad we cant see past that and stop to think that animals have feelings too and deserve to be treated with respect and if we dont have the right to kill a person for mistreating an animal what gives us the right to beat an animal in the first place? imo, animal abuse be it cats, dogs, or any other is never justified.
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I think beatings went out of style around the same time as lynch mobs and hangings.

They ought to bring beatings back. Instead of being put in jail for crimes like this, you get the ____ beat out of you. No medical help. Saves money and solves the overcrowding problem.
So we can cross corporal punishment off the list of cruel and unusual?

of course you dont have the right to kill a person for beating an animal, we're humans, superior beigns, on top of the food chain, we know right from wrong, but what good is it when we choose do the total opposite. i guess the point of the thread was animal cruelty, is it right or wrong, not is animal cruelty compared to child abuse and which is worse. theres a comparison between these everytime a thread on animal abuse gets started its really sad we cant see past that and stop to think that animals have feelings too and deserve to be treated with respect and if we dont have the right to kill a person for mistreating an animal what gives us the right to beat an animal in the first place? imo, animal abuse be it cats, dogs, or any other is never justified.

There's a comparison every time because some tool can't help but make some ludicrous statement as to how an animal's life is equal to a human's. It's emotionalist hyperbole, and taking it seriously leads to all kinds of retardation (like the idea that animals have rights and/or veganism). No one here thinks it's right to abuse animals, so I'm not sure why people need to be saddling up their high horses.
i think we can both agree on the fact that its wrong to abuse an animal like you said, most of us here are against it and i quoted your post not as a direct offense just stating the fact that you cant do whatever you want to and that people have to be held responsible for their actions, i mean the dude in Rocks link beat that dog cuz he had a bad it the dogs fault the dude's day didnt go well for him? not likely. im not saddling on my high horse here and im sorry if i did offend you i just think its plain wrong to beat on deffenseless creatures.
I'm not offended. I'm genuinely disturbed by how people slip into such a violent mob mentality whenever animal cruelty is mentioned.
I'm not offended. I'm genuinely disturbed by how people slip into such a violent mob mentality whenever animal cruelty is mentioned.

Its empathy felt towards the weak, the innocent and the defenceless. I'd say those people have their hearts in the right place if you ask me. :dunno Its people responding to evil behaviour, they're not the ones initiating it.
Yea people who are normal don't spend there free time looking up videos of animals and humans being murdered. For any reason, learning, whatever you want to call it. Serial Killers do, but not regular people.

We know people and animals kill one another, because we learned it when we were like 4-5, and not 30, so it didn't blow our minds the same way it apparently did yours. If the nazis can kill millions of people, then no, Im not surprised on ____ed up jerk off _______ beat his dog. Get over your dumb ass selves.

If it offends you to watch something being murdered, then don't watch it you idiot tools. Showing it to as many others as possible isn't going to prevent it from happening again, your putting it out there and there are sick people who will get kicks from it.

"This really upsets me, so check it out and lets talk about it for a few weeks so I can get more upset." Morons.
:horror Jeesh Quiggle. I'd either delete that post if I were you or seriously reconsider your phrasing at least!
okay in good taste a-dev I will.

Good taste? No you dont have good taste, you simply don't want the masses to know you prefer watching human snuff vids over animal, thats just covering your ass. Luckily your quote remaines in BadMoons post so people can see your no better then the people beating animals. You get your kicks seeing people die, even if that person killed an animal or another person, then your no better then a murderer. You take pleasure in a life ending and you are scum.
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