Well, everyone here will most likely relate to my feelings on this..
Basically the conversation was just closure for me so I could move on. But when an insecure girl is on her high horse from getting all the "pep talks" from her friends, it's just pretty hurtful when they act like they give two craps about you..... and you JUST recently wanted to marry this girl..... And now they're treating you like dirt all because of arguing about where to spend your married life together?!?!
Anyhow, the real kicker was this...... I sold a good chunk of my collection, and some VERY dear items to me in order to fund a ring. One of the items sold was my Master Replicas Darth Vader SE helmet signed by Hayden. I spent $1200 on that and waited over a year..... And lost a TON of money when I sold it....And what was her response??? "Well, I don't appreciate you rubbing that in my face.... I didn't make you sell those things. Now that you have money go buy those statues back. You could've bought me the ring by financing it....." and the ULTIMATE kicker..... "why do I need to give you credit for sacrificing your cherished belongings just to buy me a ring?................"

Are you kidding?!?!?!

I'm sure any collector here could agree that it's a pretty big sacrifice to give up things they've worked hard to get and valued a lot..... All just to show your love for a woman. And now they throw it back in your face and don't care that you gave it up?!?!
Basically, that ended the conversation with me telling her where to go and how to get there......
Yeah, you've given great and wise advice. So thanks for that..... Yes, her true side came out.... She just always likes to portray herself as a martyr and a saint in the eyes of the public. I hate people like that..... She can never admit ANY of her faults. Now I know I want someone to ADMIT when they're wrong. It'll make me respect them more....

Yeah.... We've never had GREAT communication. It's not that I suddenly got this urge. I've been in Cali for over a year now. But just the fact that we can't even discuss this just shows what's to come down the road.....