Anyone ever have to relocate because of their spouse?

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Re: Anyone ever have to relocate becuase of their spouse?

As always, great advice guys.... Thank you so much for the words.

Listen, I know I may not take the advice given and practice it TO THE TEE but it does give me some direction..... Call me weird, but I've always been interested to hear others people's life experiences and the successful or failing relationships :dunno I'm just always curious to hear what else happens in the world, just so I can compare.....

So as it stands, I'm keeping my position and pursuing my goals..... Unfortunately I can't say where I'm going to be after I graduate, and even IF I WILL graduate. I will feel really stupid if things take a bad turn and I gave up a great girl, but risks are risks right?

Chris, just remember Rule #1: If you are not happy, then it doesn't matter who you are'll still be unhappy. So, do what it takes to make yourself happy FIRST.

Pursue your goals if that is truly what makes you happy. True love will come when it is time and not a minute sooner.

I have been on both sides of the coin. I tried to do everything I could to make my first wife happy. In the end, it didn't matter because she was just an unhappy person.

I then focused on making myself happy. Then out of the blue I met a wonderful lady who made me feel fantastic and complete. We met in April and were married in July.....and our 11th anniversary is coming up quickly. It hasn't been a bed of roses, but the good far outweighs the bad and I wouldn't change a thing. Why? Because I've done what makes me happy and that's something I get to share with my best friend and wife.
Re: Anyone ever have to relocate becuase of their spouse?

You'll be back with this girl and create another thread about it before we know it.

Nash may the emperor bestow maximum power on u :emperor :emperor :emperor :emperor :emperor :emperor :emperor :emperor

I better not see this type of thread from you Chris, she's not coming back....

Re: Anyone ever have to relocate becuase of their spouse?

Though I don't think you should be with this girl anymore, I have to wonder how it was brought up about you selling your collectibles, etc. Did you have regrets about it and showed it?

Anyway, communication is the key. If you don't have it, you never will. Take your ball (ring) and go home.

Best wishes to you!

Well everything was supposed to be a surprise..... She had always thought that I'd never sacrifice my collection for her, and when I finally did I felt that it was the ultimate symbol of my feelings for her. But after everything crumbled, I felt really stupid for selling a lot of my stuff and having all these high hopes for things.... So yeah, I guess I was just expressing how unfortunate this was and how angry it made me....

You'll be back with this girl and create another thread about it before we know it.

Re: Anyone ever have to relocate becuase of their spouse?

Just need to reopen that thread, change the title to WTB and move it to the WTB section. All good!
Re: Anyone ever have to relocate becuase of their spouse?

Chris- I don't even know what to say.

So... I'm not gonna even write anything because I'm pretty sure you already know what I'm thinking.

So let's change the subject- When are you, Ill and I gonna go out drinking?
We'll get your mind off of the little girl and your extremely painful learning experience.

At least for a little while.

Re: Anyone ever have to relocate becuase of their spouse?

My life will be somewhat similar...........................

Re: Anyone ever have to relocate becuase of their spouse?

Chris, it's best that you just move on. Love is HARD but it's also the easiest thing in the world. Yeah, I know, like that makes sense. But to find the one you love, and for you to plan marriage, etc...should not be difficult. I'm not getting married for a few years and we're already planning, both of us equally together. And talking about places we should live, where both of us want to be. We compromise and make it easier that way. We love each other so much that spending our lives together mean the most. So until you can find that, you should focus on you, your schooling, and find your footing. Be happy, and then you can make someone else happy, and be happy together. A whole lot of happiness. ;)
Re: Anyone ever have to relocate becuase of their spouse?

I'm pretty sure you already know what I'm thinking.

So let's go out drinking?
We'll get your mind off of the little girl and your extremely painful learning experience.

At least for a little while.


Make way. Make way.

Re: Anyone ever have to relocate becuase of their spouse?

So let's change the subject- When are you, Ill and I gonna go out drinking?
We'll get your mind off of the little girl and your extremely painful learning experience.

At least for a little while.


So you're trying to get him to trade one extremely painful learning experience for another possibly extremely painful learning experience?:rotfl
Re: Anyone ever have to relocate becuase of their spouse?

My biggest regret career-wise was not moving out to California sooner. I stayed in Florida thinking that I'd have opportunities in the Entertainment industry there, but they never materialized.
Re: Anyone ever have to relocate becuase of their spouse?

Listen to Dave, Chris!

So you're trying to get him to trade one extremely painful learning experience for another possibly extremely painful learning experience?:rotfl

She's prepping for SDCC 2010.:naughty
Firstly, I have no *need* to prep for Con- this will be my 9th time going. :naughty

Secondly, I have met Chris in person and spent the day with him. I consider him a friend. We even discussed "her".

So there!

Re: Anyone ever have to relocate becuase of their spouse?

Sorry to hit a rawr :naughty nerve there Sam. Continue on with your grooming without regret or guilt. :lol

I apologise for my snide and unfounded comments, and for besmirching your unblemished reputation. :monkey3 I await your forgiveness and hope this hasn't caused a rift in our friendship. Oooo la la.
Re: Anyone ever have to relocate becuase of their spouse?

Chris- I don't even know what to say.

So... I'm not gonna even write anything because I'm pretty sure you already know what I'm thinking.

So let's change the subject- When are you, Ill and I gonna go out drinking?
We'll get your mind off of the little girl and your extremely painful learning experience.

At least for a little while.


THIS is why I love the forums...... Talk about a caring family, and real people and real friends. Thanks Sam. I'd like to very much! I have this Friday free, so that would be great! (if it's not too short of notice)

Chris, it's best that you just move on. Love is HARD but it's also the easiest thing in the world. Yeah, I know, like that makes sense. But to find the one you love, and for you to plan marriage, etc...should not be difficult. I'm not getting married for a few years and we're already planning, both of us equally together. And talking about places we should live, where both of us want to be. We compromise and make it easier that way. We love each other so much that spending our lives together mean the most. So until you can find that, you should focus on you, your schooling, and find your footing. Be happy, and then you can make someone else happy, and be happy together. A whole lot of happiness. ;)

Thanks for the insight..... I remember reading your post about LA or Vancouver, and THAT'S how I think a REAL couple should be. They discuss where they want to live, and consider each person's point of view and goals RESPECTFULLY. Apparently living with me wasn't the highest priority, and she feels the same..... Good input :)

My biggest regret career-wise was not moving out to California sooner. I stayed in Florida thinking that I'd have opportunities in the Entertainment industry there, but they never materialized.

REALLY???? This is good to hear from someone..... Because my whole dilemma is where I want to live and pursue my career. I was being brainwashed into thinking I could find work out in Florida, all so the lady can have what she wants and live close to her family. I respectfully disagreed and commented that I'd most likely be most successful in Cali, but apparently I'm just too "career oriented" and don't care about family :rolleyes:

So what is it that you do in the entertainment industry Dave?? :naughty
Re: Anyone ever have to relocate becuase of their spouse?

Firstly, I have no *need* to prep for Con- this will be my 9th time going. :naughty

Secondly, I have met Chris in person and spent the day with him. I consider him a friend. We even discussed "her".

So there!


I know this will come out wrong, but you can teach an old dog new tricks...that's what I meant by prepping. Thought there may be some new 2010 moves that need the kinks worked out.

*disclaimer: I'm in no way insinuating that Sam is either old or a dog. It's just an expression to get my point across.:monkey5

As for you and Chris being friends, that is cool. I don't think it was meant that Chris was prey for the Cougar Hunt.:monkey5
Re: Anyone ever have to relocate becuase of their spouse?

My biggest regret career-wise was not moving out to California sooner. I stayed in Florida thinking that I'd have opportunities in the Entertainment industry there, but they never materialized.

I hear ya....I'm dieing to move back to NYC or maybe even Cali since the Graphic Design industry is better, ....i just don't have the fund to do so....sometimes I just think that the best thing to do is drop everything and just go....but then reality checks in and I start thinking about how irresponsible that would be.

Sometimes I just think that I'm never gonna get out of this stinking state. :(