I hate the whole "Mac vs. PC" scene, but what the heck, I will share my thoughts. I fully admit that the Mac is easier to use for a casual computer user or a "newbie". They also look more stylish than most PCs. However, Apple uses that to charge people out the a$$ for substandard performance (and by this, I mean in relation to Mac vs. PC).
A Mac Intel Dual Core system with a Geforce 7600 GT, 2 gig of ram, a 250 gig HD, and a 24 inch monitor cost 2700 dollars at the Apple store.
I can buy a similar PC system from a brick and mortar store for around 2000 dollars and build one myself (yes, I realize not everyone is capable of this) for around 1600. Now, when you consider Macs get sloppy seconds from 3rd Party software companies ... when they get anything at all ... what exactly are you paying the premium for?
In my opinion, Apple markets Macs to be trendy and user friendly, because they want non-PC people who don't realize they are getting overcharged. It's also the reason so few companies program for Mac. I have been using a PC for 12 years now. Does it take longer to learn to "use" a PC? Yes. However, a PC has more software and more options - mainly due to the amazing range of software support. And, in the end, I will choose potential and software support - along with a wallet full of cash - over trendy and ease of use.
Now, if only Bill and Steve could have gotten along back in the 70's (and, yes, I realize that Gates caused a lot of the problems), we could have easy to use PCs that actually had software support ... the best of both worlds.
P.S. I will give Apple credit for being cutting edge. However, I bet within a year, someone else will have a phone with the same features, more service options, plus sell it for 100 to 200 dollars cheaper. It won't have the trendy little Apple logo and you won't be able to say "oh, look at my iPhone ..." but it will do the exact same thing. Apple ... first to innovate, but always overtaken by companies who realize that low price and practicality wins the race.
P.S.S. Okay D-Dave, hit me with what ya got ---->