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dekadentdave said:
Whatever Douglas. I hear your gripe from non-mac users all the time and it's pretty ignorant. Macs cost more, sure but I've bought one computer in the last 8 years and watched family members go through 4 or 5 new "cheap" PC's. They've spent more and dealt with more headaches than I've ever had to deal with. They are always calling me about their computer problems and they are constantly frustrated. All I can say is that you get what you pay for and while Apple's products are expensive, I've gotten the most out of them.

Trendy? Perhaps. The ipod is a trend. The iphone is a trend. It's because of Apple's design innovation that spawns techno-market trends and imitators. Look how long it took Microsoft to come out with Zune to compete against the ipod. The iphone will no doubt inspire new integrated wireless imitators. As for their computers, they both are built on intel processors, its just a matter of operating system preference. Do you want to suffer with buggy Microsoft and deal with those headaches or do you want something that makes your life simple so you can focus on your work? Can't tell you how many times our PC's at work are always crashing and we have to call IT to fix them which cuts into productivity. My mac has only had one crash in 8 years. Needless to say I am happy I have a mac.

:lecture ... yup ... :monkey1
i still have every PC i've ever owned since 1993 and they all work fine. but anyway this thread is about iphone so i guess we should focus on that.
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dekadentdave said:
Whatever Douglas. I hear your gripe from non-mac users all the time and it's pretty ignorant. Macs cost more, sure but I've bought one computer in the last 8 years and watched family members go through 4 or 5 new "cheap" PC's. They've spent more and dealt with more headaches than I've ever had to deal with. They are always calling me about their computer problems and they are constantly frustrated. All I can say is that you get what you pay for and while Apple's products are expensive, I've gotten the most out of them.

Isn't it funny how you throw those PC insults out without any context. What kind of PC experience do your relatives/friends have? For all we know they are electronics jinxes who could break a toaster with but a touch and a bit of bread. Telling me people go through PCs means nothing without context. I have a friend who has gone through 4 Macs in 7 years. See, how with no context that sounds bad? However, he feels the need to be "cutting edge" so he's constantly upgrading - not because of error, but because of wanting a new system. I bet many of your friends upgrade and so forth.

Exactly what do you use that 8 year old computer for? Because no matter whether it's a Mac or a PC, it's a dinosaur. The fact that you can still get by with that, well I won't lie, I am impressed. However, it kinda invalids your tech opinion. Sure, someone that can survive that long with the same computer should own a Mac. Over the long haul, they are nice. However, no matter which system you go with, if you want to remain productive ... and use the computer for more than word processing and e-mailing, you are going to have to upgrade every few years ... maybe not a complete new rig, but upgrade none the less.

dekadentdave said:
Trendy? Perhaps. The ipod is a trend. The iphone is a trend. It's because of Apple's design innovation that spawns techno-market trends and imitators. Look how long it took Microsoft to come out with Zune to compete against the ipod. The iphone will no doubt inspire new integrated wireless imitators. As for their computers, they both are built on intel processors, its just a matter of operating system preference.

Once again, where's the perspective? You make it sound like Microsoft was incapable of making an MP3 player before last year. While it's just my opinion (and let's be honest, unless you and Bill are best friends, all of this - you and me - is just conjecture/ opinions), I think Microsoft was too busy trying to break into the video game industry - 10 times the income of the MP3 market - to worry about making a Zune type player. And to be honest, the Zune isn't that great. But I dislike the Ipod too. I will stick with my Creative Labs Zen anyday. It's video screen is light years ahead of the iPod video. I will give Apple credit for innovation. Now, if they could only discover how to combine innovation with value. Then, they could give MS a serious run for their money.

dekadentdave said:
Do you want to suffer with buggy Microsoft and deal with those headaches or do you want something that makes your life simple so you can focus on your work? Can't tell you how many times our PC's at work are always crashing and we have to call IT to fix them which cuts into productivity. My mac has only had one crash in 8 years. Needless to say I am happy I have a mac.

Sorry, but I am computer literate enough to avoid most of the problems with "buggy" microsoft products. Also, crashing PCs can have as much to do with the employees and tech people as to the hardware themselves. Sure, Macs are idiot proof. But I am not an idiot, so I don't need one.Don't get me wrong, MS software is buggy at launch ... kinda like the early iPods, the early hybrid Macs that could run PC software slowly, the many headaches awaiting early iPhone adopters, etc. Because innovation means getting there first and letting your customers work through the bugs. MS is no different with their new software. Vista is buggy. However, XP runs like a charm. I have only had one crash with it in 2 and 1/2 years ... and that turned out to be defective memory chips. Like I said, people who don't understand how to use computers should own Macs. They are less stressful. However, when you learn how to actual use a computer, try a PC. I will take the expandability, software support, hardware support, game support, general business dominance, etc. over a Mac. For every minor headache I might have, I guarantee that I will have 100 different options you won't with that Mac. And, at least to me, that's preferable. I don't hate you for owning a Mac. I don't hate Steve Jobs - Gates did screw him over. But I hate the smarmy attitudes and elitist dogma of the Mac set. "Genius" bar, indeed. :D


dekadentdave said:
Whatever Douglas. I hear your gripe from non-mac users all the time and it's pretty ignorant.

Let's keep it civil. I didn't call you ignorant for using a Mac from the Clinton Administration. How about showing us PC users the same respect.
Vader AL said:
i still have every PC i've ever owned since 1993 and they all work fine. but anyway this thread is about iphone so i guess we should focus on that.

Sorry AL, he called me out. Had to respond. :D
It's always amusing to watch windows users getting on the defensive and bent out of shape. :lol
dekadentdave said:
It's always amusing to watch windows users getting on the defensive and bent out of shape. :lol

And, it's always amusing to watch you backtrack whenever you can't debate a subject. One step forward, two steps back ... you do the Mac hockey pockey and slap yourself on the back .... :rotfl
i think you went pretty bent out of shape too. but i guess since the mac owns very little of the market that speaks for itself. :monkey1
I had no idea this thread would have gotten so heated, I just wanted to know about the iphone and how good it is to use... Oh and Dave I have your back in every thing you've said. I use both computers daily, I have more loadtimes and crashes on the PC... 5-O ratio so far... Mac has missed a beat yet!
dekadentdave said:
Knick knack paddy whack b!tch!

So, we went from actual discourse ... albeit with some minor jabs here and there ... to you slipping into the muck of childish taunting and cursing. Okay, I get enough of that at work. I'm suppose to be on summer break. So, I will leave the issue be. Here, to show you I care: you win the argument :rolleyes: Now, have fun with your iPhone. Hmm ... it's probably more powerful than your Mac ... use it for your PC needs too :cool:
what are you guys doing to have so many crashes? I've never had one crash. Maybe you should cut down on the porn websites. :)

you have to remember that Windows has to work with many, many different manufacturers hardware too.
Vader AL said:
what are you guys doing to have so many crashes? I've never had one crash. Maybe you should cut down on the porn websites. :)

you have to remember that Windows has to work with many, many different manufacturers hardware too.

If the OS was stable that wouldn't be an issue, huh?
dekadentdave said:
If the OS was stable that wouldn't be an issue, huh?

i've never had any of my computers crash. but anyway back to the iphone and it's wonders.
dekadentdave said:
Wrong. The Mac OS prohibits the installation of unknown programs without the user admin's manual consent. There are in fact several malware virus' that have been written for mac that have failed penetration into the OS because it never gets installed. It prompts you to install itself. What idiot is going to allow the installation of an unknown program? Even trojans built into cracked software distributed through p-to-p, torrent, and other filesharing networks. Virus scan software for mac is to clean off dormant windows virus attached to documents transmitted from a windows user to prevent you from infecting another windows user.

The argument that there aren't a lot of viruses for mac because they have less that 10% of market is complete and utter FUD. Viruses are spyware are written for the sole purpose of destroying and hijacking data indiscriminate of the user's operating system. No hacker out there is going to care what operating system you are using. Most of the information out there about why macs don't get viruses is disinformation perpetuated by windows users.

Not to disptue what you say but I know thru some pretty good sources that the number of systems is a major factor. Do tyou truely beluve or a second thats its not a factot ask yourself this, if you were going to write a malware, spyware or Virus program, the point is to infect as many as you can, casue as much damaage as you can ,etc... you you spend tome to write something that effect a small amount or something that effects the majority of the systems.

Next you will tell me that delvelopers of Virus Companies have nothing to do with the creation of viruses. :rotfl
To the contrary, most anti-virus developers perpetuate viruses so they can attract more customers. But the fact remains that any OS is not immune to viruses and hackers trying to corrupt or hijack a system will do so indiscriminately.
dekadentdave said:
If the OS was stable that wouldn't be an issue, huh?
I wouldnt call Windows XP unstable at all. I have a PC that is on 24/7 and has been since late last year, with not a single crash. Only reason it has been rebooted is for software installs. Its not the OS thats instable as it is mostly the hardware, a very large percentage of the issue with PCs are hardware casued and has nothing to do with the OS.

Even with that being said the smartest thing Mircosoft ever did was allow other hardware vendors to build hardware to run this OS. The dumbest thing Apple ever did was the exact opposite. I nearly killed them, if they had not offered deep discounts to schools they may not even exist at this point and would have never survived the late 80 early 90s.
dekadentdave said:
To the contrary, most anti-virus developers perpetuate viruses so they can attract more customers. But the fact remains that any OS is not immune to viruses and hackers trying to corrupt or hijack a system will do so indiscriminately.

So with that said why would you say that the number of Macs is not a major factor?
dekadentdave said:
To the contrary, most anti-virus developers perpetuate viruses so they can attract more customers.

I'll agree with that, I found it quite coincidental that the summer I dealt with the most virus attacks ever at my company, was also a summer that found about a dozen kiosks full of Norton Antivirus at any place that sells software. I have no doubt that anti-virus companies work it behind the scenes for half of the threats to come out, if viruses were defeated they'd be out of business.