Unlike, say, Tookie Williams.![]()
Never said or implied that Tookie Williams wasn't found guilty. Just didnt and still don't support capital execution.
Unlike, say, Tookie Williams.![]()
Agreed...I'm not going to judge him based on his personal sex life...and especially something debatable like the execution of Williams...taking another life maybe is never the "best choice" but feeling remorse and true regret and therefore becoming "redeemed" does not mean the previous crimes simply did not happen imo...
Of course, the celebrity culture in general is problematic, but that's not the issue. Politicians and celebrities are what they are in today's society, like it or dislike it. And agree or disagree, if you have ambitions of being a world famous actor and getting paid millions of dollars to play pretend in front of a camera, you implicitly agree to lose much of your privacy. I didn't decide it, but that's the way it is, and if folks don't realize that when they get into that career path then they're foolish. And if they are so averse to it, they should follow a different career path. But in truth, most like it and take advantage of it, until it turns on them. That's fair play.Okay, so as a politician, you still have no right. Not a penny of your tax dollars went to pay him for the office he held. Not a single penny from any Californian did either, so that's irrelevant.
I think part of this, "They're a celeb so they don't deserve a private life" is one of the diseases that's contributing to the devolution of society. It's also ridiculous that people expect celebs to be above a-typical human behavior. People spend so much time henpicking celebs when their own lives could better use the attention and focus.
Not sure if you ever followed what was going on with the Williams case but redemption was what was in question. There was also the issue of him saying he had nothing to do with the particular murders he was convicted of but that is debatable. He did admit that he atleast set the environment for that to happen.
I personally thought the whole execution thing that the governor supported and authorized was objectionable at best. But like others have said it's not about the gov or the man it's about the characters and his work. So that's how I look at it.
Well there's news going around that he may have two other kids born out of wedlock floating around.
...uhhh and being found not guilty doesn't = murderer![]()
Chris Benoit.
There's only one actor who I feel disappointed by and have a hard time separating his personal life from his professional life, and that's Jeffrey Jones. Not that that anyone would want figures of him, but he's been in some great movies and I can't help think of what he did that diminishes his work for me.
No, I don't think my closest friends have had children with the help. But, I guess it is possible that I just don't know.
There's only one actor who I feel disappointed by and have a hard time separating his personal life from his professional life, and that's Jeffrey Jones. Not that that anyone would want figures of him, but he's been in some great movies and I can't help think of what he did that diminishes his work for me.
These controversies and scandal tend to die out after a while. The movies are bigger than the man!
Raw Deal! I don't think I've seen that!
edit- just checked IMDB. No I definitely haven't seen that, or Collateral damage, Eraser or End of Days. I can't believe that, 4 Arnie films I've never seen.
When I heard the news, my figures were nearby and I just turned and opened up my Detolf and snapped my T1 T-800 in half at the chest and broke both of its legs off. I'll be honest, it's a decision I now regret - I've tried gluing the figure back together but it's just not working. I don't know what I was thinking at the time, what my real reasoning was, when I heard the news I just lost control of myself and I became a monster.
if this is true, that's just STUPID! that's like throwing a plate when you're angry, now you're still angry, the problem hasn't resolved itself, you have one less plate and an uneven set, AND you have to clean up the mess now
first l will give advice. Grosby you need anger managment. that was a stupid thing to do over a stupid reason.