Arnold Schwarzenegger Conan PF

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Got mine! It is the regular edition #176. Very heavy piece due to the massive base. I am pretty impressed with it. I wished there was a littlke more texture to the skin and face, like the T-800 PF and where are Arnold's nipples? Granted they are small IRL, but they are there :)








showing the existance of nipples.
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aaahhhh im having trouble with my damn laptop so couldnt post pics but i got # 37 of the conan ex. which is pretty sweet! awesome pf by the way, i really like it and has made my top list even though they could have put a little more effort on getting the blood to look more real. but thats it everything else is just amazing.
Amazing sculpt, I am having a really hard time not getting this ....... :horror:monkey5
Hey guys if an amateur were to make an attempt at fixing the hair, do you think just drybrushing some watered down lighter brown would help? It seems to be one solid color.

I haven't painted anything since Warhammer minis lol. But seeing all the good sculptors and painters work on the site is inspiring me a bit.
that's exactly what I would do - dry brush lightly. make sure there is next to no paint left on the brush.

btw, my statue has arrived! sadly i am work right now, but will try to take some pics tonight. woohoo!!!
I spent my late night Birthday drinking beer, watching Conan and doing a quick overhaul of my Conan PF. I redid the markings, added better blood, repainted the eyes and hair. And followed it up with a bit of weathering to make him look dirtier. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did working him up.









Man that looks awsome dude he looks exactly the same as in the movie can you tell me a none painter how i can get mine to look like that how did you paint the blood and the hair?
DEEEEEE-LIVERED! this guy is freaking awesome. maybe a little on the small side, sure, but man, he looks great right out of the box. well done on this one, sideshow. CROM!
Awesome pics and numbers, guys! Mine won't be here till Monday. Can't wait!
Ok, a quick review and pics. Overall, this thing is gorgeous! It is a very decent size, so not sure what people are talking about it being small - maybe compared to Leonoidas? The base is very very heavy, and is nicely detailed. A bit of sloppiness in the paint on the base, but overall it is great. Paint job on Conan is very good - the war paint is applied well, with it not being too white at all. Headsculpt is amazing, although it may be a bit too... smooth. The sword is extremely light. I don't like how it fits into his hand - it is not a nice tight fit and is prone to fall easily. There ARE nipples, but they are hard to see. you can "feel them up" though... which I have done. :lol Anyway, enough talk, pics!!! Sorry if they are too big, the resolution on my monitor is cranked.










Part 2 in next post...