Arnold Schwarzenegger Conan PF

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Ok, now time to pack him up and send him off to Josh! :rock :rock :rock
Oh, one more thing - not crazy about the exclusive - which is why I didn't take pics of it. It is extremely light, but that is not the issue - the sword and the rock are two separate pieces, and it is very hard to have the sword sit nicely on the rock without it falling over. Plus, I really don't know how to display it.
Best pics of the Cimmerian so far, good job Rein...

What do you mean about the sword being a loose fit in the hand, isn't the sword molded into the fist?

I agree about the exclusive, it should've been something related to that particular scene in the movie.

Feeling nipples are healthy for you.
Thanks guys! As for the sword, there are two pieces. The top piece fits into Conan's hand. So the bottom part of the sword handle is sculpted as one piece with his hand.

pics coming up...
Damn those are some excellent pics!

Could someone tell me how he fits into the base? Is it one peg, or two?
Thanks Rein for posting bad ass pics, your much appreciated mini review and follow up show and make for a good forum person...

Someone please make this dude a mod :rock

My pleasure, and thanks!!!

Damn those are some excellent pics!

Could someone tell me how he fits into the base? Is it one peg, or two?

One foot peg on his left foot.
Ok, a quick review and pics. Overall, this thing is gorgeous! It is a very decent size, so not sure what people are talking about it being small - maybe compared to Leonoidas? The base is very very heavy, and is nicely detailed. A bit of sloppiness in the paint on the base, but overall it is great. Paint job on Conan is very good - the war paint is applied well, with it not being too white at all. Headsculpt is amazing, although it may be a bit too... smooth. The sword is extremely light. I don't like how it fits into his hand - it is not a nice tight fit and is prone to fall easily. There ARE nipples, but they are hard to see. you can "feel them up" though... which I have done. :lol Anyway, enough talk, pics!!! Sorry if they are too big, the resolution on my monitor is cranked.


Many Reiny, bad ass pics man!! Definitely shows how great this piece is. I had to put this one on the backburner, but will definitely be picking it up one day.
Ok, a quick review and pics. Overall, this thing is gorgeous! It is a very decent size, so not sure what people are talking about it being small

Well when you compare him to the T-800, he is a full head and some chest shorter than the t-800. I took into account his knee bend and still comes up short with other PF's. He is even shorter than Indy.