Article: Alien VS Predator Predator - Machiko Noguchi, She-Predator - Premium Format(TM) Figure

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This one is not ex or fail but ES or fail. Lol but none the less just as stunning sculpt by master Mark Newman!
This one is kind of nagging at me. Costs are rising, quality can be give or take up until you have it in your hands, and space is always a big issue as collections grow! That said, this just keeps looking better to me. I hesitated at first, and I think rightfully so in my own mind; however, I keep checking out pictures, and the SDCC videos and it looks great.

I guess the question I get on the EX waitlist, or do I wait to collect some rewards and/or just use a coupon on the regular? It won't let me use a coupon on the waitlist, so it'd be full price. I'm in Canada, and there aren't any places up here that'll give me much of a better deal that I've found yet after Superpower closed, so I tend to lean towards ordering directly just in case there are any errors once it arrives.

Man, I'm long winded. Anyway! There's probably no rush to order the regular just yet...probably have a little while to go before that gets tight (though it'll be gone once pictures start showing up -- if not before then) so I probably won't hold off until that point. So, in short...which this already isn't...anyone have any thoughts on which version to go for? When it arrives, I pay around $50-60 to FedEx for customs and such, and $40 or whatever it is for shipping now. So right away this jumps up to over $500.

If I get the regular, I can get $20 off with the coupon, or wait and grab some points and use those...or I can get on the waitlist for the regular, and just pay the full amount if it converts. Oh man, so much typing around the point :lol Basically, this definitely isn't EX or fail...but the knife is cool. Since I'm already ordering direct, I would tend to go with the EX...but in this case, would it be better to save money where I can and just go regular? It seems weird since I'm ordering direct to not go with the EX, so I'm not sure if this makes sense. The $20 coupons alone knock, well, $20 off of that'd mean right away the knife is costing me $20.

Okay, anyway, anyone with opinions on the subject, I'd love to hear them. It's just a piece that's been nagging at me, and I'm really leaning towards's just a lot of money, so I'm weighing my options (if you couldn't tell haha)
Was I exactly the same position. Ordering locally would of saved me £40-50.
My thinking...
Order locally. Save a few quid.

Order direct. Get the Knife, get the lower ES, get it 2-3 months earlier, better chance of getting any issues resolved.

Also, Predator is my favourite line so I treated myself.

I actually ordered the masked LSB locally because I don't really care for Nameplates.
Then they threw the Open Edition Reg in there which pissed me off a bit.
Just read your comment again, you're ordering direct regardless?

Jump on the WL. Order the Reg with 'houseparty14'.
Contact SS via Live Chat and arrange for the Reg NRD to be moved onto the Ex if it converts.
Losing the $20 discount to get an EX is no biggie.
Re: Machiko She-Predator PF

Yeah jump on WL man, you'll convert for sure if you do it now.

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Just read your comment again, you're ordering direct regardless?

Jump on the WL. Order the Reg with 'houseparty14'.
Contact SS via Live Chat and arrange for the Reg NRD to be moved onto the Ex if it converts.
Losing the $20 discount to get an EX is no biggie.

Yeah, there are one or two places in Canada that do it...but I'm not sure I'd save more than $20 or so if I went through them...on top of that, it's SO much easier to just contact Sideshow if something is wrong than to talk to some online site that you never do business with and hope they can get something fixed.

I've never arranged something like that before. Will they do that? How will they know? Sorry, but do I talk to them before I order the regular and ask if they'll do it? And if they say yes (which I guess I'd have to see if they will) would they make a note, or would I contact them again if it converts?

I'm fine with losing the $20 discount if the NRD is transferred.

Thanks for all the advice! :hi5:

Yeah jump on WL man, you'll convert for sure if you do it now.

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon

Thanks Jedi! I'll jump on the WL now and wait to hear back about how the whole reg NRD transfer may work! :yess:
This one is kind of nagging at me. Costs are rising, quality can be give or take up until you have it in your hands, and space is always a big issue as collections grow! That said, this just keeps looking better to me. I hesitated at first, and I think rightfully so in my own mind; however, I keep checking out pictures, and the SDCC videos and it looks great.

I guess the question I get on the EX waitlist, or do I wait to collect some rewards and/or just use a coupon on the regular? It won't let me use a coupon on the waitlist, so it'd be full price. I'm in Canada, and there aren't any places up here that'll give me much of a better deal that I've found yet after Superpower closed, so I tend to lean towards ordering directly just in case there are any errors once it arrives.

Man, I'm long winded. Anyway! There's probably no rush to order the regular just yet...probably have a little while to go before that gets tight (though it'll be gone once pictures start showing up -- if not before then) so I probably won't hold off until that point. So, in short...which this already isn't...anyone have any thoughts on which version to go for? When it arrives, I pay around $50-60 to FedEx for customs and such, and $40 or whatever it is for shipping now. So right away this jumps up to over $500.

If I get the regular, I can get $20 off with the coupon, or wait and grab some points and use those...or I can get on the waitlist for the regular, and just pay the full amount if it converts. Oh man, so much typing around the point :lol Basically, this definitely isn't EX or fail...but the knife is cool. Since I'm already ordering direct, I would tend to go with the EX...but in this case, would it be better to save money where I can and just go regular? It seems weird since I'm ordering direct to not go with the EX, so I'm not sure if this makes sense. The $20 coupons alone knock, well, $20 off of that'd mean right away the knife is costing me $20.

Okay, anyway, anyone with opinions on the subject, I'd love to hear them. It's just a piece that's been nagging at me, and I'm really leaning towards's just a lot of money, so I'm weighing my options (if you couldn't tell haha)

Yes I agree this one rocks! It's by Mark Newman and the details are amazing! I agree the rising prices suck, the ex these days are not that good. But I do like the ES and the tiny knife is still better looking than a reg for sure with the extra weapon. I do agree to me the 20.00 coupon does make me PO or not. They add up so I'm still sad that I missed a coupon for WW only because I didn't know about them at the time. But since then I've used one every month for a new PO that I know I want.
In your case I would still jump on the WL to get the ex. Congrats on getting her. I'm sure you will convert on this.
Thanks Jedi! I'll jump on the WL now and wait to hear back about how the whole reg NRD transfer may work! :yess:

No worries man. You might get lucky and the coupon code may still be applied (never done it so don't know)

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Unfortunately you can't use a coupon on a waitlisted item.
I mean like if you coupon code the reg and then your WL converts. Would the code applied still carry over or would you pay the full price

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
I mean like if you coupon code the reg and then your WL converts. Would the code applied still carry over or would you pay the full price

Regular order gets canceled and they move the NRD only as far as I know. Any codes/RP/GC gets lost. You can always beg, but no guarantee.
Regular order gets canceled and they move the NRD only as far as I know. Any codes/RP/GC gets lost. You can always beg, but no guarantee.
Interesting. Never been in the situation myself. Good to know I suppose

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Thanks guys! I'm on the WL as of your posts last night! If all goes well and it converts, this will be my first PF Deadpool EX. I've had a few orders since then that I've cancelled, so I'm a lot more weary before laying down an NRD off of initial reactions I have when something is first announced! I'm just such a huge fan of the Alien franchise, and Predator is also incredibly cool, that this one just keeps nagging at me to the point where -- at the moment -- I think I'd regret missing out on it in the end.
This statue in my opinion has always been better looking QC wise and even the sculpt than red Sonja. Now after seeing some red Sonja pics. I'm so much more excited for this one. My most anticipated statue other than WW.
Re: Machiko She-Predator PF

Lmfao Col. CBG come on man wth dude lol

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon