Asmus Toys : Aragorn thread

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I contacted Sideshow via on-line chat to ask about the extra head. The woman I chatted with stated that according to their listing (and as far as I could tell she had no way to check other than what Sideshow listed on their website) the extra head was no included.

Today I heard back from Asmus who stated that any retailer we pre-order from will include the extra head. Great news as I would like the option to use the payment plans.
I decided to take the risk of not getting the second head and moved my PO from BBTS to Sideshow. While I always love a second head, even if it's one I'm not completely sold on, the simple fact is, on BBTS, he's $219. On Sideshow, he's $199. Boom, end of story.

So far, all of the LOTR figs are cheaper on Sideshow, which amazes me.
BBTS will have to rethink its pricing I guess. Seems a lot of people are moving orders, either SS or Timewalker. I love BBTS but they do not have the best prices.
I was wondering if everyone is switching to Sideshow?

Not me. I'm leery of giving Sideshow any more business after the way they handled the LotR license (and the GI Joe license). On the other hand, I wish Timewalker all the success in the world with their own WWI line. I probably will get one figure from SS since I can finally redeem my points on something I'm interested in. I'm hoping Asmus has plans for a troop builder in the near future.
I've been saving up my SS points for quite awhile since I always use them for LotR PFs but it looks like we aren't getting anymore of those. Might just use them for these figures then. I think I have about $600 worth.
I fee like if I sculpt a bit more of a hairline so he has less of a fivehead he could be really good?! Can't quite tell so I'm hesitant on this one, though the costume is amazing.
Posted on FB. Not sure what I think yet, need to see more pics. Looks like they changed the sculpt again? Partially open mouthed?
It IS kind of a weird camera angle, though. So it's hard to really get a sense of this from one shot.

Also, I know Viggo doesn't have prominent eyebrows, but this figure doesn't seem to have any. Which I don't think is helping the "tall forehead" look.

Could this be a new version of the second sculpt?
It IS kind of a weird camera angle, though. So it's hard to really get a sense of this from one shot.

Also, I know Viggo doesn't have prominent eyebrows, but this figure doesn't seem to have any. Which I don't think is helping the "tall forehead" look.

Could this be a new version of the second sculpt?

I agree about the eye brows. That would be awesome if it was a new version of the yelling sculpt but it's so different from that one that I don't think that's it. None of the prototype sculpts that I remember had a partially opened mouth. I'm a greedy SOB. I want more pics like now.:impatient:
Definitely a bad photo. It would be great if this is a replacement for the yelling sculpt. Anything would be better than that. I'm betting this looks better than what we see in the picture.
That forehead appears to be getting longer when it should be getting shorter. Hope this isn't the final main sculpt, as its starting to look less and less like him :(
Right? That's why I'm really hoping this is the new version of the secondary head. I was pretty happy with the last version shown of the main sculpt (the one shown on the Sideshow order page). They'd gotten close enough to his likeness for me with that one. Jury's still out on this one until we get more pics, but I hope they're not fiddling with the main head again.