Asmus Toys : Aragorn thread

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The SS one was much closer to Viggo than the Asmus version.

:rotfl Um, ok.
Don't remember Aragorn having a 5 head or curly hair like on the asmus? Funny how you defend an SS product and against another company and your torn to shreds on the forums.
Don't remember Aragorn having a 5 head or curly hair like on the asmus? Funny how you defend an SS product and against another company and your torn to shreds on the forums.
OMG drama much? Torn to shreds? Hey, if I defend Asmus it's not saying much. But when kl241 laughs at your statement, it means a lot as he is probably one of Asmus biggest critics.
OMG drama much? Torn to shreds? Hey, if I defend Asmus it's not saying much. But when kl241 laughs at your statement, it means a lot as he is probably one of Asmus biggest critics.

Bingo. You hit the nail on the head. I'll admit Asmus has improved considerably since their troubled beginnings with Gandalf and their earlier attempts at Aragorn. The latest is certainly an improvement but still leaves something to be desired. I'm quite happy with my ACI, but I just don't see how anyone can look at that horrid turd that Sideshow crapped out and think it is anywhere close to resembling Viggo as Aragorn. :lol
I know I'm just jumping in here, but remember just how bad SS's paint ops were back then.

Here's the same figure with a repaint. Looks pretty damn good to me, the rubber hair notwithstanding, of course.

I have the Sideshow Aragorn and after seeing this i don't know if i want to sell or to repaint it.
I know I'm just jumping in here, but remember just how bad SS's paint ops were back then.

Here's the same figure with a repaint. Looks pretty damn good to me, the rubber hair notwithstanding, of course.


I agree , I need to post pics of mine after the repaint and body swap. The SS paint has a lot to be desired and the original body is good awful but with a repaint and body swap the figure looks pretty good!
I know I'm just jumping in here, but remember just how bad SS's paint ops were back then.

Here's the same figure with a repaint. Looks pretty damn good to me, the rubber hair notwithstanding, of course.


certainly looks better but it's still a terrible likeness.
Haha, agreed. Neither ACI's or Asmus' Aragorns are perfect but they're leagues better than SSC's (and should, given the gap between releases). It's just ridiculous to compare the two, regardless of repaint. Likeness is extremely poor and details are very soft by today's standards, so there's no saving it with a repaint.
ACI's is excellent and very realistic- we'll see what the final Asmus looks like
Here's a question for you guys ...

I'm thinking of trying to sell off all my old Sideshow LOTR figures (not that I expect there to be much of a market for them) ... BUT ... do you think I should hang on to any of them to pick them for parts?

Do you guys think any parts of the Sideshow releases are better than what Asmus is putting out? Like maybe the Lothlorien cloaks?
No clue. Thanks to the fact they were being unloaded by so many and for so cheap at one point, I have at least two of all of them if not three or four. I even gave a set of Strider, Legolas and Boromir to my son and he is only 7. I would check eBay if I were you and see if any are being bid on. My guess is the man-sized figures are probably going for around $35, hobbits and Gandalf might be in a lot higher demand maybe $75-$85? Again those are wild guesses based on infrequent searches on eBay.
Here's a question for you guys ...

I'm thinking of trying to sell off all my old Sideshow LOTR figures (not that I expect there to be much of a market for them) ... BUT ... do you think I should hang on to any of them to pick them for parts?

Do you guys think any parts of the Sideshow releases are better than what Asmus is putting out? Like maybe the Lothlorien cloaks?

For what we can see at the moment, I'll keep the sword+scabbard and the Bree cape. Maybe the elven cloak...
Here's a question for you guys ...

I'm thinking of trying to sell off all my old Sideshow LOTR figures (not that I expect there to be much of a market for them) ... BUT ... do you think I should hang on to any of them to pick them for parts?

Do you guys think any parts of the Sideshow releases are better than what Asmus is putting out? Like maybe the Lothlorien cloaks?

I like the few Sideshow figures I have. The headsculpts and bodies are understandably outdated by today's standard, but I think the clothing and accessories still hold up pretty well. I have a Sideshow Aragorn, Boromir, and Faramir. I upgraded Boromir and Aragorn to Hot Toys bodies and they look much better. I don't recall there being any issues with swapping the clothing/accessories between bodies. Honestly, if there were a third-party company making Aragorn/Strider heads, I would do a head swap and be very happy.