Asmus Toys : Aragorn thread

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chop his head off from the top of the forehead and put the sideshow rubber hair piece on he might look best. that head and hair is all kinds of wrong. im shocked that it made it to the final product. damn
Why is that hair cut like a helmet? Why is the forehead so pointy and tall?


I had really hoped Asmus was going to win this battle given the extra time taken to correct this same issue that's been haunting this figure from day 1. I keep wanting to believe its camera stretch... but it's getting harder to ignore.

IF I get this figure -- and its not looking promising -- I will have to add "hair stands" in front and likely cut a portion off the top of the head.
I wonder if the "hair helmet" can be removed with a little effort and the top of the head sanded down.

I've been all in on the Asmus line so far, but the elongated forehead is a problem fans spotted on day one. The fact that it was never corrected does not bode well.
It is going to have to be done. That AND adding some 'clay hair-strands' around the forehead to help cover any oddity.

I'm fairly confident this head can be saved and be quite nice ... BUT only after some substantial work. Which is unfortunate.

I wonder if the 2nd head fairs any better? Be funny if the silly screaming head ended up being the better one now.
The face is actually better than I was hoping. Forehead is definitely too high though. Kind of disconcerting knowing that Asmus heard from day 1 that it was too high and didn't change it. I am still getting it and I think it will be a relatively easy mod to make but it should have been taken care of.
The more I look at it the more I don't think it's the forehead being too high. I think the hair is too high on the scalp. In this picture Viggos eyes are spaced about halfway down his face just like the sculpt but the hairline is noticeably different.


George is this even the same sculpt that is shown on the Asmus website?
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Well I am still getting it. Every single one has looked a lot better in hand to me so if this holds true maybe it won't look so cone-ish in person.

Overall it looks really good though.