Asmus Toys : Aragorn thread

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Asmus have been told to fix the cone head from day one as has been said already, it was avoidable and fixable but they didnt listen. Is this gonna be another replacement head situation again?
Aragon comp2.JPG

Hmm, I thought he looked pretty cone head as well. But, after superimposing a photo over the figure, the dimensions do not look as far off. I think the sculpted hair throws it off from photographs where the hair has more body.
The more I look at it the more I don't think it's the forehead being too high. I think the hair is too high on the scalp. In this picture Viggos eyes are spaced about halfway down his face just like the sculpt but the hairline is noticeably different.

View attachment 217618

George is this even the same sculpt that is shown on the Asmus website?

I think you're correct. The hair piece is sitting too high on the headsculpt. The headsculpt itself has the beginnings of a hairline molded on to it. If the hairpiece portion is lowered to where the sculpted hairline is, it looks a lot better.

Asmus Aragorn2.jpg
Asmus Aragorn3.jpg
All these comps are great but we're still left with sanding down the headsculpt. Can't just pull down the hair.

Perhaps someone talented in sculpting could make an "attachment" to go into the widow's peak and lower the hairline. I may try that first, though I'm far from a good sculptor.
I think you're correct. The hair piece is sitting too high on the headsculpt. The headsculpt itself has the beginnings of a hairline molded on to it. If the hairpiece portion is lowered to where the sculpted hairline is, it looks a lot better.

View attachment 217662
View attachment 217663

So close and yet so's frustrating because this was pointed out from the very beginning. Every photo Asmus shared since that first photo it has been pointed out that the hairline is too high or that the forehead looks too long. I suppose I'll wait till it arrives and see what I think of it in person before I decide to keep or sell. I'm more than happy with my ACI version.
I don't get why they keep posting unflattering photos of their work 😂 buy a half decent camera and put the figure under better lighting and they won't have to hear us complain as much.
Still not a huge fan of the sculpt but it looks MUCH better from that angle.
Sculpt looks good to me in that photo.

But beyond that, if I was a betting man, I'd say Aragorn and Thor are about to crush the Stormtrooper and the anime guy in that pick-up basketball game. They look like they have a serious height advantage.
The head shown in these latest photoshoots dont show the top of the head, thats the greater issue. The forehead is off only by about 2mm, but a good amount of shadow will reduce that.
Anyway i still have the figure coming, once its in my hands everything will be fine
Asmus said it's been released. I take that to mean they have left the factory and they're on their way to distributors.