Asmus Toys : Gandalf the Grey

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I think that's a little dramatic. Do I like this headsculpt? Unfortunately no not really, but I know Asmus can produce great headsculpts. The first Gandalf looked amazing, Saruman is one of my favourite figures of the year.
Even 'the big guys' screw up headsculpts all the time. Hot Toys as the biggest producer for example, their Doc Brown reveal head is very sub-par (really hoping it improves as I want to get it!) or Pepper Potts (looks like a dude).
If you want to be a pianist, you need to practice not give up.
The previous head is swapped because we want to do a "Hobbit" Gandalf rather than "LOTR" Gandalf,
it is a closer released film to the present, and it would be an adequate impression to the recent publicity.

That's why we also added the scarf, an extra Hobbit staff and blue stripes on the sleeves..etc.
All to match his design in "The Hobbit"

Well, what I think is a shame, is that Asmus promised before to gather feedback from the costumers, and it everyone loved the first sculpt.
Gandalf is being sold as "The Two Towers" , so why go with an older Ian Mckellen? I bought this figure, and I'll try to fuzz with it, customize it, I'm sure it has potential, but the first sculpt was perfect. It would be a shame to let that go to waste.
Gandalf wasn't older in the hobbit, he was younger, its just the actor, who aged, and the fans prefer the original trilogy

I have Saruman, Guritz, Gothmog, Nazgul+Steed, Witch King, and I managed to get a Asmus aragorn sculpt , I think Asmus has delivered great figures, with lots of potential, but with Gandalf, the issue to me is, that we had a superior sculpt before, and then it was dropped without any input from us :( And that is something Asmus promised a while ago.
Having said that, Gandalf's gear , his hands, everything else is great.
The previous head is swapped because we want to do a "Hobbit" Gandalf rather than "LOTR" Gandalf,
it is a closer released film to the present, and it would be an adequate impression to the recent publicity.

That's why we also added the scarf, an extra Hobbit staff and blue stripes on the sleeves..etc.
All to match his design in "The Hobbit"

Back to the elephant in the room...Why was the product advertised then (and still is) as a LOTR Gandalf and not a Hobbit one? The difference is quite clear in your website between the two lines:



And people pre-ordered the figure and sent a money deposit based on that information, that has turned out to be incorrect.
Back to the elephant in the room...

And people pre-ordered the figure and sent a money deposit based on that information, that has turned out to be incorrect.

This was the point I was trying to make. If you are marketing it as LOTR Gandalf, and THEN say the head is based off of the Hobbit, and the other (clearly better) sculpt is LOTR based, why switch it out? It is somewhat false advertising and it really does seem a lot of people here want that other sculpt.
If Asmus decides to release a LOTR Gandalf head sculpt, I would definitely go buy this right now, and just keep it packaged until the new sculpt was ready and arrived. I think that would be the best possible solution here. As has been stated, they made it sound like this was going to be a LOTR, not a Hobbit product.

I am a massive LOTR fan and looked forward to doing the entire Fellowship, plus Eomer, Eowyn, Faramir and (hopefully) Haldir. That's a ton of money to invest in a line. I wouldn't be comfortable spending all of that money if the sculpts didn't look like they were from the movies they are based off of. If they were book characters that's one thing, but this Gandalf was supposed to look like Ian McKellan in Lord of the Rings.

I love that Asmus is listening to us, and I hate all of the negative feedback they are getting between here and Facebook, but this product just did not meet expectations. If I only could have bought one figure this year, this would have been it until two days ago.
Back to the elephant in the room...Why was the product advertised then (and still is) as a LOTR Gandalf and not a Hobbit one? The difference is quite clear in your website between the two lines:



And people pre-ordered the figure and sent a money deposit based on that information, that has turned out to be incorrect.

This is something I have been posting about forever. He has the Lord of the Rings trademarks, but his item code is HOBT-04 or something like that. Ever since I saw the item code, I knew they were making a Hobbit Figure. I think this is great for what it is. That being said, I want a Lord of the Rings version. I have this pre-ordered and I will keep it, but only because of how great Asmus has been to the collectors. I believe that they will eventually listen to us and release a Fellowship Gandalf the Grey head sculpt.
I think the latest one is okay with some futzing and eyebrow repainting, however still hoping to see the original one offered for GTW.
I think the latest one is okay with some futzing and eyebrow repainting, however still hoping to see the original one offered for GTW.

The problem is, not all of us are good with futzing and repainting. I'd probably just butcher the face if I tried to fix it up at all, so I'd definitely need a proper LOTR sculpt to be satisfied with the figure.
OH man I really don't care hobbit vs LOTR, yes LOTR was a much better trilogy but does it really matter? Like some one said above the preorder pictures reflected the final look of the figure and from the latest pics I've seen this figure turned out great. It's not like if you placed this Gandalf with your other LOTR figures people would say "who's that?" if you're a LOTR fan and a figure collector I can't see why you wouldn't want this figure
Still no decent pics of him wearing the hat:dunno

The way this is shaping up: tons of lotr fans pass on this and wait for a figure that never comes
I posted them silly.... They are on the Asmus site on FB. They are from a group called Siuping Cinematic Figure Club.

No, I know, but I was looking for more and I couldn't find them. Thank you.

Some with the hat...



Incidentally, regarding whether this is HOBBIT or LOTR... there is the base that is listed as:

One interactive custom base of the broken bridge in Moira

If that helps anyone.

One Gandalf to rule them all. :)
No, I know, but I was looking for more and I couldn't find them. Thank you.

Some with the hat...

View attachment 281340

View attachment 281341

Incidentally, regarding whether this is HOBBIT or LOTR... there is the base that is listed as:

One interactive custom base of the broken bridge in Moira

If that helps anyone.

One Gandalf to rule them all. :)

Seems like they are trying to cover all their bases with one figure.
The hat might have to stay on, the hairline is a bit disturbing...
Kind of looks like the hair is coming our from behind some sort of forehead prosthetic like bad Klingon makeup.