You shall not pass!!!!!!![]()
The hat might have to stay on, the hairline is a bit disturbing...
View attachment 281343
Kind of looks like the hair is coming our from behind some sort of forehead prosthetic like bad Klingon makeup.
Is the hair coming out of the back of his face??
We have a guest from HT. literally can not display this in any other fashion except for head on, unless he is wearing his hat.
I for one don't like complaining and really want this figure to be great and give asmus praise for making us LOTR figures, but I just want to show the journey of this figures head sculpt and personally nothing has gone in the right direction. The original head sculpt is perfect, unfortunately between the preorder head sculpt and the final there are noticeable changes (bigger noise, mouth, hair colour, dead eyes...)
The first head sculpt needs to be sold separately, and personally if there is no announcement on this before asmus request the final payment preorders will be canceled
View attachment 281282
See this is why I am not sold on rooted hair being better than sculpted. Sometimes it works but it still seems to be too risky. In some angles Saruman's rooted hair looks great but in others he is balding. I have a feeling Gandalf will be similar. And it is not just an Asmus thing ACI had that problem with Aragorn's hair looking good sometimes and really bad other times.
OH man I really don't care hobbit vs LOTR, yes LOTR was a much better trilogy but does it really matter? Like some one said above the preorder pictures reflected the final look of the figure and from the latest pics I've seen this figure turned out great. It's not like if you placed this Gandalf with your other LOTR figures people would say "who's that?" if you're a LOTR fan and a figure collector I can't see why you wouldn't want this figure
Incidentally, regarding whether this is HOBBIT or LOTR... there is the base that is listed as:
One interactive custom base of the broken bridge in Moira
If that helps anyone.
One Gandalf to rule them all.
Asmus has come a long way and I've seen it even in the beginning with my complaints when I got Gandalf The White in. I'm impressed by them being here taking the comments and trying to improve. I give them a A just for that. It shows they care for sure.