Yeah, I could see maybe getting one generic figure to represent each group. I wouldn't want a huge crowd of figures, but one figure per army, fully kitted out with all the armor and weapon options would be very cool.
Whoever that is with Merry and Pippin seems to have a staff of some sort. I thought maybe Thranduil? But I think all of his outfits are ankle-length. Or is that a bow?
That's definitely silver armor on that forearm, though. ROTK Faramir?
Hmm ... That's a puzzler...
View attachment 209581
Pretty sure Gil-Glad has a blue cape, silver armor, and a spear like weapon. Just a guess though.
View attachment 209583
Comparing this pic though to the other I can't say I see the weapon curve at all like the still from the movie.
I dig the Hobbits and Gandalf. But dang, Aragorn still looks terrible to me.