I'm glad that Ubisoft stuck with Ezio and his story through three different games. Some players might be burnt out but persoanlly I really feel like we've been part of watching Ezio grow and develop throughout the three games. We've seen him as a young, arrogant young aristocrat teen who goes through a tragedy (similar to Batman huh?) and evolve from a junior assassin to a master and everything in between.
Similar to how Ubisoft did with Altair and the original Assassin's Creed. They finally have grown and developed with each passing game and learned the pace and style that they want for this series.
I almost DO NOT WANT to have a Desmond Miles' Assassin's Creed game because I love how the series is somewhat of a "period piece". Never have I see a game that has made the Renaissance period and its history be "cool". All odds seem to point that after Ezio that we will get the title with Desmond as the main character, but I wouldn't mind seeing another couple games that take place during other periods of time. What about World War 1 Assassins? Or the dawn of the Industrial Age (Victorian/Imperial)?
I'm psyched for Revelations...so much to play this season!