Sounds like another Les Walker, just without the drama and excuses. I paid for the Summer Glau heads and for the painting of them as well. You know what this place needs are some rules for the customizers. Sure ask for feedback, but no selling or pre-selling until the products are ready to be shipped.
Not at all. Les has ALWAYS been forthcoming and honest about his delays AND his work is among the best you can get.
This thread is pure comedic gold.
C.Howes=Melvin Pelyayo
Hmmmm, have they ever been seen together?

Chris has replied. He has stated that he is overloaded with personal work. He also stated he would be getting back to the work here as soon as he can and some projects will be shipping in the near future. Now would be the time to be fair and give him the same benefit of the doubt that other artists have received, even though they have had outstanding work hanging around for twice as long as Chris.
From reading thru the posts in this thread, those "promises" have been made in the past only to result in never coming and things like this thread being started.
Wouldn't it have been a good time to actually post an update of some kind? Not an update of words but some pix for the people waiting?
It might be interesting to note that the Howes "updates" and pix of the WIP Trek heads came out of nowhere only after I posted that the SFM heads would be available and then Spenser posting his Trek and Nanjin even had a photo or two of his Trek put in the thread. Coincidence? Possibly, just weird that after a long dry spell in that thread some Trek competition got something posted.
Personally, I have no money vested in him as I've never been impressed with anything of his that I've seen. I
did have interest in several of his commissions, had, once they were done, borne a decent resemblence to the character in question.
And regarding the earlier post referencing Andgor and their customers. To the best of my knowledge (and I was among the involved with them) and according to the BBB in FLA Sam never fully delivered to ALL of his customers.
And, just out of curiosity, has anyone else ever posted their email address on this or any other forum? I know I have. Been doing it for years. Russian spammers to date - ZERO.
Maybe I'm just lucky.