Like seriously who does that….
That explains JAWS’s feelings on T2…
Here is JAWS at the start of the 3rd act…
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And karamazov making his way to the door as the X-Wings arrive at Scarif:

Like seriously who does that….
That explains JAWS’s feelings on T2…
Here is JAWS at the start of the 3rd act…
View attachment 614180
Jason X for me. It was just so, so bad, lol.Superman 4 for me.
I was ashamed.
I was depressed.
I was hungry.
Holy crap I just burst out lolz next to my boss lolz
And karamazov making his way to the door as the X-Wings arrive at Scarif:
Why I oughta....Khev really really really likes new movies.
have gotten pretty good at pre-selecting movies that I am very likely to enjoy.
Totally. I still keep a log of every movie I see on the big screen and it looks like 2017 was the last hurrah of that kind of "go see everything" mentality. I saw 21 different films at the theater that year, including random stuff like "I, Tonya", "Ladybird", "A Ghost Story", etc. But those days are probably gone for good.I think a lot of people are doing that now. Years ago, I'd see a movie I knew I was likely not going to like just to have something to do. Saw a lot of bad 90s and 00s movies that way. But it was a cheap diversion to spend time with friends and there was always the trailers.
Sad but true. My most anticipated films right now are all a full 1-2 years away:But particularly in this time, with movie costs and giant TVs at home, I really don't set out to the movies unless I believe its really my cup of tea and needs to be seen on a giant screen with idiots checking their cellphones. Maverick was the last so urge. I saw the last Bond which I didn't enjoy and I'll see Indy 5 which I'm certain not to enjoy, but that's Bond and Indy, that's my childhood.
Now I can't even tell you what movie I'm looking forward to anymore like I used to. I used to know a year or more in advance what movie I wanted to see in the summer of blah-blah. That time, and good times they were, has passed.
Dune Part Two (late 2023)
Furiosa starring Anya Taylor-Joy (2024)
Someone mentioned trailers so I thought I would drop this here. I love and hate this. Love that Marvel might not be able to do their shenanigans anymore but hate we won’t get great teasers anymore (although they have mostly gone away anyway).
Studios can easily just have small text at the bottom of the screen that says "scenes in trailer may not appear in the final film" or whatever and then just keep doing what they've been doing which wouldn't be too different than the "this film has not yet been rated" disclaimer.Someone mentioned trailers so I thought I would drop this here. I love and hate this. Love that Marvel might not be able to do their shenanigans anymore but hate we won’t get great teasers anymore (although they have mostly gone away anyway).
Like the T-Rex stomping around the Drive-In theater which was a better sequence than anything that actually did appear in Dominion. The tire flying through the windshield in Twister was memorable for being the biggest wow moment of the trailer and then never appearing in the finished film. I remember one of the TV spots for T2 showing Reese telling Sarah that she's got to save their son which totally had me thinking that the "good" shape-changing Terminator was going to take Reese's form. Quite the bait and switch there, especially since I was wrongly assuming Arnold to be the villain again from the get go.If a particular angle of a high speed chase didn't make the final cut that's one thing, but if the trailer emphasizes a major car chase and then that car chase doesn't appear in the film at all, I can see that being a problem for audiences. Especially if it was the only car chase.
Using Indy 5 as an example, what if that whole NY parade sequence just never appeared in the movie? For me, that's probably a good thing, but fans of parades could be triggered.
I know right. Let's just sue any movie that doesn't include her whether she's advertised or not, lol.I just want all films to have Ana De Armas