Guys and gals, ughh Hot Toys
I noticed this right away when announced but I?ve kept my whining mouth shut until now since I?ve had the regular Mk. LXXXV for a couple weeks messing around posing and swapping in some Mk. L parts and accessories. It?s great that the colors match to my eyes and light (even during the day) even though some things are completely different sculpts (I?m looking at you accessory holding hands o_o)! Considering the ridiculously expensive price for the BD Mk. LXXXV, they should be including a pair of the soft plastic/vinyl open fists that came with the Mk. L accessory pack so that the figure can hold onto the energy blade and the holo shield SECURELY. I decided to rock this pose long term for my shelf until the BD Mk. LXXXV arrives where I know I?ll swap some parts around (most likely the regular rocking the holo shield and the energy blade):

And if you notice his left hand, it?s the Mk. L accessory pack open fist soft plastic/vinyl left hand for securely holding onto weapons like the energy blade and shields. For an extra $23 USD extra over the standard Mk. LXXXV, I?d think an extra pair of the proper vinyl hands to securely hold onto the included accessories would not be too much of an ask. Sure, it could be kinda argued that the BD Mk. LXXXV as shown is priced accordingly when comparing it to the other figures in the catalog, even directly to the standard Mk. LXXXV, Rescue, Mk. VII diecast, Mk. L and Mysterio?s IM Illusion but in the quantities this will be produced, I?d guess the cost per vinyl hand can?t be more than $1-$2 each! Lastly, breaking it down, sure, it comes with 2 extra/unique hands with nicely engineered light piping (if the relaxed and gestured/snapping hands) are as well done as the articulated one that comes with both versions of the Mk. LXXXV. It is honestly their best light piped small accessory they have made to date as only the bigger Mind Stone seems just a minor shade darker than the other 5 and barely noticeable In my opinion. So including R&D costs, let?s be nice and say $5 each for a $10 total which still leaves $13 over the standard. Also, I would bet that the materials and paint used for the 2 claw blasters, energy blade and translucent holo shield are either equal or less than the total materials and paint used for the lightning refocuser. Sure the claw blasters each lave LEDs and wires but all 4 pieces are molds repurposed from the Mk. L and accessory pack plus the holo shield has minimal to no paint whatsoever.

So accessory for accessory I still believe that the absolute most has gone into the 2 unique Nano Gauntlet hands as the articulated 3rd one was also used in the standard Mk. LXXXV which would be +$10 Max. And the 2 claw blasters + energy blade + translucent (not unique molds) = lightning refocuser (the thing is massive and heavy). The only thing that I would possibly attribute the last $13 extra would be the LED ?veins? in the BD right forearm which still seems a bit too high so include the switchover to painting the grimy, gunmetal, gross BD gashes throughout the rest of the ?modified? sculpted parts on the armor. One thing that I do know for certain is that the cost associated with modifying existing molds to having BD scars is mostly is paint as the mold is already done and most good companies with even minor experience can add the BD in half a day but it is mostly the paint application that ?sells? the look.

Sorry, that was a really long ramble of me trying to vent AGAIN about yet another shortcut/rip-off/bait-and-switch which again is minor like usual but first hand (lol, pun not intended) account I will tell you that the articulated hands can hold the energy sword, the Mk. L shield has clamps but the holo shield doesn?t appear to have 2, only 1 so far, but even the energy sword in the articulated hand is not secure. And I?ll remind any seasoned HT IM collector how the more you pose those teeny, tiny, little joints, the less stiff they stay (which sometimes can be even a single bend, sometimes you never feel them go loose and if you know, you know that even sometimes there is a loose finger right out of the box). So honestly, my recommendation for anyone planning on posing the HT BD/Reg. IM Mk. LXXXV with the energy sword and/or the holo shield should try right now to find the parted out soft plastic/vinyl open fists included with the Mk. L accessory pack. Toy Anxiety sells those pieces FIRST, which makes sense as it seems people are gearing up now that the Mk. LXXXV is out. Obviously I?d recommend trying everywhere like Monkey Depot and the eBay too but check often and order right away.