Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)
Boy, someone who took the time to figure all that out must have a lot of free time on their hands
I read an article where some mathmatician calculated the accident related deaths that would be attributable to The Snap. It was something along the lines of 1.2 million deaths from transportation related accidents alone. More due to infrastructure collapse of clean water, power, and food when half the people supporting those industries disappear and the other half are in mourning.
But where the real disaster would come is after the 2nd snap that brought everyone back to life. After 5 years resource production would probably start to stabilize again to adjust for there only being 3.8 billion people left alive. Suddenly there are twice as many people on earth as there are resources to support them.
Boy, someone who took the time to figure all that out must have a lot of free time on their hands