Avengers: Endgame

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Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Even Spidey’s “activate instant kill” was a call back to his movie where Stark tech was very alien to him but like you said there are others but right now I just want to give a response to the overall meaning of your post.

You nailed it perfectly.

They had the confidence and the balls to call it End Game there is nothing that I can add to that.

Lets say that the OT were what they are but the PT were actually good and TFA/TLJ were great and IX was an amazing landing and Lucas was still fully in charge of his series and he had attached The Rise of Skywalker title to IX as early back as the PT it would be mind blowing would it not!

That’s just 9 movies, Marvel pulled that off with 22 freaking movies!!!! :thud:

Yeah your example, it’s like that, I told you that you nailed it lol

Otomofan said “meh, MASH, Sienfeld and Friends” pulled it off lol

Anyways yeah great post dude! :duff:

Your post is WHY having a no Hulk rage moment in EG is really only a mild disappointment vs a series killing event because even Hulk had his moments to shine within the entire series of events it’s not like he never had any I mean just look what you posted about Hulk’s purpose!

It could’ve been:

“Avengers Assemble!”
“Avengers Attack!”
“Avengers Aquaman LOL!”

It doesn’t matter because what makes it epic is that it’s the central character center screen simultaneously interacting with all the good characters in a humongous message of unity, hope and survival!

“On your Left” is a small yet touching personal interaction (banter really) between just 2 characters and the dialogue eminating from a secondary character not even in view yet!

Will you please tell them Khev lol

I loved the Avengers Assemble tribute.....you knew it was coming of course , but that was the point.....they were all finally there, together .....

The only line I would have considered a cool alternative would have been...


Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

The more I think about it, it's becoming apparent that the Russos were the wrong choice to direct this movie, as they worshipped Cap a bit too much. What was needed was a director who didn't view him through rose colored glasses, but rather someone who would deconstruct him and creatively explore his character and show us what really made him tick. You know, someone like........

Shane Black.



People give KK a hard time over hiring RJ but at least he had Looper which was clever and cool, how in the hell did Feige have any idea what the Russos were capable of after a few episodes of Arrested Development and "You, Me and Dupree"???

Would we have gotten the America Protocols with all of the uniforms from the comics. I would love to see a screen version of the USAgent uniform. Capwolf could be epic. :rotfl

Cap wearing his "The Captain" attire in IW would have been the sweetest of icing on the cake for me.

Man I get that Cap is like Superman in EG so that is going to give you some bias but I am shocked to see this in your "cream of the crop" list above TWS and CW which were IMO far better films then EG.

Even if Hulk got to shine like Cap did in the last 30 I don't think I could put this in "Cream of the Crop"

But that is my issues with the time travel plot line which was silly and boring to me. But if you like it... I... guess.... I can see this on you list :lol

Well it's my list so of course it will reflect my biases/preferences. ;) Lots of ALIEN fans would disagree with me putting ALIENS above it and so I'm fine if you think IW, TWS, or what have you was better than AEG. In fact it makes me smile to see that we're debating about which of the awesome *Captain America* movies is really the best. ;) Unthinkable in the direct to TV/video Reb Brown/Matt Salinger days! :thud:

I know you'd put JAWS and Raiders and other films above some of my favorites just like AFI snobs would think we're all crazy for not having Citizen Kane, Godfather, GWTW, Lawrence of Arabia and all that at the top, lol.

As much as I was disappointed by EG with its time travel plot and pacing and being extremely frustrated by what they did with Hulk, EG is still a good movie.

Its true Marvel did not really make a "Bad" movie. Not in a Batman and Robin way.

IMO AOU is not in anyway shape or form a good movie. But its not Batman and Robin bad..

Now I am not sure that that is a fair way to ***** it.. I mean if I go by that logic then the Transformers have never made a "bad" movie.

But even if you do say that AOU was bad it has some good moments and its made well.

The level of consistency for these films is amazing. How did Marvel do it? Casting and caring about their characters.

The fact that they nailed pretty much every role and made them all likable really helped take some films like Thor 2, IM2 and 3 and still make them watchable and somewhat fun.

Then Marvel makes a move that is either brilliant or lucky... They fall on a couple comedy directors who just happen to be made for this..

IMO the Russo's saved a series that was not really in need of saving but could have gone down hill if not for their talents. They took the least powered Marvel Hero and made him a fan fav. They made you feel like our hero's could die. They juggled tons of characters and made them all interesting.

Imagine if Joss Whedon had been asked to make WS, and CW.. I am sure the films would have still been successful but would they be the films they are? And because of that success maybe he is asked to make IW and EG..

Well at least Hulk would have got more to do but the quality would have suffered IMO.. Granted I love the original Avengers. It's my fav Marvel movie.. But after AOU and JL (though it not all his fault) I just don't see any of those films being the same level of film making.

But what really amazing is that this is not over.. Maybe for some of our hero's but if Spider-man is good to great then its 23 movies in a row.. and who knows how long that steak keeps going.

It continues to boggle the mind and you're right the streak could just keep going indefinitely. Isn't SMFFH being billed as a Phase III epilogue as opposed to the beginning of Phase IV?
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

I have to admit.. Watching EG was like watching Fan fiction..

Are we sure Khev did not right and direct the film?


:lol :lol

In my wildest dreams I thought that the most I could hope for in AEG was a touching reconciliation between Cap and Stark, an epic moment when he gets his original shield back, and then a cool death. I figured his battlefield heroics would otherwise be pretty much what we saw in IW. Boy was I wrong, lol.

They never beat IW Thanos. In a way, the Russo bro made sure to preserve that film and that Thanos' victory intact. Ultimately, the Avengers undid the damage, but only by beating an alternate Thanos.

Yep very true and in a way even though they undid the sheer scale of original Thanos' victory it still feels like defeating 2014 Thanos came at an even greater cost. Such brilliant ways to legitimize the threats in both films (and as we keep saying repercussions from previous films too like Utlron, Zemo, etc.)
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

I'd rather not. :slap

Joss is a fun director but he's kind of one-note, IMO.

I re-watched parts of Civil War last night and it's shockingly good. The action is brutal and grounded -- we get to see what some of these characters can really do. Bucky, Cap and Widow are all stand-outs along with Black Panther.

It may even be a technically better film than Endgame yet ... overall not as emotionally satisfying.

It think Whedon exhausted everything that he was capable of bringing to the table with TA and AOU. You can even argue that he was wearing out his welcome for parts of AOU. Thank God he was cut loose after that (sorry WB, lol.)

I can't help but hear a lot of Buffy zingers when I see a Joss Whedon movie.

The Russos though, for two guys who look like they should be running a pizza joint, they sure know how to make a movie.

:lol :lol

They’re like deceptively paunchy and comedic dudes who turn out to be deadly Kung Fu masters.

:lol :lol

Even Spidey’s “activate instant kill” was a call back to his movie where Stark tech was very alien to him

Yep very true and on the one hand it was totally logical and organic for Tony to include such a mode in Peter's suit since just a few years prior New York was crawling with Chitauri but then we get the ultimate payoff when Spidey is surrounded by aliens in AEG.

jye4ever said:
now I just want to give a response to the overall meaning of your post.

You nailed it perfectly.


AA will never be touched ever again!

How can it. I still can't believe that not one person in my sold out opening night audience finished his sentence after the long pause. Every man, woman, and child knew what he was about to say but was on the edge of their seat waiting for HIM to say it the first time. And then the freaking eruption of cheers when he did. I can't imagine how it can possibly ever be topped. :yess:
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Well it's my list so of course it will reflect my biases/preferences. ;) Lots of ALIEN fans would disagree with me putting ALIENS above it and so I'm fine if you think IW, TWS, or what have you was better than AEG. In fact it makes me smile to see that we're debating about which of the awesome *Captain America* movies is really the best. ;) Unthinkable in the direct to TV/video Reb Brown/Matt Salinger days! :thud:

I know you'd put JAWS and Raiders and other films above some of my favorites just like AFI snobs would think we're all crazy for not having Citizen Kane, Godfather, GWTW, Lawrence of Arabia and all that at the top, lol.

I understand that lists are list my good friend.. I did not mean to come across as telling you what should be on the list (I did that for Jye :lol ) I would never argue about what would should be on your list.. I guess I was rather surprised that EG was there before some of the others.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

You know maybe the Russo's did know what they were doing with Hulk and Thor.. After all if they were both in their full power state they both could have taken out Thanos' army by themselves and let the rest of the MCU deal Thanos.. Hell Through Captain Marvel in there and they don't even need the rest of the MCU

;) ;)
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

It continues to boggle the mind and you're right the streak could just keep going indefinitely. Isn't SMFFH being billed as a Phase III epilogue as opposed to the beginning of Phase IV?

SMFFH is the final film of phase 3 and the Infinity Saga.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

:lol :lol

In my wildest dreams I thought that the most I could hope for in AEG was a touching reconciliation between Cap and Stark, an epic moment when he gets his original shield back, and then a cool death. I figured his battlefield heroics would otherwise be pretty much what we saw in IW. Boy was I wrong, lol.

For me it was a bit of a surprise - tho with the Russos maybe not - that it kinda takes a while for Tony and Cap to warm up/relax with each other. I don't think that really happens until Tony asks if Cap trusts him.

I mean in the sense of the Russos keeping it real vs. what Tumblr would wanna see. E.g. there's no tear-filled reunion in CW between Bucky and Cap; *realistically* Bucky is wary/not 100% and Cap kinda knows it's Bucky/not Bucky. And then, by EG Cap's toughened up a lot I think; but Tony and Cap are trying.

To me that's genius and mercifully perfect and real; just got a bit startled as I was idly expecting something else in EG. Maybe Tony saying "look, I was with Nebula blah blah and I see what can be done to someone, tho you're still a *&^% for not telling me" etc. I dunno. I think the Russos are right maybe *realistically* some stuff is too hard to talk about, maybe for a good while, and NOT when you have a job to do.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

For me it was a bit of a surprise - tho with the Russos maybe not - that it kinda takes a while for Tony and Cap to warm up/relax with each other. I don't think that really happens until Tony asks if Cap trusts him.

I mean in the sense of the Russos keeping it real vs. what Tumblr would wanna see. E.g. there's no tear-filled reunion in CW between Bucky and Cap; *realistically* Bucky is wary/not 100% and Cap kinda knows it's Bucky/not Bucky. And then, by EG Cap's toughened up a lot I think; but Tony and Cap are trying.

To me that's genius and mercifully perfect and real; just got a bit startled as I was idly expecting something else in EG. Maybe Tony saying "look, I was with Nebula blah blah and I see what can be done to someone, tho you're still a *&^% for not telling me" etc. I dunno. I think the Russos are right maybe *realistically* some stuff is too hard to talk about, maybe for a good while, and NOT when you have a job to do.

Wow, perfectly put, totally agree.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Off topic, but I would just like to add that I actually really like the score for this film. I’ve never really cared too much for the scores in MCU films and thought the DCEU had them miles beat in that regard, but this one I personally think is the best of the MCU films.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Don't forget the other films I added and removed.. Man that list was whacked Jye. :lol ;) ;)

Opps that’s right JAWS the movie (vs JAWS the you lol) , sorry. :slap

But my list had all 3 LOTR!

I might even add Close Encounters lol
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Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Spoiler was more entertaining for some reason. This is a great movie but seems like recent GOT episode but more characters. A good wrap up to previous movie with the time heist thingy. Thought Capt, Thor and more dies for some reason but no, only a couple. And true to the comics, they don't really die. 9/10.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Hey Joaquin Phoenix what are your thoughts on passing up on the Dr. Strange role that Marvel had begged you to do?

Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Hey Joaquin Phoenix what are your thoughts on passing up on the Dr. Strange role that Marvel had begged you to do?

View attachment 452594

Wow yeah Cumberbatch is so perfect as Strange I'm shocked that he wasn't their first choice. Then there's Rachel McAdams who passed on Pepper Potts but then came crawling back to be Strange's love interest, lol. She could have been blasting aliens in the biggest film of all time!
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Cumberbatch looked unwell in a red carpet interview I saw for this. Hope he's just doing 'a Christian Bale' for a role.

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