Agree with both comments
Of course I'm not certain IW solves your Hulk problem too much -- but at least there is the promise of Hulk... and he isn't a Prof.
Agree with both comments
Holy S### the clarity transfer and colors on the 4K is phenomenal on this
This has to be enhanced more than your typical 4K blu ray
The final battle is so bright and sparkling clear ..did anyone else notice this
It?s like Disney said we are going to show you why this film beat Avatar![]()
The new server seems to automatically log me out every 10 seconds (which is really annoying when I'm in the middle of writing a post).
Watched this again last night..
I know I have said it before and the jokes have been plentiful.. But that final battle just feels like such a major piece is missing by not really having the Hulk there. I don't even need a huge hulk moment but just know that he is really there. Give him a Pepper Pots moment at least. One of the original Avengers was about as useful as a Dead Black Widow was.
The big three vs Thanos feels off also.. I know I come at this as a Hulk fan but man even if it was professor Hulk it would have felt more fitting.. I mean they basically moved him to Hawkeye and Black Widow status were he is an Avenger... But.. Not really.
Now as a Hulk fan it really hurts my enjoyment and just makes the whole ending feel out of balance. Russo's obviously know nothing about the Hulk or his fans. What really sucks is how it affects my enjoyment of Cap... I love Cap in all the other movies.. But because they screwed Hulk and made comic porn for Cap, it makes me resentful of the character... Russo's Suck![]()
Does not help that I don't think the rest of the film is very god either.. What should have been easily my fav movie of the year has already been topped by several other films this summer![]()
I was hoping my 4K Blu Ray experience would be better.![]()
BTW... at the 9:15 mark.. Its the worst CGI ever done for Hulk
I'm not having that issue, but I still can't get into this section of the forum ... and only this section. When I click on it, it just reloads the main screen again. I can get into an individual thread (the most recent one posted in) in the Movies section, but that's it. It's somewhat frustrating, because I definitely spend my most time on the forum in here. Oh well. Hopefully it'll get fixed over the weekend.
I think Wor-Gar is also wrong
EG is certainly not being erased by IW as both are complimenting each other to perfection as ESB does SW and in the long run both will culturally survive.
Of course I'm not certain IW solves your Hulk problem too much -- but at least there is the promise of Hulk... and he isn't a Prof.
I?m having the complete opposite effect then Jaws because as a huge Hulk fan myself who initially suffered greatly with what I thought his arc was leading up to I have to say that EG is just as impactful as IW because it?s different in the way it needs to be than IW.
The fact that I love EG despite it not giving me the Hulk arc I thought I needed is a testament to how good EG actually is.
I still had epic character arc conclusions with 4 other OG characters and Khev?s defense of Hulk?s arc actually makes that a solid 5 arcs completed for me.
If anything I think Wor-Gar is also wrong because EG is certainly not being erased by IW as both are complimenting each other to perfection as ESB does SW and in the long run both will culturally survive.
Wor-Gar is just disgruntled because Raiders doesn?t have its ESB like IW has its EG lol
I?m picking up so much more nuances on home viewing as well i?ll get to those after I poop.
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Not erased, just eclipsed... and I think you're using the wrong comparison -- EG is ROTJ not SW.
Sticky-gooey happy finales always fade with time, their corny schmaltz never finds its un-invested future audience (who are kids that likely start with Endgame and have no 10-year build up)
It's the finale so there will always be an attachment to the wind-up... but I think the fever that it is a perfect movie will cool for sure over time. Even with Khev.
We complain about Disney Star Wars destroying our favorite characters... yet the Disney MCU took out The Incredible Hulk in one of their best movies. Completely eviscerated him... to the cheers of the masses.
Now he's now longer Incredible.... he's just.... The Indelible Hulk.
Avengers Assemble! Quietly... and in single file please.
The real tragedy of Hulk is the fact that the damage was done to him in the two biggest films ever. How does one overcome such irreparable damage to one's reputation and image. Even if they make a new Hulk film and he's an unstoppable monster, that film will never reach the same level of people of IW/ED. A generation will remember Hulk as the foolish coward that thought he could beat Thanos, only to be embarrassed, and retreat in fear forever. People will think of him as the guy who was one shot by the bald ancient lady. What's so incredible about him? He now wears glasses and looks like a hipster dork. I see those everyday. He ain't even the only green person anymore in the MCU, and certainly not the strongest there is anymore. "We have a Hulk" meant something. It meant infinite power and an unstoppable force.Now, in the biggest film ever, it just means an infinite amount of tacos from a green guy that acts like Rex from Toy Story. Even Hopeman and the embarrassing treatment of Batflleck in JL aren't as bad because that film bombed. Hulk will forever be a joke in the biggest movie franchise ever and the biggest film in movie history.
I totally agree with his take that it simply isn't a straight-up action film and is instead more of a character based drama. I'm trying to think of other genre films that take that approach. Heat comes to mind. It's a crime movie sure, but you really take a deep dive into many of the characters themselves with that one explosive shootout at the end. The shootout itself is legendary and the part that the most of the film builds to and yet nobody turns on Heat and then just skips to the shootout. No way, you go through the preceding drama each and every time first.
I have no problem at all with EG not being wall to wall action. I think I've seen it five times now and the diner with Professor Hulk, Cap's support group, Scott hunting for his daughter, the characters brainstorming about time travel; to me it's still every bit as engaging as the first time I saw it. The end battle is just the perpetual icing on the cake.
It's a three hour movie that's relatively light on action where I'm not tempted once to skip a single scene. I can *not* say that for The Dark Knight or any of the TDK trilogy in fact. BB/TDK/TDKR are all good to great films in my mind (even TDKR) but all three have an aspect of "just endure the boredom because you'll eventually be rewarded if you do."
Not so with EG. I love every minute of it.
EG....the movie about suicide lol