Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

The Eternals were the Celestials other attempt at creating life along the Deviants...which are essentially their species cousins. Given that both races sort of “left” Earth long ago, it no longer became their home. They’re technically not human because of their abilities and engineering by the Celestials, even though the Eternals mostly look very human-like.

I suppose also you can argue that since the Celestials “created”them out of proto-humans..they’re not a natural evolution of Earth’s organisms..which we know would eventually become the normal human race without the Celestial tinkering.

But what about the mutants on earth? They are also the product of the Celestial experiments, so they count as humans, even though they have powers like the Eternals who look human, except for Thanos.

Maybe Thanos will talk about his origin in the movie?

Maybe? They won't show it, although it would be nice if they gave people more info about Thanos. The general audience doesn't know anything about him or his intentions. Even we don't know much about THIS version of Thanos (MCU).

From the looks of the trailer, most people probably think it's another invasion movie with another villain who wants to destroy earth.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)


First Avenges is still the best version. He had evil eyes and a comic accurate smirk. Even the armor was simple and nice.

GOTG and AOU are the worst. Bubble gum skin, eyebrows, and a ridiculous over designed armor.

IW is the second best. It looks like Brolin with a big chin. He looks realistic...more...human, but still like an Eternal with a deviant mutation. Can't beat the original though.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Lighting doesn't change his color from purple to virtually pink.

2012 He was perfect.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Nice list. Here's my list.

Allowed to kill:
Black Panther
The black panther crew
Nick fury
War Machine
Luke Cage

DONT kill:

Everyone else




I agree though I wouldn't mind seeing BP and his whole crew die. I really dislike that actor and his inability to do anything but middle distance stares while 'acting.'

Depending what happens to Killmonger, keep him alive.

Dunno why they went backwards in the looks dept. First appearance remains the best. It looked like Thanos! Now he's just big purple Brolin with a big scrotum chin. Removing the striations from his upper lip area and keeping them only at the bottom makes it look odd.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Lighting doesn't change his color from purple to virtually pink.

2012 He was perfect.

Yep, the first version was 10/10 & ironically was the only version that was a blend of practical and CG. It looked real because it was an actor wearing makeup and prosthetics.

They really dropped the ball sense. He looks completely fake in IW.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Thanos should be the best looking villain in the MCU, ever. He is the main guy. The big bad that the build up has been for. There is still time to work on him. 2012 was almost 6 years ago... and we have regressed. wtf lol
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Perhaps it is just because I deal with graphics almost on a daily basis, but the special effects used in this trailer look quite iffy to me. I see very unnatural movement which is made worse by the fact that the characters don't look like they're actually in these environments. While it's true there is still time to work these things out, the final cut of AoU still had a lot of problems. The Mark XLV looked terrible.

Very disappointed with how Thanos looks. Not imposing at all.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I wonder if there is some significance as to why all the aliens are attacking Wakanda. Wonder if there might be an Infinity Stone they are protecting.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Test audiences probably responded positive to a Brolin looking Thanos.

No Celestials, no Eternals, no Deviants, no prosthetic black actor, none of that matters when their focus groups tell them that Brolins face and voice is what matters to sell that character.

Since when has Marvel ever been faithful to the comics in the MCU so they’re certainly not going to start now.

Wonder what test audiences graded Steppenwolf lol
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Test audiences probably responded positive to a Brolin looking Thanos.

No Celestials, no Eternals, no Deviants, no prosthetic black actor, none of that matters when their focus groups tell them that Brolins face and voice is what matters to sell that character.

Since when has Marvel ever been faithful to the comics in the MCU so they’re certainly not going to start now.

Wonder what test audiences graded Steppenwolf lol

It doesn't look like Brolin either. Just looks fake. As fake as Steppenwolf.

If focus groups were involved, they failed miserably at alerting Marvel Studios of just how bad their CG has gotten. It really is unacceptable considering War for the Planet of The Apes came out this year and was superb both as a film and as an exercise in CGI.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I wonder if there is some significance as to why all the aliens are attacking Wakanda. Wonder if there might be an Infinity Stone they are protecting.

It’s been forever since I’ve read comics but if I’m not mistaken one of them (or something) allows Panther to talk to ghost of Panthers Past.

I’m certain others more in tune with comics can elaborate or whatnot.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Disney's Infinity Wars test audience:


WB's Justice League test audience:

Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

:lol :lol :lol

Yup lol

Look we’re all passionate geeks here but we’re not what matters to the studios.

The buzz from this IW trailer has infiltrated into the general normies space so Marvel must be thrilled with that.

The MCU will historically be viewed as a tighly controlled highly successful cinematic experiment that created a whole new way of story telling.

Regardless if passionate die hard comic book geeks hate the MCU the words “failed miserably” will NEVER EVER be used by anyone when describing the MCU.

Feige might start with F but Failing he is not lol

Want to know what the true definition of FAILURE is?

When a wealthy man lets a woman get the best of him by using his own testosterone against him.

Now that’s true failure.

Well that and WB lol
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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

It doesn't look like Brolin either. Just looks fake. As fake as Steppenwolf.

If focus groups were involved, they failed miserably at alerting Marvel Studios of just how bad their CG has gotten. It really is unacceptable considering War for the Planet of The Apes came out this year and was superb both as a film and as an exercise in CGI.

As much as I've enjoyed the MCU over the years it's funny how some still give it a free pass regardless of some of the issues.

With regards to the CGI the Apes movies are the standard to compare CGI (characters at least) to these days and nothing comes close. Plus a CGI character among human actors always has it's work cut out because it can look so out of place.

Funny how DC and Steppenwolf gets mentioned every other post too. Yep the CGI wasn't the best but with the MCU some are either in denial or are using it as a tool to destract from the fact that whilst the MCU has been incredibly successful, it still has it flaws.