Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

But I do think you’re overlooking something important.

When something as a whole is very successfull like the MCU is the varying degrees of their cgi quality is simply forgiven and given a pass because it’s so minor in the grand scheme of things. The MCU represents so much more than just cgi quality.

But when a franchise as a whole fails then all bets are off everything that is wrong about it is amplified ten fold.

Ok for instance.

DCEU is like the Titanic only remembered for its sinking no matter how much work went into building it. Think Titanic you immediately picture the boat sticking out of the water and Cameron making sure we saw it in 3D lol. It never arrived at its destination. Nothing that was good about the Titanic is talked about only the bad.

MCU is like NASA the successfull moon landing is what will always be remembered regardless of the Apollo and Space Shuttle disasters (TIH and Thor 2).
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)












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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Perhaps it is just because I deal with graphics almost on a daily basis, but the special effects used in this trailer look quite iffy to me. I see very unnatural movement which is made worse by the fact that the characters don't look like they're actually in these environments. While it's true there is still time to work these things out, the final cut of AoU still had a lot of problems. The Mark XLV looked terrible.

Very disappointed with how Thanos looks. Not imposing at all.

Thank You- Marvel gets a pass as usual
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

You may not like those specific movies but quite honestly they are not considered failures.

IM2 helped build up the Avengers movie and led to a billion dollar IM3.

AOU, CW and GOTG 2 were huge successes.

AM and DS exceeded their box office and critic rating expectations.

TIH while I enjoy the movie it failed as did Thor 2 hence Thor 3.

Wait until Trash Panda gets here and schools all you fools lol
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)


Great humor in this while perfectly explaining why Thanos is a bad ass as presented.

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Man, Korey tore DC a new one right off the bat!
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

The only thing about Thanos that disappoints me in the trailer is the lack of armor and helmet. I have no idea why they chose him to wear his farmer outfit instead of his usual garb while he's collecting the stones.

Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Yeah, Homecoming was not only incredibly underwhelming, it was also a blatant misrepresentation of the character. It was "Spider-Kid" more than Spider-Man, something nobody asked for. They had a chance to wreck SONY and basically nail that character once and for all but instead went the cop out hipster route and delivered a forgettable movie and character I never truly felt like following.

I agree that this movie was an underwhelming and forgettable film... However I did like the Spidey character in the film BUT I thought CW got his character much better in much less time.. Go figure.

As much as I've enjoyed the MCU over the years it's funny how some still give it a free pass regardless of some of the issues.

With regards to the CGI the Apes movies are the standard to compare CGI (characters at least) to these days and nothing comes close. Plus a CGI character among human actors always has it's work cut out because it can look so out of place.

Funny how DC and Steppenwolf gets mentioned every other post too.
Yep the CGI wasn't the best but with the MCU some are either in denial or are using it as a tool to destract from the fact that whilst the MCU has been incredibly successful, it still has it flaws.

I think Steppenwolf would have gotten a pass if he was a more interesting character in a more well liked film.. It did not help at all that he was as forgettable as villains come and there seemed to be little to no reason to have him CGI in the first place. The Design was boring also.. Put it all together and you give the fans something to really complain about.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Thanos bad ass? Disney needs to fire Brolin and hire Matt Lauer . Color him purple!


My man had a Blofeld button built under his desk that he could lock the door without having to get up lololol

Now that’s one lazy horny dude.

You ready for this one Evil I know of a few executives in Manhattan who literally have secret Batman like escape tubes from their executive suites in the top floor that goes down to their escape vehicle in the basement. Like a very fast very expensive personal elevator is all. Right behind their very heavy and bullet proof 300,000 desk and chair.

All button activated and remotely monitored lol.
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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

See for me his helmet and is completely irrelevant and his cgi face is good enough to get the job done.

There were 2 problems I had with the trailer and I already mentioned one of them but i’ll bring it up again Thanos should’ve back handed ***** slapped Stark.

Back handing is a better visual representation of disrespecting the person you’re hitting but I also get why Disney won’t allow it because it represents domestic violence against woman so we definately won’t be seeing Thanos back handing BW anytime soon lol.

Now onto my biggest complaint against the trailer.

Now what I’m about to complain about I think I already know the reason why it was done that way for the trailer, they wanted to hide the money shot for the actual movie but their solution was slightly underwhelming for me.

For all this talk of 60+ characters being in this movie the money shot at the end of the group running towards camera was anti-climatic for me because it sorely needed to be padded out with the Wakanda army.

WM and Falcon were barely visible because of their flat flying horizontal profiles.

So we’re left with a small group of heroes running into camera obviously towards an alien horde, not Thanos, with generic Wakanda soldiers having to fill out the frame.

It should’ve been Thanos in center Times Square with a dynamic camera tracking ALL the flying heroes swooping down towards him and ALL the non flying heroes shown running towards him.

What I’m getting at is that the money shot didn’t impress me ok it didn’t live up to my expectations of what I had envisioned it would be like ok lol

But what’s in the trailer is already better than the JL climatic “yawn” battle.

But I get it they can’t ruin it in the trailer so they use the Wakandan army to fill up the screen with bodies.

I still think we’re getting what i’m describing in the movie maybe not in NYC but it will happen.

Still a great trailer though, I love how calm Thanos is.

Yeah the helmet and his cgi face are totally a non issue for me.

His face cgi is far superior to Steppencat apologies up front if hearing that bunches your DC panties up lol

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

You know where Marvel messed up in this otherwise superb trailer?

Thanos first on screen punch should've NOT been an actual fisted punch but instead a back handed ***** slap lol.

Maybe that's what happens to hawyeye
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Thanos will be seen in his armor.....

There is no doubt about this....

How else could HT have a premium and regular version of him if they don’t show that?


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