Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Perhaps it is just because I deal with graphics almost on a daily basis, but the special effects used in this trailer look quite iffy to me. I see very unnatural movement which is made worse by the fact that the characters don't look like they're actually in these environments. While it's true there is still time to work these things out, the final cut of AoU still had a lot of problems. The Mark XLV looked terrible.

Very disappointed with how Thanos looks. Not imposing at all.

I don't deal w. graphic stuff daily - but yeah, in the sense learning Photoshop etc. changes the way you look at the world.

But - I'm not agreeing w. some of the comments here. I thought Thanos looked amazing - maybe the edges could use a bit of blur, but I really liked the more "human" treatment. Because you can see the expression in Thanos' eyes - Brolin is awesome - malice, intelligence.

Which IMO is probably why the Russos went that direction - it's more relatable for an audience. The Russos have tested and modified comic book costumes/looks before to something more "realistic" - Bucky's mask to eye grease as an example.

Which may not be comic accurate. But it's something re having to deal with a general audience - and a film w. so much pressure - they wanted Thanos to "be a Darth Vader for the next generation". The coolest villains off the top of my head are dark in color - Vader, Predator or they are insane like Joker. But Thanos originally is PURPLE. You have to deal w. a character who will be on screen a lot, in 30 ft. high IMAX, who might have been distractingly purple against (possibly) a flaming smokey landscape of orange and red *my eyes*:horror. They probably tested a brighter purple. Colors that work in the cool dark of space (where you can fudge stuff) IMO may not work in warmer daytime color environments.

Re other CGI - yeah, I agree some shots need work, esp. some of the distance stuff. But I read some stuff on WETA who cranked out the spectacular Smaug - they talk about where you spend your dollars re CGI work. A lot was spent on Smaug because he was a primary character. But a lot of budget isn't spent on a quick "bridging" shot. IW 1 & 2 have a big budget but it's not unlimited.

So I'm more tolerant of some CGI stuff - besides, sometimes I got the feeling that Marvel felt almost forced to release the trailer re fan demand; AND after the JL negativity, they also felt they needed to do something for the comic book movie genre. Really.

Not in a nice way, but as a practical movie business decision. Before that negativity re comic book movies settled in folks' minds and affected everyone. They even had a teaser w. fans in it. Release a new trailer and a lot of folks are now happy; and YT got over a million views in 24 hours; and now the Russos can go back to work. It did spoil BP a bit, but *everyone* knew BP was in IW anyway. + Marvel got a huge freebie test audience without showing too much.:dunno
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Honestly I am
Glad Hot Toys perfect the art of the making smaller led for stuff like light sabers, imagine the infinity gauntlet glowing in the dark

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

25 million if i’m not mistaken.

Is that alot?

No, but it's not just the views on the official Marvel youtube channel. It's the combined views from all social media that counts.

I checked the official list yesterday and it had over 80+ million views, but for some reason, IW is no longer on the list today.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

This is some cast :horror

Missing a few like Wasp and Pepper :dunno

Wasp isn't in this much...and OK, on my OK-to-kill list is Pepper.

I don't hate her or anything.:monkey3

I just don't love her.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)


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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

This is some cast :horror

Missing a few like Wasp and Pepper :dunno
Wasp isn't going to be in until Avengers 4. Pepper has been confirmed and is even on the poster. I thought Valkyrie was also confirmed. I wonder if there will be one or two surprises. Maybe Marvel shot a Fantastic Four tease with Reed from the back or a Thing hand just in case they acquire Fox. They could always insert an earth-based scene or two with the whole FF team for Avengers4.

Trailer was fantastic.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

No way are the trailer views really that much in just 24hrs jeez man that’s crazy.

Let me continue bringing the pain then look at this.

Weekend openings, not until you see it layed out like this do you fully grasp the disaster JL was, ouch:

Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

No way are the trailer views really that much in just 24hrs jeez man that’s crazy.

Let me continue bringing the pain then look at this.

Weekend openings, not until you see it layed out like this do you fully grasp the disaster JL was, ouch:

View attachment 380171
View attachment 380172
View attachment 380173

Im guessing you saw John Campeas show today[emoji23] i still cant believe this list lol

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

So who’s film is this?
Cap? Cause he’s gonna die?
Iron Man? Cause he’s gonna realize he screwed earth by breaking up the Avengers?

There is not enough screen time to really make this film have a story for any of the others.... they will have small loose ends tied up....but that’s all they MIGHt have time for.

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Im guessing you saw John Campeas show today[emoji23] i still cant believe this list lol

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Yeah I watched the ******* lol

He was spot on though.

He is much better informed than the pale vampire will ever be.

He made some good points.

Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

LOL yeah this guy gets a lot of hate but has valid points.

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

He made some good points.

Not just some good points but alot of great points.

Now I want to read that Wrap article because that’s some crazy turmoil going on over at WB worse than imagined it’s like an executive producer civil war over there yikes.

No wonder they’re in the position they find themselves in.