Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

LOL yeah this guy gets a lot of hate but has valid points.

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Well he’s definately hated by the right big time I guess they view him as just another loud mouthed SJW.

I have very thick skin so politics never gets in the way of where I get my movie news from as long as they have good information and he always does because of his proximity to the industry.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Not just some good points but alot of great points.

Now I want to read that Wrap article because that’s some crazy turmoil going on over at WB worse than imagined it’s like an executive producer civil war over there yikes.

No wonder they’re in the position they find themselves in.

I feel bad for Snyder. It's bad enough that he had to deal with his personal problems, but also with WB executives. No wonder Snyder aged so much in a 2 year period.

One thing that Campea didn't talk about was the actors. Does a reboot mean recasting all the roles? WB had success with WW, so it'd be a shame to start all over with that character and getting a new actress that people will buy as WW. Recasting that role could be a potential problem. Then there is Cavill, who is perfect for Sups. Do you get a new actor?
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

As stated by others in this thread, one of the Infinity Stones (most likely the Soul Stone) is in Wakanda.

Why, because Wakanda are mostly black? White people don't have soul? How racist, Disney.

Catch the Soul Plane to Wakanda...

Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Nah... They are introducting Adam Warlock. Was already hinted during GotG vol2

Isnt Adam / vol 3 coming after Avengers 4? I believe the stone is in wakanda because they use it to contact their ancestors with it. Not cuz they black as states above [emoji23]

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I feel bad for Snyder. It's bad enough that he had to deal with his personal problems, but also with WB executives. No wonder Snyder aged so much in a 2 year period.

One thing that Campea didn't talk about was the actors. Does a reboot mean recasting all the roles? WB had success with WW, so it'd be a shame to start all over with that character and getting a new actress that people will buy as WW. Recasting that role could be a potential problem. Then there is Cavill, who is perfect for Sups. Do you get a new actor?

If RDJ and Jackman are replaceable you can bet your ass that Gadot and Cavill are.

Yeah they should just 100% start over over at the house of pain.

Why, because Wakanda are mostly black? White people don't have soul? How racist, Disney.

Thanos will be going down the dance line once he gets his soul gem on.

Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Isnt Adam / vol 3 coming after Avengers 4? I believe the stone is in wakanda because they use it to contact their ancestors with it. Not cuz they black as states above [emoji23]

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IW will lead to its sequel with Adam Warlock being hinted during IW.
He plays a critical role in the MCU, as stated by Gunn.

IW sequel will focus on the last stone and the introduction of new heroes.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

So who’s film is this?
Cap? Cause he’s gonna die?
Iron Man? Cause he’s gonna realize he screwed earth by breaking up the Avengers?

There is not enough screen time to really make this film have a story for any of the others.... they will have small loose ends tied up....but that’s all they MIGHt have time for.

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IW will be 6 hours long. Plenty of time. :lol
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

IW will lead to its sequel with Adam Warlock being hinted during IW.
He plays a critical role in the MCU, as stated by Gunn.

IW sequel will focus on the last stone and the introduction of new heroes.

You bring up a great point.

A lot of fans are thinking that this movie is the end of the line for a lot of these characters because contracts coming to an end but I think some of the primary characters will still survive for Avengers 4 to then pass the baton over to the new, and less expensive, characters.

I don’t think everyone will be dying just in this movie.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

IW will lead to its sequel with Adam Warlock being hinted during IW.
He plays a critical role in the MCU, as stated by Gunn.

IW sequel will focus on the last stone and the introduction of new heroes.

Well sweet then

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

A lot of the veterans will simply retire. No need for dying haha. Heroes get old, body starts to deteriorate etc.

A heroic death is cinematically alot more thrilling than watching Cap just retire to a nursing just saying lol

*note to self never pay too watch a TheBatman directed Batman movie :lol
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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

A heroic death is cinematically alot more thrilling than watching Cap just retire to a nursing just saying lol

..and a true hero could never retire, especially a hero like cap, he may try but as soon as something happened, a crisis of sorts, he would be compelled to act, he wouldnt be able to sit home. Its also not a believable based on his character. Its the same reason the CW killed off Professor Stein instead of just letting him retire back with his family like he wanted. My wife was like why didnt they just let him go back to his family, why did they have to kill him off, and i was like well because he would just end up back on the wave rider at some point. Something would happen, jefferson would be on his door step and off they would go ..the end of retirement
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I don;t think they need a reboot. The characters are fine. They just need someone to oversee the films better. I thought Geoff Johns was supposed to be that guy?

And hell they can change them on a whim, look at Thor 1/2 vs Thor 3?
The problem is, even if Johns was the guy, he doesn't work in a vacuum. You've got to have support from management on down. And WB is a cluster**** when it comes to that. Look at their history with DC films. It's all over the place, but beyond the Nolan films, there has never been a clear direction or consistency. Even if the only direction is, "let the artists do their work," that would be something. Instead, it's a series of half-measures, bad decisions, good decisions undercut by insane ones, etc.

Wonder Woman was a kind of perfect storm for them, in that they hired the right people, and the suits had enough sense not to get too involved. With every other case past the Nolan films (and just about every one prior to that, with a couple of instances where you could argue otherwise), they've not been able to strike that balance.

So, Johns is great. But who is the director? Will the director at onset be the director at the end? Who is the cinematographer? What role are test screenings going to play? How much are the execs going to be reactive to whatever the last film did, or whatever Marvel is doing right now? Who is the editor? Etc.

Though it probably can't happen, if I were WB, I would go after a strong-willed, visionary type filmmaker like James Cameron, and just give him the wheel and hope for the best.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

..and a true hero could never retire, especially a hero like cap, he may try but as soon as something happened, a crisis of sorts, he would be compelled to act, he wouldnt be able to sit home. Its also not a believable based on his character. Its the same reason the CW killed off Professor Stein instead of just letting him retire back with his family like he wanted. My wife was like why didnt they just let him go back to his family, why did they have to kill him off, and i was like well because he would just end up back on the wave rider at some point. Something would happen, jefferson would be on his door step and off they would go the end..

See another person that didn’t understand TDKR lol

I kid I kid you’re 100% right.