Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Just watched the trailer for the first time. My kiddos absolutely loved it and made me play it two additional times back to back.

And you know what, I really liked it too.

I thought William Wallace Cap looked awesome and was shocked at how impressed I was with Thanos.

Once again Marvel shoes DC how it's done and JL feels like even more of a joke than it did a week ago.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

JAWS with the Russos at the helm we might actually get a movie where Cap and Hulk are BOTH awesome. :D :yess:

And lol at the pic above. :lol
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Just watched the trailer for the first time. My kiddos absolutely loved it and made me play it two additional times back to back.

And you know what, I really liked it too.

I thought William Wallace Cap looked awesome and was shocked at how impressed I was with Thanos.

Once again Marvel shoes DC how it's done and JL feels like even more of a joke than it did a week ago.

Justice league feels like one of those crappy local music bands that open for the big famous band...
And as the crappy local band plays, no one is really listening, people are buying beer, checking the famous band's merchandise
And the local band plays and they give it their best, but no one cares, no one except 2 or 3 loyal fans of that band that are headbanging while everyone else is just waiting for the main event.

The infinity war trailer is like when everyone is waiting for the big band to play and they start to do a guitar sound check before opening the theater curtains and the crowd starts screaming because everyone knows they are about to play.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Justice league feels like one of those crappy local music bands that open for the big famous band...
And as the crappy local band plays, no one is really listening, people are buying beer, checking the famous band's merchandise
And the local band plays and they give it their best, but no one cares, no one except 2 or 3 loyal fans of that band that are headbanging while everyone else is just waiting for the main event.

The infinity war trailer is like when everyone is waiting for the big band to play and they start to do a guitar sound check before opening the theater curtains and the crowd starts screaming

WOW man, so perfect. Repped. :duff
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

WOW man, so perfect. Repped. :duff

Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Yeah, but at least he's crushing things when he does it.

Only if he has to, usually when someone is dumb enough to attack him.

Otherwise, he rather use his superior intelligence to get what he wants. I think GOTG did a good job with his scene and dialogue, because it felt true to the character.


Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

My old theory that Vision would take Adam Warlock's role from IG in this seems to be back in play.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

How had sideshow not made a 1:1 replica of the infinity gauntlet with the stones.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Needs a pug with thanos face lol


Just watched the trailer for the first time. My kiddos absolutely loved it and made me play it two additional times back to back.

And you know what, I really liked it too.

I thought William Wallace Cap looked awesome and was shocked at how impressed I was with Thanos.

Once again Marvel shoes DC how it's done and JL feels like even more of a joke than it did a week ago.

This brings tears to my JL hating, Russo worshipping, William Wallace Cap loving eyes. :rock

JAWS with the Russos at the helm we might actually get a movie where Cap and Hulk are BOTH awesome. :D :yess:

And lol at the pic above. :lol


Hope the Russos got the 'talking' stuff out of their system in Civil War. I want action.

Oh yeah I totally agree because TWS and CW were so severely lacking in great action lol

You sure you're not confusing TWS/CW with an X-Men movie or Superman Returns.

*Looks both ways for pturtle

Justice league feels like one of those crappy local music bands that open for the big famous band...
And as the crappy local band plays, no one is really listening, people are buying beer, checking the famous band's merchandise
And the local band plays and they give it their best, but no one cares, no one except 2 or 3 loyal fans of that band that are headbanging while everyone else is just waiting for the main event.

The infinity war trailer is like when everyone is waiting for the big band to play and they start to do a guitar sound check before opening the theater curtains and the crowd starts screaming because everyone knows they are about to play.

Arigato gozaimasheeta

Thanos likes to talk.


Only if he has to, usually when someone is dumb enough to attack him.

Otherwise, he rather use his superior intelligence to get what he wants. I think GOTG did a good job with his scene and dialogue, because it felt true to the character.

Clown knows his Thanos :rock
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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

This brings tears to my JL hating, Russo worshipping, William Wallace Cap loving eyes. :rock

crows' comment was so perfect about the JL being a crappy ass band struggling to get anyone to pay attention or care while suddenly the IW trailer begins an epic guitar solo behind the curtain to get everyone to rush back to their seats. Post of the year right there.

And I know that Cap has those sweet forearm covers on his arms as he charges the bad guys but after Ragnarok trailers hid Thor's eyepatch I can't help but wonder if in the finished film Cap will have his shield in that scene.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

crows' comment was so perfect about the JL being a crappy ass band struggling to get anyone to pay attention or care while suddenly the IW trailer begins an epic guitar solo behind the curtain to get everyone to rush back to their seats. Post of the year right there.

And I know that Cap has those sweet forearm covers on his arms as he charges the bad guys but after Ragnarok trailers hid Thor's eyepatch I can't help but wonder if in the finished film Cap will have his shield in that scene.

Yup all bets are off now when it comes to trailers I'm happy to see that studios have finally figured out a way to utilize the versatility of digital to both show the money shots while simultaneously hiding spoilers.

Yeah sure it's cheating but it's creative cheating not misdirection.

As far as JL had they only figured out a way to give Superman more to do and not made Batman just a guy wearing a cowl who says silly one liners to himself that are very much out of character for how Batman was presented in BvS then who knows I might've been much more forgiving of its shallowness god knows I am of certain MCU movies.

I still can’t believe that WB/DC were stumped on how to handle Superman’s strength being greater than Steppenwolf.

It was a convoluted mess none of it made sense

They knew he could beat Steppenwolf in 30 seconds so they came up with him having to leave the main battle to save people we were never introduced to.

They showed him carrying a building Khev. Not people but a building! We are supposed to care about infrastructure now lol.

So now he returns to the main battle and does what, he freezes SW axe why? You know why just to give WW something big to do. Superman could’ve just picked him up and flung him into the sun or saved time and ripped his head off. It was no competition he owned SW.

But no, we have to get an axe freeze just so WW can now break his axe so dumb.

There lies the main problem with Superman he is too strong for his own good.

Very difficult character to handle because he doesn’t need a team he could’ve taken out SW on his own in 30 seconds.

Ok so DC then created the Doomsday and Darkseid characters to visually counter that glaring character problem because they can’t keep going back to using kryptonite and besides kryptonite does not make for an exciting fight hence Doomsday being crammed into BvS who was actually utilized in a decent enough manner during the battle especially since it lead to WW best in class superhero entrance one of the coolest in superhero cinematic history.

But in JL they tried to make SW a credible threat by padding him with a parademon army but that failed miserably at keeping the battle interesting with the JL team.

Had JL given Superman more to do, had JL given the entire team a better threat than just having to freeze a stupid axe then maybe I would’ve loved it just as much as I do Avengers.

They had no clue what to do with the rest of the team so they came up with Cyborg hacking the cubes lol.

Aquaman was just a weaker Superman standing around doing nothing he can’t fly and not near water great lol.

Flash was ummm what did he do in the climax again oh yeah the eastern european family I forgot lol.

Ughh Cyborg showing up Batman, shoot me.

Looking forward to me, you, JAWS, Trash and Clown IW viewing opening night!

Why Clown you ask? Well because he’s funny lol.

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