Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Infinity war looks good but Thanos does not. If people are going to knock Justice league for the cgi then they should do the same with Thanos..why didn’t they just use makeup or practical effects on josh brolin, if they were making cgi Thanos look like him?... his face looks terrible like some cross between Bruce Willis and brolin with some sort of allergic reaction. I don’t get it.. he would probably look so much better if they didn’t try to make him look like the actor but in all honesty he looks worst than SW and even doomsday. I really hope they fix his face because right now he does not look menacing, Thanos should not make you want to laugh when you see him...

you had me until this.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Bearded Cap hanging out with Panther in Wakanda has my full attention.

I don't know if you're joking or not but it has my full attention as well. It harkens back to my favorite run (issues 332-350) where Cap turned in his suit and shield after he felt the US government's motives were compromised and then got a new shield from Black Panther.

Issue 337:


Issue 342:

Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Man DC is a joke. The biggest heroes in the medium and they waste them on the same damn plot we've seen a hundred times since TF Dark of the Moon. Can you imagine them having the balls to make Batman go tribal and lead an army of Zulu warriors on foot? My mind is blown, how does Marvel continue to amaze, how do they do it??? :thud:

The problem with the current DC movies isn't just that they do dumb or predictable stories but that they do them in such a poor manner, that they have likely ****ed the franchise for years to come. They could have made the death of Superman a HUGE event, make people care when he died and cared even more when he came back but no.... dude was killed and resurrected in two movies, back to back. Unbelievable. You see people crying and losing their **** over this Avengers trailer when Superman could be the one getting all the attention. When they do it again (once this is inevitably rebooted) no one care.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

The problem with the current DC movies isn't just that they do dumb or predictable stories but that they do them in such a poor manner, that they have likely ****ed the franchise for years to come. They could have made the death of Superman a HUGE event, make people care when he died and cared even more when he came back but no.... dude was killed and resurrected in two movies, back to back. Unbelievable. You see people crying and losing their **** over this Avengers trailer when Superman could be the one getting all the attention. When they do it again (once this is inevitably rebooted) no one care.

Sadly I think that you're 100% right. Once you've put all the major twists of a certain storyline into the global consciousness it's pretty much impossible to ever wow audiences with that ever again. Death of Gwen Stacy? Forever wasted on ASM2. Dark Knight Returns? Can't do it that one for decades now (if ever.) Same Doomsday and the Death of Superman. Dark Phoenix? Who cares. WB/DC isn't the only studio guilty of blowing major comic stories but they're definitely one of the worst offenders.

And then to magnify the problem you've got Marvel taking stories like Winter Soldier and Civil War and telling them *better* on the big screen than they were in the comics.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

It is simply idiotic in the context of the conversation between me and clown.
I dont give a crap if someone doesnt like a movie or not,
You can like or dislike whatever you want. Thats the point, my post to clown was how harry potter is an incredibly successful franchise in all aspects, both financially and satisfactory with fans, that franchise is a total success to the point that they adapted it for both universal studios parks and it has become a huge success to universal as well with millions of worldwide visitors every year.
Chakor can dislike it as much as he desires, it doesnt change the fact that even the potter writer is very happy with them. They are such a success that the potter writer herself considers it so

Aguing against that, is... idiotic.

Let's look this over again:

In your opinion, Harry Potter is a perfect book adaptation series.
In your opinion, arguing that it is imperfect is idiotic.
In your opinion, the person who disagrees is therefore an idiot by arguing about something idiotic.

In my opinion, that's idiotic. ;)

*If it makes you feel better, the only HP movie I ever hated/disliked was Order of the Phoenix. I liked Chamber of Secrets the most but I just never loved the rest of them.
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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

It is simply idiotic in the context of the conversation between me and clown.
I dont give a crap if someone doesnt like a movie or not,
You can like or dislike whatever you want. Thats the point, my post to clown was how harry potter is an incredibly successful franchise in all aspects, both financially and satisfactory with fans, that franchise is a total success to the point that they adapted it for both universal studios parks and it has become a huge success to universal as well with millions of worldwide visitors every year.
Chakor can dislike it as much as he desires, it doesnt change the fact that even the potter writer is very happy with them. They are such a success that the potter writer herself considers it so

Aguing against that, is... idiotic.

Justin Bieber has Millions of screaming adoring fans. He has been quite successful since he's become a star and quite wealthy. If I were to say though that he is a talentless hack would you agree?
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I don't know if you're joking or not but it has my full attention as well. It harkens back to my favorite run (issues 332-350) where Cap turned in his suit and shield after he felt the US government's motives were compromised and then got a new shield from Black Panther.

Issue 337:


Issue 342:


Definately not kidding in Russo/Feige I trust.

Great point about MCU improving on the comics.

IW is now my wife’s favorite MCU trailer.

It really touched a nerve in a way only a 10 year connected universe can.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Justin Bieber has Millions of screaming adoring fans. He has been quite successful since he's become a star and quite wealthy. If I were to say though that he is a talentless hack would you agree?

Harry potter is comparable to bieber? Why you troll like this?
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Harry potter is comparable to bieber? Why you troll like this?

Ad Hominem and reverse psychology? You're on a roll. I'm not comparing them. You're implying that because something has a lot of fans and is successful that it must be great. I'm just showing that's not always necessarily true.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Infinity war looks good but Thanos does not. If people are going to knock Justice league for the cgi then they should do the same with Thanos..why didn’t they just use makeup or practical effects on josh brolin, if they were making cgi Thanos look like him?... his face looks terrible like some cross between Bruce Willis and brolin with some sort of allergic reaction. I don’t get it.. he would probably look so much better if they didn’t try to make him look like the actor but in all honesty he looks worst than SW and even doomsday. I really hope they fix his face because right now he does not look menacing, Thanos should not make you want to laugh when you see him...

Just sayin' don't agree. I think it's an amazing rendition of a character - especially being able to see the eye expression. It's not like Vader where the eyes are masked - the audience needs to respond to a face. And not somewhere at the back of their minds dismiss the character for looking like a cartoon. As for the color - IMO that's an ugly shade of reddish purple, but maybe it's supposed to be.

Quick test:


Real fire background and a more "classic" purple IMO is pretty distracting....:horror You can darken it, lighten it etc. but it's still purple vs. what the trailer shows. Like grape Koolaid which isn't going to be taken seriously.


IMO a true purple works in a space setting with lots of dark and cool colored backgrounds. The light is different. It may be that it'll be in space we see a more purple Thanos.

*Shrug* Don't think the Russos are afraid of color or Thanos' helmet etc. but am sure the decisions they are making are based on lots of screen tests - what works, what doesn't. For a character who needs to be a real ruthless badass. It's not like Hulk and Gamora are flaming kelly green in the films either.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Jye please add that hair and mole and lipstick to thanos please :pray: