Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

No. CBMs are capable of great drama. Just because the MCU has no desire to transcend and deliver groundbreaking cinema doesn't mean we all have to lower our expectations. That's the problem with MCU apologists like yourself. You're apogizing for no reason. You don't owe Feige and co. anything. They owe YOU. Instead of a dozen mediocre movies you could have a dozen TDKs.

Demand more from your entertainment. YOU are the one paying for it.

You are absolutely right. I'd take all xmen good and bad over all PAINFULLY mediocre mcu movies.

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

No. CBMs are capable of great drama. Just because the MCU has no desire to transcend and deliver groundbreaking cinema doesn't mean we all have to lower our expectations. That's the problem with MCU apologists like yourself. You're apogizing for no reason. You don't owe Feige and co. anything. They owe YOU. Instead of a dozen mediocre movies you could have a dozen TDKs.

Demand more from your entertainment. YOU are the one paying for it.

Not everyone thinks TDK is all that. I don't. Except it's all that SERIOUS - yep, it's that. Relentlessly grim, Batman hoarse voice and all. Yep. EVERYTHING IS DRAMA in those films. If someone asked for a glass of water it would take 5 minutes and there'd be a discussion about the global water shortage and a flashback to a bottle of water spilling into the street or something, with an overvoice narrative and careful spotlight effects. And I don't care for Christian Bale. Don't know why, I just don't.

IMO what Marvel has done IS ground breaking. All the way back to IM1. Especially for me the work of the Russos. IMO so many scenes they did in TWS and CW couldn't have been better scripted or edited - or acted, thanks MCU's perfection in casts. I don't know why but was replaying the Zemo/BP in my head and was thinking how perfectly done that was:love. Every line and nuance in the script. And that's just one scene in a stellar movie.

TWS and CW are my favorites so far from the MCU - so sure, I'll demand more for my entertainment:cool:. "OK, Russo Brothers, top yourselves over two of arguably the best comic book movies ever done". I bet they do, too. I bet one day I'm binge-watching First Avenger all the way through IW2. I bet my wallet will be crying over all the books and figs I want from IW.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

They are not "arguably " the best at all...

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Not everyone thinks TDK is all that. I don't. Except it's all that SERIOUS - yep, it's that. Relentlessly grim, Batman hoarse voice and all. Yep. EVERYTHING IS DRAMA in those films. If someone asked for a glass of water it would take 5 minutes and there'd be a discussion about the global water shortage and a flashback to a bottle of water spilling into the street or something, with an overvoice narrative and careful spotlight effects. And I don't care for Christian Bale. Don't know why, I just don't.

IMO what Marvel has done IS ground breaking. All the way back to IM1. Especially for me the work of the Russos. IMO so many scenes they did in TWS and CW couldn't have been better scripted or edited - or acted, thanks MCU's perfection in casts. I don't know why but was replaying the Zemo/BP in my head and was thinking how perfectly done that was:love. Every line and nuance in the script. And that's just one scene in a stellar movie.

TWS and CW are my favorites so far from the MCU - so sure, I'll demand more for my entertainment:cool:. "OK, Russo Brothers, top yourselves over two of arguably the best comic book movies ever done". I bet they do, too. I bet one day I'm binge-watching First Avenger all the way through IW2. I bet my wallet will be crying over all the books and figs I want from IW.

TWS was a great film. CW could have been a great film.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)


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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I'm just glad the X-Men and the FF are back where they belong

Where they belong? Lmao what nonsense.

You must mean the pages of comic books. Disney is a FILM STUDIO. They never originated there.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

After all of your tirades you turn around and say that. :lol

I rewatched CW with my nephews a month ago. There was a great film somewhere in there. Feige just didn't let the Russos take it as far as they needed to, to achieve something great.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Where they belong? Lmao what nonsense.

You must mean the pages of comic books. Disney is a FILM STUDIO. They never originated there.

Better than the bland black suits at fox
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Need some Kleenex after today? :lol

Nah, just correcting you on some misinformation you picked up on the web. When you say "The X-Men & the FF are back where they belong." it's like saying "Benjamin Franklin was one of the great American Presidents."

Just isn't accurate.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I rewatched CW with my nephews a month ago. There was a great film somewhere in there. Feige just didn't let the Russos take it as far as they needed to, to achieve something great.

I’m just glad to see that you are capable of just laying back putting your feet up and enjoy watching Cap kick some serious ass in TWS.

You know that a great action scene can acheive the same level of elegance that is present in a great drama.

Just because it’s action does it mean it can’t also be given the same level of respect that Sir Alec Guiness or Omar Shariff would’ve received for a dramatic role .

Art is art regadless if it has a nominating category at the oscars or not.

Ok you may resume your hatred of the MCU. :lol
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I’m just glad to see that you are capable of just laying back putting your feet up and enjoy watching Cap kick some serious ass in TWS.

You know that a great action scene can acheive the same level of elegance that is present in a great drama.

Just because it’s action does it mean it can’t also be given the same level of respect that Sir Alec Guiness or Omar Shariff would’ve received for a dramatic role .

Art is art regadless if it has a nominating category at the oscars or not.

TWS went far. It was such a win for the MCU after the awful 2013 they had and above all it was a massive win for Captain America. TFA was mediocre and Cap needed a great film to show just how fantastic a lead he can be and how poignant his plight is when properly explored onscreen.

That's one of the biggest missteps of CW. His struggle was just reduced to small bits of dialogue in favor of pointless action and unearned drama given to Tony.

I really do wonder what Cap 3 would have been had BvS not been announced at SDCC in '14.

Probably a superior, more Steve Rogers-centric movie.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I’m in the minority but I didn’t like winter soldier. Don’t know. Strange.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

If you will excuse me for second I just need to go and place ironwez on ignore, brb lol

Speaking of which, what did you dislike more - IM3 or Thor: The Dark World?