Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

No, it makes you a champion of mediocrity.

Jeez anyone who enjoys the mcu is an idiot to you. Did feige and Mickey beat you up as a child or what? I’ve never seen someone so relentless.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

But I come on here on purpose to talk about these things because I enjoy the conversation. And I love these movies. Not to be berated with gifs and jokes talking AROUNd what I'm posting

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

No, it makes you a champion of mediocrity.

It's not an opinion. :dunno

You say you want to participate in civil discussion but you ignore people when they argue effectively, straw-man facts you don't like, and wholsesale dismiss fans of things you don't like as children and morons. When somebody smacks you back you report them to mods.

I really thought you were next-level trolling for a while but it's pretty clear you believe and are really sensitive about your fantasies.

I'll leave it there. I think everybody gets it and I'm actually starting to feel like I'm teasing the helmet kid.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

You say you want to participate in civil discussion but you ignore people when they argue effectively.

Not ignoring you or offending you. Just stating my opinion which is that you champion mediocrity.

I could explain to you for hours why your love for the Disney MCU is problematic but it would never change your mind because you genuinely enjoy mediocre CBMs.

Posters on here who have the wisdom to call out the MCU on its plethora of missteps know exactly where I'm coming from. They see corporate filmmaking incapable of artistic prowess and don't feel the need to celebrate that. You do. That's why it bothers you when I bash Feige for very valid reasons.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

But I come on here on purpose to talk about these things because I enjoy the conversation. And I love these movies. Not to be berated with gifs and jokes talking AROUNd what I'm posting

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Honestly it’s good if you hate or love the mcu. It’s just some people have there head up there ass.

Saying baiting crap like “ Der imma glad ders smart folk like me . Ayuck”

Rubs people the wrong way. But I enjoy the convos anyway. It’s good to hear what people think.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Not ignoring you or offending you. Just stating my opinion which is that you champion mediocrity.

I could explain to you for hours why your love for the Disney MCU is problematic but it would never change your mind because you genuinely enjoy mediocre CBMs.

Posters on here who have the wisdom to call out the MCU on its plethora of missteps know exactly where I'm coming from. They see corporate filmmaking incapable of artistic prowess and don't feel the need to celebrate that. You do. That's why it bothers you when I bash Feige for very valid reasons.

Nobody cares that you bash feige...... nobody.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I smiled when i saw that mcdonalds reference again lol. This guy is on another level

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Not ignoring you or offending you. Just stating my opinion which is that you champion mediocrity.

I could explain to you for hours why your love for the Disney MCU is problematic but it would never change your mind because you genuinely enjoy mediocre CBMs.

Posters on here who have the wisdom to call out the MCU on its plethora of missteps know exactly where I'm coming from. They see corporate filmmaking incapable of artistic prowess and don't feel the need to celebrate that. You do. That's why it bothers you when I bash Feige for very valid reasons.

It's fine if you find my opinion problematic somehow. And I wasn't bothered by you bashing Feige, who I could honestly care less about, as I was sort of amused and terrified with the staggeringly repetitive ad nauseum manner in which you soap-boxed about it.

But whatever. You're just bringing it back to your wisdom and superior intellect. Its a loop. It's not discussion. I'll stay out of it. :duff
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Absolutely not. I go and see most of them with a big bucket of popcorn a huge blunt and a huge smile. And I talk to my friends and say hey that's this character or hey In the comics this is how it went down ! I can name numerous action scenes I love , inparticular samual jackson in the car and the stairwell fight in civil war. Many more I love. My biggest complaint is the lack of a push forward in the plot in each movie. Idk how to explain it but they are just not "tight". The plots are simply not that compelling .... I mean I seem to be the only one who thinks the last act in winter soldier is straight up abysmal..... I mean really watch that and tell me it's not ****. Black window in he cheesy disguise ... the lame people being on the hologram .... the big things exploding at the end. The man vs government espionage feel gets competley thrown out the window. And it's hard to even follow the plot. I mean try to reflect on what the original antman could have been with Edgar wright . It really could have been SOMETHING. Not just a piece of a puzzle

And then for my own personal taste ( I guess!) the costumes are straight up ugly ( I can't believe people complain about xmen costumes and are ok with these ... really makes me question how genuine some of you are ). The music is SO FORGETTABLE. And the visuals ( for being an adaption of a visual medium ) are just average.

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I agree about the music from the MCU being forgettable yet ironically enough the Avengers Silvestri theme has now captured the hearts of enough people to earn it the most viewed movie trailer in cinematic history.

Yes for the most part their music sucks but there’s no denying that the Avengers theme is freaking awesome.

You see my theme i’m going with here.

There is good and bad in the MCU but enough good for it to be enjoyed and appreciated.

The superhero action on display is freaking awesome!
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I smiled when i saw that mcdonalds reference again lol. This guy is on another level

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I just don't own imaginary Disney stock. Same with FOX, SONY, etc. I watch a good movie, I give props. I watch a stupid movie, I'll voice my complaints to people.

I loved GOTG2. I hated ASM2. Loved BvS. Hated JLA.

I have no allegiance to any film studio. Blind allegiance to a studio is absurd and so far not one studio making CBMs has proven infallible. They all have ups and downs. Currently FOX has more ups than Marvel. 10 years ago it was the opposite. [Rothman] FOX was cranking out garbage like Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver Surfer & X-Men Origins: Wolverine while the MCU was starting strong with Favreau's great Iron Man & Leterrier's underrated TIH.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I agree about the music from the MCU being forgettable yet ironically enough the Avengers Silvestri theme has now captured the hearts of enough people to earn it the most viewed movie trailer in cinematic history.

Yes for the most part their music sucks but there’s no denying that the Avengers theme is freaking awesome.

You see my theme i’m going with here.

There is good and bad in the MCU but enough good for it to be enjoyed and appreciated.

The superhero action on display is freaking awesome!

Yes agreed but in context of the films it's very meh. We have this sick stairwell fight scene in civil war almost like it was ripped from a Bourne movie. And then we have this rediculous superhero fight in an airport that can be copy and pasted into any movie, move a few lines of dialogue around and whatever you could take it out and the movie might actually be better. ( yes it's a good set piece action scene ) but whatever you can YouTube it and get the same experience. The same emotional experience , the same organic flow of the plot of that action scene. You can understand the whole thing in as a freaking YouTube clip. I mean it almost messes up The Whole movie ! We have antman and spiderman both being added out of NOWHERE absolutely NOWHERE. They make no sense , and it makes NO SENSE tony would have spidey on his side. It's just odd, and then to have people say it's "arguably the best superhero movie ever ". Again I'm just talking my opinion

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I agree about the music from the MCU being forgettable yet ironically enough the Avengers Silvestri theme has now captured the hearts of enough people to earn it the most viewed movie trailer in cinematic history.

Yes for the most part their music sucks but there’s no denying that the Avengers theme is freaking awesome.

You see my theme i’m going with here.

There is good and bad in the MCU but enough good for it to be enjoyed and appreciated.

The superhero action on display is freaking awesome!


Reality is, any ongoing series will have it's highs and lows, Many went crazy over Skyfall but looked down on Quantum and Spectre in the Bond series. It's the nature of the beast.

Even though Thor, Iron Man and Cap have their own trilogies, the fact is this is a whole lot more movies than that building this world and we all view it as an ongoing series.

There are highs and lows to it, they can't be spot on every time over dozens of films, no one can, but it's whether or not you can enjoy the overall journey and still care.

I got pumped by the trailer because the payoff I've been waiting for and investing in since 2008 is finally upon us.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I just don't own imaginary Disney stock. Same with FOX, SONY, etc. I watch a good movie, I give props. I watch a stupid movie, I'll voice my complaints to people.

I loved GOTG2. I hated ASM2. Loved BvS. Hated JLA.

I have no allegiance to any film studio. Blind allegiance to a studio is absurd and so far not one studio making CBMs has proven infallible. They all have ups and downs. Currently FOX has more ups than Marvel. 10 years ago it was the opposite. [Rothman] FOX was cranking out garbage like Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver Surfer & X-Men Origins: Wolverine while the MCU was starting strong with Favreau's great Iron Man & Leterrier's underrated TIH.

Thats just it smartypants. You say I own imaginary stock because I like something you don't. That alone makes all you arguments invalid.

I like most cbm. You like a select few. I don't go insulting you or anyone and comparing our taste to mcdonalds and prime rib (great metaphor tho lol).

Aaaaaanyballs. Have great evening. Enjoy life

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I think the arguments are all screwed up here. Of course there are highs and lows. I don't think it's impossible for them to make a masterpiece. But civil war is not the masterpiece I thought of in my head when avengers came out. And is the answer really "give it to Disney "? I'm baffled by that absolutely baffled. A discussion board for movies , one of the greatest creative forms ever , and people think the best idea is to have them all overseen by the same people ????? That's what you want ? Just in order to see another Thor vs hulk ? Is it really worth it ? Do you think fox is this one person writing xmen movies saying "I don't care about fans I'm just writing ****!" Is that truly what some people believe? And yeah I'm prepared for someone to say yes

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

What the MCU did right, was have a plan from day one for this big ass cinematic Universe.

With most studios, thinking sequels before even launching your first film can often lead to a poor start and a series never taking off, but however they thought it out, the MCU succeeded in launching and maintaining it.

Fox has poorly handled the X-Men series for a long time, and I'm not getting into the quality of individual movies, but the disjointed overall world.

After Last Stand more or less concluded a trilogy, they got greedy and wanted to make more films off the success, there was a plan for a series of origin films, first Wolverine, then I believe Magneto was to come, but we saw how Wolverine was received, so solo origin films evolved to First Class, but First Class doesn't 100% follow the timeline and almost comes off as a reboot, then the Wolverine comes and is almost a sequel to Last Stand so it's like, we're rebooted and now going back, then you get Days of Future Past which toys more with timelines and Apocalypse.

They're trying to build an XCU at Fox but the never planned to and their make it up on the fly approach isn't doing as well.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

What the MCU did right, was have a plan from day one for this big ass cinematic Universe.

With most studios, thinking sequels before even launching your first film can often lead to a poor start and a series never taking off, but however they thought it out, the MCU succeeded in launching and maintaining it.

Fox has poorly handled the X-Men series for a long time, and I'm not getting into the quality of individual movies, but the disjointed overall world.

After Last Stand more or less concluded a trilogy, they got greedy and wanted to make more films off the success, there was a plan for a series of origin films, first Wolverine, then I believe Magneto was to come, but we saw how Wolverine was received, so solo origin films evolved to First Class, but First Class doesn't 100% follow the timeline and almost comes off as a reboot, then the Wolverine comes and is almost a sequel to Last Stand so it's like, we're rebooted and now going back, then you get Days of Future Past which toys more with timelines and Apocalypse.

They're trying to build an XCU at Fox but the never planned to and their make it up on the fly approach isn't doing as well.

BUT WHO CARES. I'm paying to see one movie , one movie with an emotional through-line, one movie with a decent payoff at the end. And yes all the more to you if it connects perfectly with all the other movies .... it's just not that big of a deal . Wipppdeee ****ing do the ages don't line up from movies that are coming out years apart. People still know magneto has these character traits and mystique can transform. What fox does right is make a movie surrounding a plot. Dofp has so many bad line , bad makeup , goofy things going on. But was praised by Critics because it was engaging.

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

When you have the same actors reprising a role and a general common feel to the overall movie, a large number of viewers are going to have an expectation for continuity and be bothered by a lack of it.

If Hugh Jackman was Wolverine in X-Men and Tom Hardy in Origins, it would have felt like two separate movies, but it's always been Jackman, etc.

I thoroughly enjoyed Liev Schreiber as Sabertooth in origins, but a part of me kept thinking, how does he end up like Sabertooth in X-Men. Now, had the continuity been there on top of the awesome performance, I would have liked it that much more.

If everything good about the X-Men films from Fox was compounded with cohesive cinematic world, it might even be more successful than the MCU.

Yes agreed completely. But I think with xmen some of the more B characters have a bit of a pass, especially because those movies are many years apart. Sabertooth for instance appeared in the first movie and one of two of the main villains thugs. They barely even mentioned his name. And then yes in origins he's the main villain. But this is years between releases , and in the movie universe itself ( which consists of wolverine forgetting stuff and blah blah blah ). So it's slightly passable. He could end up looking kind of like Tyler mane by the time xmen happens haha. And all this being said xmen is famous for having only a few focus characters and many "extras" mutants which come off as forgettable or not given enough attention, and that was clearly sabertooths case in the original xmen. He was just a cool character they decided to use as magnetos partner.

While I can see this as a negative, it's clear that this gives them the chance to give more focus to the chosen main characters. We get a great main villain with magneto, and a great hero with wolverine. Just look at xmen and xmen two. Such a great take on a Logan/wolverine story.

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