Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

Wow.!just came from seeing it and WOW! Despite all the jokes from the main players Thanos was not joking!
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

I’m not entirely sure how limited Strange’s abilities are, but when him and Tony were on the “donut” ship and he asked how they’re gonna get back, couldn’t he just make a portal back to earth?
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

Just returned home form seeing this...WOW, I loved it! :rock

This movie was a home run for me and it didn't seem like two and a half hours.

Just got back from my second viewing.

I liked it even more. Pretty much love it.

People are saying its a mess and has problems structure wise.. I think it is an easy and cohesive story to follow. The structure is not traditional due it being half a story. I can't get over how well the story all flows together with so many characters all over the Universe.

I think other then Cap, Falcon, BP, and BW.. All of the characters had a very good to great character moments. IM, SM, GOTG, Thor, Dr. Strange, and Banner had wonderful moments in this film and all were taken to very dark places.

I have read somewhere here on this thread that Star Lord was not very Star Lordy. They said he seemed less bad ass or something like that.. Accept that he only took on IM and Spidey pretty much all by himself. Great moment for Star Lord and his fans..

I found the Thor Hammer building scenes to go by much quicker this time also.

Audience I saw it with cheered at all the right moments and were in stunned silence at the end.

This was a perfect 1st half to the story.. I hope they don't blow it for part two.

Good post, Jaws, you said everything that I'm thinking right now. :duff

My only two issues are...

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

:lol :lol

Thanos gave him quite the impressive beatdown lol

JAWS right now putting the Khev stone on his glove :lol

IW2 trailer when?!

You’re not upset over Cap’s screen time and
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His beard/hair look was epic.

I’m just happy to move on from TLJ and discuss IW, until Solo that is.

I'm still decompressing.

On some levels I'm struggling with some of my own expectations not being met like

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But I'm so blown away by how other things were orchestrated like

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And the scene where he got the Soul Stone.

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I definitely

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Holy crap did NOT see that coming. :rock

The early scene with the one bad guy chasing an unconscious(?) and flying Dr. Strange while riding a piece of wall as Spider-Man tried to catch up with him might be the single zaniest action sequence I've seen in a movie in a very, very long time. I freaking loved it, lol.

I didn't mind Cap being mostly sidelined since the Russos and writers always treat him with respect. No goofy jokes or outfits at his expense. And IIRC he had to take a bit of a backseat during the IW in the comics as well just due to his power level not being up there with the gods and titans and what have you. Also I have to acknowledge that Cap has gotten three awesome movies where he kicks all kinds of ass in the MCU and characters like Spidey and Dr. Strange still have yet to make their mark so I understand the need to focus a little more on them.

Dang it I just read one of you mentioning Dr. Strange

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I'm kind of in shock about the whole experience and don't even know what to rate it. But I will say that what the Russos/Feige did was pretty damn amazing.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

I guess that's the ultimate plot armor/ gauntlet. :lol
That's the TRUE power of the gauntlet indeed.

Seriously though, had they done that meta **** intentionally, I would've praised it non-stop, not only did they implement an 2part event movie successfully, which JL didn't even dare to try, next they're gonna go Flashpoint on them, before DC does the Flashpoint movie.

They also would have out-Crisis'd DC crises, effectively crippling DC movies for decades.

I’m not entirely sure how limited Strange’s abilities are, but when him and Tony were on the “donut” ship and he asked how they’re gonna get back, couldn’t he just make a portal back to earth?

14 million futures.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

Now that War Gar liked it.. We just need Khev and we will have our own Mini Infinity Gauntlet.

Khev = Intelligent Stone
War Gar = Sarcasm Stone
Jye = Humor Stone
JAWS = Bad vocabulary and poor writing skills Stone.

Can I be the bald stone?

crows = Grace stone
DiFabio = Grumpy old man stone
RIDDICK = Bot stone
Jye = TLJ defence stone
Zach = banned stone
Khev = Disney stone

Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

If they somehow orchestrate a "do over" and bring all the lost characters back to life it will cheapen this movie considerably....

But they probably will.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

Ditto, I did not see that coming and I loved it! :rock :yess:

Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

I'm still decompressing.

On some levels I'm struggling with some of my own expectations not being met like

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But I'm so blown away by how other things were orchestrated like

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And the scene where he got the Soul Stone.

Spoiler Spoiler:

I definitely

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Holy crap did NOT see that coming. :rock

The early scene with the one bad guy chasing an unconscious(?) and flying Dr. Strange while riding a piece of wall as Spider-Man tried to catch up with him might be the single zaniest action sequence I've seen in a movie in a very, very long time. I freaking loved it, lol.

I didn't mind Cap being mostly sidelined since the Russos and writers always treat him with respect. No goofy jokes or outfits at his expense. And IIRC he had to take a bit of a backseat during the IW in the comics as well just due to his power level not being up there with the gods and titans and what have you. Also I have to acknowledge that Cap has gotten three awesome movies where he kicks all kinds of ass in the MCU and characters like Spidey and Dr. Strange still have yet to make their mark so I understand the need to focus a little more on them.

Dang it I just read one of you mentioning Dr. Strange

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I'm kind of in shock about the whole experience and don't even know what to rate it. But I will say that what the Russos/Feige did was pretty damn amazing.

Yup the more Gamora spoke the more she sealed her own fate doh! Never really seen anything quite like that before in a superhero movie.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

I also really loved that from beginning to end I truly felt like any character could die at any moment which was a first for the MCU.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

Yup the more Gamora spoke the more she sealed her own fate doh! Never really seen anything quite like that before in a superhero movie.

I'm definitely a GotG fan now. It's hard to imagine this film succeeding without them.

And holy crap did the opening 10 minutes make even the silly Ragnarok one hell of a downer movie. How can you ever watch that movie again without the opening of IW in mind, lol.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

all I can say is Strange gave it up too easy.And the Mightiest of them all gets a little beat up so now he is hiding and too afraid to show up.. I laugh:lol

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When Stark
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But nope lol


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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

When Stark
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But nope lol

Seriously! And after the super downer ending I think it's hilarious that they made you sit through the entire credits just to see an epilogue of more death and depression, lol. "Oh you thought that characters that weren't even in this movie were safe, nope!"
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

Seriously! And after the super downer ending I think it's hilarious that they made you sit through the entire credits just to see an epilogue of more death and depression, lol. "Oh you thought that characters that weren't even in this movie were safe, nope!"

We heard a very loud "Son of a *****!" from someone in the audience after the deed was done. :lol
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

AoU takes place after Thor 2, where Loki became Odin. Plus Thor went somewhere else after AoU and didn't come back 'till Ragonrock, at which point we learn that Skurge is the Bifrost guard and Heimdall was on the run. So all in all the continuity is fine.

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

I also really loved that from beginning to end I truly felt like any character could die at any moment which was a first for the MCU.

Depends on if we were playing with real money or Monopoly money.