Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Khev makes a great point, with ET and others which had really moving and memorable temporary deaths. And then he compares it with the pathetic and forgettable, albeit final deaths at the end of Rogue One.

I thought the sacrifice and death of K2 was just as or more moving than the deaths in IW in part because of the finality :dunno. K2 is as likable a character as any and willingly went kamikaze to save his friends and the mission:(
I don't hate LOTR but the 100 or so hard core fans it has left are very delusional. It was forgotten by the masses 3 months after the trilogy ended. No staying power whatsoever.

I agree, however LOTR still remains a household name worldwide. I'd say the worst offender would be Avatar, despite not being a huge fan of superhero movies I still rather watch them than the new Cameron film, without technological gimmicks the guy would be toast. :monkey4
Nothing has staying power when it comes to general audience. They always move to the next best thing. No one would've cared for OT if it was released in 2000's. Heck, no one would've cared for OT if it wasn't for Lucas pushing merch, re-releases and eventually PT. SW fans are very delusional indeed. :lol

Delusional how? You made my point. It's been 40 years and OT merch still outsells all competition including marvel. It will likely stay that way until gen X is elderly or dead.
A-dev - The Voice of Reason Stone :)

I think pre-Snap characters will stay dead (jury's out on Gamora I suppose), characters that died because of the Snap will come back, and new characters (Cap and/or Tony) will die for "real."

Someone else might then take up Cap's shield or Stark's armor for 8-10 years as cameos in other movies and then I could see Disney rebooting the original characters when ticket sales start to diminish. But that will be "Star Wars Sequel Trilogy" territory that can be easily dismissed if need be.

This talk of Cap and Iron Man needs to stop.. Leave our hero's alone :)

I said this a awhile ago.. But I don't see the need for characters to die in order to feel the "weight" of the movie.. I don't feel that way when reading the comics.. Like Jye said.. Do I hope Batman dies in the movies so that it feels like there are real stakes.

I say Cap gets his memory washed and he is sent back in time were he can live his life happily ever after :)

IM retires and has a family and consults only :)
Yeah everybody forgot about Star Wars before the special editions.

SW was unmarketable in the late '80's......the market for the toys also collapsed. The new novels(forgot the name) made SW popular again in early '90's and then the build-up began....
I think after seeing IW this weekend I must have come into contact with an infinity stone and i have been transported into a universe were Star Wars isn't a cultural phenomenon.

or is that everyone on this site was born after like 2002?

if its the first one, man, i need to get outta here!!!

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Nothing has staying power when it comes to general audience. They always move to the next best thing. No one would've cared for OT if it was released in 2000's. Heck, no one would've cared for OT if it wasn't for Lucas pushing merch, re-releases and eventually PT. SW fans are very spoiled and delusional indeed. :lol

Sorry, but The Godfather does. It's a movie people still watch over and over. My grandson, he's 26 years old, just watched for the first time and loved it. Especially Godfather II.
Oh geez, I remember seeing that but I thought they were joking. He almost said “half” of everybody dies before he stopped himself. :lol

Ibsaw this when it was released. I only now realize he almost said half lol. Ruffalo is dangerous hahaha

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This is what Kathy Gets!!!! Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahaha.

Take nothe Lucasfilm this is what fan service looks like, and Solo ain’t it

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This is what Kathy Gets!!!! Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahaha.

Take nothe Lucasfilm this is what fan service looks like, and Solo ain’t it

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Sorry Ropen but you’re wasting your energy.

All this going to the same owner regardless if Kennedy or Feige.

TFA 2.2 billion
TLJ 1.3 billion
RO 1.1 billion
Avengers 1.5 billion
AOU 1.4 billion
BP 1.3 billion
IM3 1.2
CW 1.1
As if the TFA box office success had anything to do with her. She inherited the brand, Harrison, Mark, and Carrie. She could easily be compared to one of those foolish trust fund kids who manage to piss away their parents fortune.