This talk of Cap and Iron Man needs to stop.. Leave our hero's alone
I said this a awhile ago.. But I don't see the need for characters to die in order to feel the "weight" of the movie.. I don't feel that way when reading the comics.. Like Jye said.. Do I hope Batman dies in the movies so that it feels like there are real stakes.
I actually did wish that he died when the bomb went off at the end of TDKR, lol. His efforts felt a little hollow when it was revealed that he faked his death in order to traumatize his butler and retire in Italy.
And I guess I don't "need" Cap and Tony to die per se but I just want them to have a true send off that happens on a massive high note with no chance of them coming back in crappy films down the line. As a TFA hater/TLJ disliker I would think you'd agree more than most.