Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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This talk of Cap and Iron Man needs to stop.. Leave our hero's alone :)

I said this a awhile ago.. But I don't see the need for characters to die in order to feel the "weight" of the movie.. I don't feel that way when reading the comics.. Like Jye said.. Do I hope Batman dies in the movies so that it feels like there are real stakes.

I actually did wish that he died when the bomb went off at the end of TDKR, lol. His efforts felt a little hollow when it was revealed that he faked his death in order to traumatize his butler and retire in Italy.

And I guess I don't "need" Cap and Tony to die per se but I just want them to have a true send off that happens on a massive high note with no chance of them coming back in crappy films down the line. As a TFA hater/TLJ disliker I would think you'd agree more than most. ;)
I gave the Comedy Stone to Jye :)

Did Junkion like this film?? I don't know how I missed him :)

Just sat for second viewing. :rock


As if the TFA box office success had anything to do with her. She inherited the brand, Harrison, Mark, and Carrie. She could easily be compared to one of those foolish trust fund kids who manage to piss away their parents fortune.

Yeah I guess she’s a talentless hack.

Lets look at her really crappy resume:

Temple of Doom
Back to the Future
Empire of the Sun
Shindler’s List
Jurassic Park
Sixth Sense
Rogue One
The Force Awakens
The Last Jedi

That’s not even half of her resume.

How embarrassing what a dumb bich right, what a loser, failure at all levels.

If that was my career resume I would kill myself.

Well anyways would you mind sharing your resume with us I would love to read about your grand accomplishments.
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Nothing has staying power when it comes to general audience. They always move to the next best thing. No one would've cared for OT if it was released in 2000's. Heck, no one would've cared for OT if it wasn't for Lucas pushing merch, re-releases and eventually PT. SW fans are very spoiled and delusional indeed. :lol

Oral deification is not attractive.
I actually did wish that he died when the bomb went off at the end of TDKR, lol. His efforts felt a little hollow when it was revealed that he faked his death in order to traumatize his butler and retire in Italy.

And I guess I don't "need" Cap and Tony to die per se but I just want them to have a true send off that happens on a massive high note with no chance of them coming back in crappy films down the line. As a TFA hater/TLJ disliker I would think you'd agree more than most. ;)

I am fine with them leaving on a high note... I just don't think Death is that note. :)
Yeah I guess she’s a talentless hack.

Lets look at her really crappy resume:

Temple of Doom
Back to the Future
Empire of the Sun
Shindler’s List
Jurassic Park
Sixth Sense
Rogue One
The Force Awakens
The Last Jedi

That’s not even half of her resume.

How embarrassing what a dumb bich right, what a loser, failure at all levels.

If that was my career resume I would kill myself.

Well anyways would you mind sharing your resume with us I would love to read about your grand accomplishments.

Twister?? :lol :lol :lol :lol

I would have left that one off the list.

As for her accomplishments... She has done a great job of attaching herself to some major talent.... Until recently that is ;) ;)
Lets look at her really crappy resume:

Temple of Doom
Back to the Future
Empire of the Sun
Shindler’s List
Jurassic Park
Sixth Sense
Rogue One
The Force Awakens
The Last Jedi

That’s not even half of her resume.

I must be one of maybe two people here who think The Goonies is crap. :lol

And yeah Twister is no accomplishment.
Yeah I guess she’s a talentless hack.

Lets look at her really crappy resume:

Temple of Doom
Back to the Future
Empire of the Sun
Shindler’s List
Jurassic Park
Sixth Sense
Rogue One
The Force Awakens
The Last Jedi

That’s not even half of her resume.

How embarrassing what a dumb bich right, what a loser, failure at all levels.

If that was my career resume I would kill myself.

Well anyways would you mind sharing your resume with us I would love to read about your grand accomplishments.

What was her job in these?
Besides bring coffee to the director?

What the hell was she responsible for ah? Ah?

This pisses me off. You could do the same with anybody.
The Godfather isn't a blockbuster.

Wait... Because SW was a blockbuster but the Godfather wasn't then the Godfather has staying power but not SW..

Lets face it.. SW was the perfect film released at the perfect time. It is the ultimate cultural phenomenon. It touched everything. Back in the 70's you could turn your head without seeing something SW related. It was everywhere. People had never seen anything like it and movies were never the same.. For better or worse.

Sure it would not be the same film if released in the 2000... But that is because everything had already changed with... You guessed it.. Star Wars.

The fact that it is loved and thought of as highly as it is by not just fan boys, but also critics, AFI, and film aficionados all over the world is a testament to its greatness.

But make no mistake. This film would not be remembered today if the film itself was not great. And it is just that.. A great film.
Yeah I guess she’s a talentless hack.

Lets look at her really crappy resume:

Temple of Doom
Back to the Future
Empire of the Sun
Shindler’s List
Jurassic Park
Sixth Sense
Rogue One
The Force Awakens
The Last Jedi

That’s not even half of her resume.

How embarrassing what a dumb bich right, what a loser, failure at all levels.

If that was my career resume I would kill myself.

Well anyways would you mind sharing your resume with us I would love to read about your grand accomplishments.

You are always putting up a good fight. And I'm with ya kid. But you aren't going to change their minds.
Yeah I guess she’s a talentless hack.

Lets look at her really crappy resume:

Temple of Doom
Back to the Future
Empire of the Sun
Shindler’s List
Jurassic Park
Sixth Sense
Rogue One
The Force Awakens
The Last Jedi

That’s not even half of her resume.

How embarrassing what a dumb bich right, what a loser, failure at all levels.

If that was my career resume I would kill myself.

Well anyways would you mind sharing your resume with us I would love to read about your grand accomplishments.

Raiders - Spielberg
Temple of Doom - Spielberg
Poltergeist - Spielberg
ET - Spielberg
Goonies - Donner and Spielberg
Gremlins - Dante and Spielberg
Back to the Future - Zemeckis
Schindler's List - Spielberg
Jurassic Park - Spielberg
Sixth sense - Shyamalan
Star Wars - Lucas

Coattail rider who somehow managed to lose a huge chunk of the Star Wars fanbase.
Just out of 2nd viewing. Movie is a masterpiece for the Marvel world. Enjoyed it just as much, maybe more because I could digest everything.

#1 Marvel movie for me. Avengers, Cap WS and IM1 have been bumped.
Raiders - Spielberg
Temple of Doom - Spielberg
Poltergeist - Spielberg
ET - Spielberg
Goonies - Donner and Spielberg
Gremlins - Dante and Spielberg
Back to the Future - Zemeckis
Schindler's List - Spielberg
Jurassic Park - Spielberg
Sixth sense - Shyamalan
Star Wars - Lucas

Coattail rider who somehow managed to lose a huge chunk of the Star Wars fanbase.

Game set match

Sorry Jye ;)


I don't even Hate Kennedy... But I am not happy with two of her three SW efforts.
Lol and somehow Star Wars is now mixed into the equation . Even though it was a crap movie that came out months ago lol