Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Raiders - Spielberg
Temple of Doom - Spielberg
Poltergeist - Spielberg
ET - Spielberg
Goonies - Donner and Spielberg
Gremlins - Dante and Spielberg
Back to the Future - Zemeckis
Schindler's List - Spielberg
Jurassic Park - Spielberg
Sixth sense - Shyamalan
Star Wars - Lucas

Coattail rider who somehow managed to lose a huge chunk of the Star Wars fanbase.

Actually, Back to the Future - Zemeckis and Spielberg again
And remember the scene in The Sixth Sense where the ghosts rearrange the kitchen right after the mother turned her head just like in Poltergeist?

The Sixth Sense - Spielberg

What was her job in these?
Besides bring coffee to the director?

What the hell was she responsible for ah? Ah?

This pisses me off. You could do the same with anybody.

Feige didn’t direct or write a single MCU movie so I guess he only brought coffee to the director.

Did you put any effort into your thought before hitting reply lol

Enjoy being pissed off now.
Yeah I guess she’s a talentless hack.

Lets look at her really crappy resume:

Temple of Doom
Back to the Future
Empire of the Sun
Shindler’s List
Jurassic Park
Sixth Sense
Rogue One
The Force Awakens
The Last Jedi

That’s not even half of her resume.


You're right, that's Frank Marshall's resume.
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Kathleen has given me one of the best Star Wars movies since Empire... and the absolute worst Star Wars movie. And a middling one.

So she's about even truthfully as far as Star Wars goes.

'Solo' will decide whether she lives or dies.
I am fine with them leaving on a high note... I just don't think Death is that note. :)

We still need to see Cap wielding...whatever Thor's weapon is at the time - as hinted that he could in Age of Ultron.

aaaand waiting for pug reaction gif
You're right, that's Frank Marshall's resume.

You really should read up on Kennedy/Marshall/Amblin history and you will learn just how wrong you are or you can just choose to remain clueless lol


Even though I don't agree with the comparison :)

Ummm I got news for you but she’s actually accomplished more than Feige because she’s been doing it longer than him.

Feige has never created a film corporation, she has.

Why the need to discredit her or choose to not even acknowledge ONE SINGLE accomplishment?

That’s not even counting her time on various film institutions and universities and countless financial support to film education and advisory councils and and and a ton more.
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aaaand waiting for pug reaction gif

I cant help but blame starlord for the ending and why not just send vision far far away and why no guards for protection during operation ???
I cant help but blame starlord for the ending and why not just send vision far far away and why no guards for protection during operation ???

I don't know you bring up good points you should right for marvel you know much I think its going to be a long summer what are you going to do I go to the beach a lot ????
I don't know you bring up good points you should right for marvel you know much I think its going to be a long summer what are you going to do I go to the beach a lot ????

Your sarcasm so thick i need to scrape the guano off you fanboy.