Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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I know Avengers cartoon have done this exact scenario in earths mightiest hero's ep. Except Guardians and Avengers win the fight. If dont want to wait a year lol. Cartoon cheese.

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I cant help but blame starlord for the ending and why not just send vision far far away and why no guards for protection during operation ???

Uh there were guards but they were no match for Corvus Glaive once he attacked after Scarlet Witch left to help on the battle field.

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The Godfather isn't a blockbuster.

I just checked, and your original comment said nothing about blockbusters.

Quote Originally Posted by RIDDICK
Nothing has staying power when it comes to general audience. They always move to the next best thing. No one would've cared for OT if it was released in 2000's. Heck, no one would've cared for OT if it wasn't for Lucas pushing merch, re-releases and eventually PT. SW fans are very spoiled and delusional indeed.
You must've missed it. I talk specifically about blockbusters in this thread.
If literally nothing had staying power we wouldn't have had anything. :lol
Ummm I got news for you but she’s actually accomplished more than Feige because she’s been doing it longer than him.

Feige has never created a film corporation, she has.

Why the need to discredit her or choose to not even acknowledge ONE SINGLE accomplishment?

That’s not even counting her time on various film institutions and universities and countless financial support to film education and advisory councils and and and a ton more.

But.. But .. But.. She ruined SW


I actually don't care about her one way or the other.

I just looked at the films you listed and the talent behind the camera..

So which came first I guess? I think we all know.

AS for the Feige comparison.. I guess I look at the decision making for Kennedy films and naturally give more credit to the directors since the directors are pretty amazing. Without Spielberg/Lucas/Zemeckis I feel like her track record with recent films have been less then Stellar.

Feige did it without the help of major directing talent like Spielberg in his hey day or Spielberg as his producer and he did something that had never been done before by bringing a shared Universe together successfully.. A huge company like WB knows how hard that is now and can't be done on character recognition alone.

Kennedy has, for me anyways, really failed with the new SW trilogy... Her chance to do something comparable with the Marvel Universe without the help of Steven. Obviously we disagree there.

However if she called the shots to do the RO reshoots then I have to give her credit because I love RO... Solo looks like a problem though.. Who hired those original directors in the first place

Maybe she just lost it.. Much like it seemed Spielberg had. Of course other then RPO I had not watched a Spielberg film since Munich and Catch me If you Can. so maybe he was still great.

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But.. But .. But.. She ruined SW


I actually don't care about her one way or the other.

I just looked at the films you listed and the talent behind the camera..

So which came first I guess? I think we all know.

AS for the Feige comparison.. I guess I look at the decision making for Kennedy films and naturally give more credit to the directors since the directors are pretty amazing. Without Spielberg/Lucas/Zemeckis I feel like her track record with recent films have been less then Stellar.

Feige did it without the help of major directing talent like Spielberg in his hey day or Spielberg as his producer and he did something that had never been done before by bringing a shared Universe together successfully.. A huge company like WB knows how hard that is now and can't be done on character recognition alone.

Kennedy has, for me anyways, really failed with the new SW trilogy... Her chance to do something comparable with the Marvel Universe without the help of Steven. Obviously we disagree there.

However if she called the shots to do the RO reshoots then I have to give her credit because I love RO... Solo looks like a problem though.. Who hired those original directors in the first place :lol

Maybe she just lost it.. Much like it seemed Spielberg had. Of course other then RPO I had not watched a Spielberg film since Munich and Catch me If you Can. so maybe he was still great. :lol

You used my But...But...But

You shall pass lol

These shows on Disney XD suck so much ass

Yeah that was pretty bad.
What was her job in these?
Yeah, that's my same question. All of those were in the hands of better creators.

We all saw what she's capable of when left to her very own devices.

I think the comparison to Feige, even to a guy who doesn't really care about him, is nonsensical.

You're right, that's Frank Marshall's resume.

The only thing on Kennedy's resume should be getting Spielberg coffe and sucking Marshall's ****.

I guess that answers my question.

This Queen bee phenomenon is real, I didn't think I'd see it here, oh well, it's just Whedon 2.0, it'll go away.

Every plothole is taken care by the 14 million to 1 futures.

No kidding, I saw a huuuuuuuuuge list of plotholes, possibly the biggest list I've seen for any CBM, and most of them can be explained that way :lol
:lol :lol :lol

And for the record Jye.. I was fine with Kennedy.. I liked that she got control of SW. I am not a fan of what she has done with SW.. So I am taking away her credit

Fair enough it’s just that when I look at her really extensive and impressive accomplishments I have nothing but respect for that level of success but you’re right if she is on a crusade to change SW she will have to deal with the consequences if it fails.