Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Well who knows for sure? It's all theory, and the only human cases on record are underwater and in training.

I'd like to think it's possible, unlikely but possible.
Don't care that Leia survived because that actress died later on & that was a lovely tribute from the Earth force to realize that & give us extra time with her in the movie. At least Han & Luke had the opportunity to be mourned on screen, if people cant recognize that then they're definitely empire lol.
I was on my phone i thought it was someone else jeez...

I have to say, I feel the same way.

Again, its the charm and innocence. GOTG has a charm about it. Deadpool is just mean and smarmy.

I think Deadpool's humor is destined to go the way of Jim Carrey -- tiresome quickly.

This next movie might provide some laughs but it will be stretched thin. By the third, its over.

Probably right, but what a ride.
She has no mercy even though she loves Disney :lol this should be your role model Jye :lol

It's either Corey Feldman or Spiderman.

She certainly has a ton of people who send her money that was quite a patreon credit roll but I certainly won’t be one of them.

Anyways not impressed by her analysis.

They established that the stones are only at their full potential when all are together.

The second he had the last stone Thor stuck an axe in his chest leaving Thanos a second to snap his finger.

Thanos wanted immediate yet imperfect results he wasn’t going to sit there in a committee meeting for months once he had all the stones deciding what was the best solution to fix the over population and he definately wasn’t going to procrastinate on it with Thor holding an axe in his chest.

What this internet girl sitting in her quiet bedroom fails to realize is that you can write yourself a movie so perfect that you literally create a scenario where the movie has no reason to exist at all in the first place.

I don’t need to watch 2 1/2 hours of Thanos at a conference table with scientist and politicians discussing population control.

The Taxation of Trade Routes didn’t work for TPM and it won’t work here either...snooze!

Thanos picked 1 out of the 20,000 population control options and ran with it now give me my superhero team up battles dammit.

Now I know why you enjoy talking about the vacuum of space it matches your enjoyment of putting cinema in a vacuum and sucking the fun out of movies lol

I don't know what's more sad, the fact that now simple analysis can snap a movie out of existence or the fact that by noticing that means you only want Oscar bait and you don't enjoy anything.

Thanos picked 1 out of the 20,000 population control options and ran with it now give me my superhero team up battles dammit.
Yeah sure, but I mean, 1 of 20,000, couldn't he pick one that wasn't completely contradictory from every possible angle with the character and the movie?

Now I know why you enjoy talking about the vacuum of space it matches your enjoyment of putting cinema in a vacuum and sucking the fun out of movies lol
Jye it's just the shallowest analysis, if you can even consider it that, of a movie and you're now even considering that "overthinking it"...

Could it be, that just like the Phantom Menace, this was as shoddily made but it's just more fun?

I mean I'm fine with that. I like the Phantom Menace.

Justice League comparison not too crazy now huh? I'll concede this was also more fun than JL too though.
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Actually, from the tests they've made, it's not the freezing that kills you, it's the oxygen deprivation. Test subjects in a vacuum balloon up (like fat sausages) but don't burst (skin is tough enough to contain your innards) due to the expansion of gasses and fluids in your body. The vacuum also sucks out the contents of your guts so you puke and poop at the same time. Exposed wet parts (like your eyes, tongue and mucus membranes) do freeze up.

From memory, I think you get to stay conscious for 15secs or so, after that you lose consciousness. IIRC you've got about 1-2mins to be rescued and you'll get away with relatively minor injuries. Longer than that, your chances of survival drop dramatically. I hate to bring up TLJ, but this is one of the things they got right (about Leia surviving). I'll try to find a Because Science video on the topic. :D

As per hyperspace, I think that's different from Warp though? Warp is bending space and moving space around an object rather than an object actually moving through space. Hyperspace is travel through moving outside of normal space? Under warp you're basically standing still inside a bubble.

Edit: Aha some relevant videos:




Who'd have thought, so many spitting venom over the Space Leia scene and also incessantly complaining about how the movie got the physics wrong, turns out Space Leia was the most scientifically accurate part of the movie.

To be fair, I didn't like that scene either.
I like my comic book movies separate from oscar movies. Its that simple lol. “Complainers” either want a logical comic book movie to finish on 15 minutes or a 3hour comic book movie that gathers all heroes and villains in a room to debate lol.

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I like my comic book movies separate from oscar movies. Its that simple lol. “Complainers” either want a logical comic book movie to finish on 15 minutes or a 3hour comic book movie that gathers all heroes and villains in a room to debate lol.
Omg It's just a small parody skit and it's really threatening your perception of the movie.

No, nobody wants that, you can still be logical and have your slugfest, Marvel has done it in the past, is that really that much to ask?

Is simple discussion become taboo now?
Omg It's just a small parody skit and it's really threatening your perception of the movie.

No, nobody wants that, you can still be logical and have your slugfest, Marvel has done it in the past, is that really that much to ask?

Is simple discussion become taboo now?

Nah its all good dude

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Omg It's just a small parody skit and it's really threatening your perception of the movie.

No, nobody wants that, you can still be logical and have your slugfest, Marvel has done it in the past, is that really that much to ask?

Is simple discussion become taboo now?

So it went from “She has no mercy” on this movie to it’s just a parody skit? Ok sure.

Thomascrown17 you’re too nice lol
So it went from “She has no mercy” on this movie to it’s just a parody skit? Ok sure.

Thomascrown17 you’re too nice lol
But why is it one or the other?

She did a JL skit too, and it destroyed the movie just the same, with the same, shallow over thinking.

A parody video turned into lmao you want oscar bait, from both you and Thoms Crown 17, think about it.