Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Here's a good match. Who wins, Ebony Maw or Snoke?

Both like to talk, make fun of people, are tall, skinny, old looking, ugly, have telekenisis, and both were killed prematurely by a kid.

That’s a great comparison.

Both were interrogating a prisoner.

Both had telekinesis powers.

Both only knew of one threat (IM and Rey) while the second threat was hidden from them (Spiderman and Kylo).

Both were tricked then killed by that hidden threat (Spiderman and Kylo).

BUT one big difference!

Snoke’s threat was also his prisoner (Rey) under his control.

Maw was not in control of IM.

And both died differently.

We never saw Snoke’s full power potential and to be fair to him he was back stabbed by a teammate.

Maw failed miserably at sizing up his surroundings while Snoke failed miserably at sizing up his apprentice especially when Sith have a history of betrayal.

Too close to declare a winner both made critical errors so I say it’s a tie lol
That’s a great comparison.

Both were interrogating a prisoner.

Both had telekinesis powers.

Both only knew of one threat (IM and Rey) while the second threat was hidden from them (Spiderman and Kylo).

Both were tricked then killed by that hidden threat (Spiderman and Kylo).

BUT one big difference!

Snoke’s threat was also his prisoner (Rey) under his control.

Maw was not in control of IM.

And both died differently.

We never saw Snoke’s full power potential and to be fair to him he was back stabbed by a teammate.

Maw failed miserably at sizing up his surroundings while Snoke failed miserably at sizing up his apprentice especially when Sith have a history of betrayal.

Too close to declare a winner both made critical errors so I say it’s a tie lol

That's good. To be fair, Maw had Strange under his control too, while he was tricked by the other two. Both seemed to have underestimated their challengers, and that was their flaw. Too much confidence.
That's good. To be fair, Maw had Strange under his control too, while he was tricked by the other two. Both seemed to have underestimated their challengers, and that was their flaw. Too much confidence.

Now had you asked who had the cooler death.

Snoke hands down and to make it even more epic they showed him later on with his tongue sticking out!

Yes SW was more gruesome than Avengers!

Maw in space = super lame death lol

Hmm that might’ve been a Leia joke.
Now had you asked who had the cooler death.

Snoke hands down and to make it even more epic they showed him later on with his tongue sticking out!

Yes SW was more gruesome than Avengers!

Maw in space = super lame death lol

Hmm that might’ve been a Leia joke.

Yeah, assuming Snoke is really dead, his was more shocking because he was sold to us as THE main villain, not a henchman. Plus, his death was more graphic, and embarrassing because his little arm was still on the chair :lol

Maw's death is comparable to Boba Fett's in ROTJ. Both cool looking characters with underwhelming deaths. Maw did more than Fett in two movies though.
Yeah, assuming Snoke is really dead, his was more shocking because he was sold to us as THE main villain, not a henchman. Plus, his death was more graphic, and embarrassing when his little arm was still on the chair :lol

Maw's death is comparable to Boba Fett's in ROTJ. Both cool looking characters with underwhelming deaths. Maw did more than Fett in two movies though.

:lol :lol :lol
I would love to hear the conversation between Iger, Kennedy and Feige all sitting at a table together. .

I mean Disney even owns ILM for christ o mighty lol

Millions of dollars has to be chump change.

Iger’s eventual exodus pay is supposed to be close to 1 billion with all the included perks and that’s just the bonus not counting his salary.
Now had you asked who had the cooler death.

Snoke hands down and to make it even more epic they showed him later on with his tongue sticking out!

Yes SW was more gruesome than Avengers!

Maw in space = super lame death lol

Hmm that might’ve been a Leia joke.

But was cool because it was filmed the same way as ALIENS. After Maw as blown out and it did the close up of him frozen in space the ship in the background was rotating just like in Aliens.. . I would even say Maw looked a little like the classic Alien with the way he face was contorted and his hands positioned when he was froze. So it was more then Just a Spidey reference... They went out of their way to make it look like the shot.. SO the death gets bonus points form me :lol

Besides he is not dead.. I am sure he is flying in space somewhere just like Leia :)
But was cool because it was filmed the same way as ALIENS. After Maw as blown out and it did the close up of him frozen in space the ship in the background was rotating just like in Aliens.. . I would even say Maw looked a little like the classic Alien with the way he face was contorted and his hands positioned when he was froze. So it was more then Just a Spidey reference... They went out of their way to make it look like the shot.. SO the death gets bonus points form me :lol

Besides he is not dead.. I am sure he is flying in space somewhere just like Leia :)

Should’ve done a Cronenberg Scanners movie death on his head lol
Yeah, assuming Snoke is really dead, his was more shocking because he was sold to us as THE main villain, not a henchman. Plus, his death was more graphic, and embarrassing because his little arm was still on the chair :lol

Maw's death is comparable to Boba Fett's in ROTJ. Both cool looking characters with underwhelming deaths. Maw did more than Fett in two movies though.

Exactly how I feel about it. It would've been more similar to have Thanos die in that scene instead before we found out anything about him.
I would love to hear the conversation between Iger, Kennedy and Feige all sitting at a table together. .

I mean Disney even owns ILM for christ o mighty lol

Millions of dollars has to be chump change.

Iger’s eventual exodus pay is supposed to be close to 1 billion with all the included perks and that’s just the bonus not counting his salary.

All scheming to wipe Universal Islands of adventure out of existence

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Maw's death is comparable to Boba Fett's in ROTJ.

Oh please. Fett's death on ROTJ is more comparable to Beaks "death" in Trading Places. It was a joke. Complete with "burp" punch-line.

No death is as stupid or pitiful as Fett's in ROTJ.

It's essentially this...

If and when Universal loses the Marvel rights, they should call WB and use DC characters.

Universal contractually has the theme park rights to the characters on the East coast of the U.S. and Japan in perpetuity...they could choose to sell them back to Marvel...but losing them, if or when is not a possibility.
Anyone think things would have turned out differently if Gamora had asked Drax to kill her instead of Peter? As much as he hates Thanos Drax would have gutted her without a problem.
Anyone think things would have turned out differently if Gamora had asked Drax to kill her instead of Peter? As much as he hates Thanos Drax would have gutted her without a problem.

Nah. If thanos turned his knives into bubbles Drax would have giggled lol

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That is so beyond absurd if you ask TLJ haters most will say they loved those trailers of course not knowing what they were in store for.

But the trailers made it seem like maybe the fan theories were going to happen.

Like I said SW is just not in your DNA.

What a sad life lol

But jye, that's like saying I should give the Bayformers sequels a chance when obviously both the trailers and movies themselves are garbage. :lol