Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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If the music in TLJ 2nd trailer doesn’t give you goosebumps then you really have no business giving an opinion about anything related to SW.

No seriously one can wish death to Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson and still get goosebumps while watching TLJ 2nd trailer.

SW is just not what you’re about and that’s ok Chakor not everyone was born during the perfect age of cinema.

At least kids and young adults today have something we didn’t have in the 70’s and 80’s the shared superhero genre.

Wait don’t you also hate that as well?

Oh well at least you have your Pirates 5 to celebrate lol

I guess your opinion could be beneficial from an outsider’s perspective .....someone with zero attachment to the cinematic pop culture phenomenon known as SW...


Nah beat it kid! :lol
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Jye keeps fighting the good fight! :lol :duff

Oh please. Fett's death on ROTJ is more comparable to Beaks "death" in Trading Places. It was a joke. Complete with "burp" punch-line.

No death is as stupid or pitiful as Fett's in ROTJ.

It's essentially this...


Sadly this is so true. And funny. :lol
Jye needs to take a break!

Who Posted?

jye4ever - Posts 1,006
The Clown Prince of Crime - Posts 710
crows - Posts 512
Wor-Gar - Posts 443
Chakor - Posts 366

I mean just look at Chakor low energy, NO stamina, disposable SAD!

Look at Wor-Gar....small hands. need I say more folks c’mon

crows...failing totally dishonest just failing such a leaker has the nickname “bed wetter”

Clown...fan base is down way down total disaster

Who’s winning BIG!!!! Of course me I mean just look at the love in this room for me great things coming folks just look at my fans great things!!!
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You need to relax lol

Nobody is siding with the movie studios.
I must be goin' crazy... because that's all I see everytime I read posts on forums or comments on social media. :D

Just because they came from the same studio does not make them the same film.
You're reachin' for counter-argument to something that wasn't even implied in any of my posts just to make me look stupid. That won't work, sorry. :lol

Stop trying
Am I the only person who was wondering where the hell Proxima Midnight's spear was when she was fighting BW & Okoye? They made a point to show her spear being pulled up into the spaceship at the beginning and then for her not to bring it to the front-line battle? It may seem petty, but it was a WTH moment for me.

I'm not positive, but I think that the weapon we see get pulled out of Cap's hand is Corvus's, not Proxima's. As far as we know, it's still sitting there in that train station is Scotland.
The Russo brothers always end their press tours in their hometown of Cleveland Ohio which they did this past weekend after a non stop world press tour and they have now reported to the studio bright and early this morning to start editing A4!

Sweet can you say teaser trailer soon!

Those cats went from 12 straight months of filming with just a 2 week vacation into post production and editing IW straight into their press tour straight into A4.

That’s why their nicknames are the Ruthless Brothers lol
At least kids and young adults today have something we didn’t have in the 70’s and 80’s the shared superhero genre.

Wait don’t you also hate that as well?

I like at least 1/3 of MCU movies. Yes TDW/DS/IM3/TIH may be mediocre and AoU/CW/IM2 may be crap but they're all better films than SWST.

Oh well at least you have your Pirates 5 to celebrate lol

Pirates 5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TLJ X 1,000

I guess your opinion could be beneficial from an outsider’s perspective .....someone with zero attachment to the cinematic pop culture phenomenon known as SW...


Nah beat it kid! :lol

Honestly TLJ backlash makes me glad I'm not as attached to it as some folks are. :lol

BTW, I still enjoy the original trilogy just fine even though it's far from my favorite movie series (even ROTJ). Anything afterwards just wasn't my cup of tea.

I’m just messing with Chakor if I really wanted to insult him I would just post Grace videos lol

Well in all fairness that would be insulting to the entire board.
I can't wait to see everyone's reaction to Rocket post-battle. If memory serves you don't see many character interactions with him except Bucky.
If the music in TLJ 2nd trailer doesn’t give you goosebumps then you really have no business giving an opinion about anything related to SW.


Is there a mute feature on this board? Can anyone help me out and tell me where to find it?
I never saw the Russos do much press from the prior films, but saw them a couple of times talking about this movie. . .they seem pretty pretentious to be honest, and not all that impressive. Sorta like when Darren Aronofsky did press for Mother, and came off as really disappointing in those interviews.

Not that their public persona has anything to do with quality of the films they put together, but they're no David Cronenberg.
I never saw the Russos do much press from the prior films, but saw them a couple of times talking about this movie. . .they seem pretty pretentious to be honest, and not all that impressive. Sorta like when Darren Aronofsky did press for Mother, and came off as really disappointing in those interviews.

Not that their public persona has anything to do with quality of the films they put together, but they're no David Cronenberg.

Are you saying Russo to Russo is like
