Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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But DS never once over powered Thanos.

I never said he did, just that he put up a better fight against Thanos than he did against Maw in NY. Maybe he underestimated or wasn't ready for Maw. Had he done that thing where he splits into a hundred DS, I doubt Maw would have stood a chance.

DS from Thor3 would have Maw falling for 30 minutes...or forever if he forgets. :lol

A nice picture of Mantis, Gamora and Drax

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It worked! I can't see him!
Black Order needs there own movie :)
Am I the only person who was wondering where the hell Proxima Midnight's spear was when she was fighting BW & Okoye? They made a point to show her spear being pulled up into the spaceship at the beginning and then for her not to bring it to the front-line battle? It may seem petty, but it was a WTH moment for me.
I never said he did, just that he put up a better fight against Thanos than he did against Maw in NY. Maybe he underestimated or wasn't ready for Maw. Had he done that thing where he splits into a hundred DS, I doubt Maw would have stood a chance.

DS from Thor3 would have Maw falling for 30 minutes...or forever if he forgets. :lol

Did I miss how Cull Obsidian got to Wakanda after being deserted out in the himalayas by Wong.
Watched it earlier today, really good. I'd give it a 8 out of 10 after the first viewing.

Thanos was amazing, well acted and I loved how they handled his story.
The Black Order were great, Ebony Maw was the standout, I wish a few of the BO survived though.
Doctor Strange, Scarlett Witch, Thor, Gamora, and Stark were highlights.
Scarlett Witch was shown to be immensely powerful as she was in the comics.
I didn't have to see Black Panther first to follow this.
The fights were well done.
Most of the effects were believable.
The humor was handled well and not overused or inappropriate (TLJ).

Far too choppy editing, especially in the fight scenes.
Could've had more Hulk.
Couldv'e used Ant-Man somehow.
Extremely uneven average characters holding their own against powerhouses (mostly Okoye, Widow, Winter Soldier, and Falcon).
Some truly bad effects are in this, mostly with Banner and the Hulkbuster.
Terribly underwhelming stinger.

And my absolute favorite part, the surprise of Red Skull. I tried my best to avoid spoilers and that payed off big time, I had a huge grin on my face when I saw that it was him!

My prediction for Infinity War II- Adam Warlock is fully unveiled and defeats Thanos.
I'd also like to see Doctor Doom show up and put the Infinity Gauntlet on at some point, but we know that will not happen.

Hopefully I get a chance to see this again in the theater.
Thor: Ragnarok > TLJ X ∞

I never said I disagree. :lol

I loathed TLJ but I had more investment in Ragnarok, so it pissed me off more the first time I saw it (whereas I pretty much knew TLJ would be crap from the first trailer). These days I'm just indifferent to the humor aspect of Ragnarok now - I don't like it nor do I hate it.

And in all fairness, almost any movie is good compared to TLJ. :lol
I never said I disagree. :lol

I loathed TLJ but I had more investment in Ragnarok, so it pissed me off more the first time I saw it (whereas I pretty much knew TLJ would be crap from the first trailer). These days I'm just indifferent to the humor aspect of Ragnarok now - I don't like it nor do I hate it.

And in all fairness, almost any movie is good compared to TLJ. :lol
I went into TLJ fresh spoiler free, now I'm spoiling every GD Star Wars movie from here on out.
I really enjoyed the humor in Ragnarok, it strongly deviates from the previous Thor movies, but I did not hate the change. Maybe I was drunk on all the Kirby tribute so I didn't mind it.

I think TWS was enhanced with the super serum, IIRC. He is stronger and faster than a human, and has the vibranium arm too.

Okay, that's one I'll give into. He does have super soldier serum enhancement.
I never said I disagree. :lol

I loathed TLJ but I had more investment in Ragnarok, so it pissed me off more the first time I saw it (whereas I pretty much knew TLJ would be crap from the first trailer). These days I'm just indifferent to the humor aspect of Ragnarok now - I don't like it nor do I hate it.

And in all fairness, almost any movie is good compared to TLJ. :lol

That is so beyond absurd if you ask TLJ haters most will say they loved those trailers of course not knowing what they were in store for.

But the trailers made it seem like maybe the fan theories were going to happen.

Like I said SW is just not in your DNA.

What a sad life lol
Could everyone please preface every post with an estimate of how much fairness is intended? Is it all the fairness? :dunno
I went into TLJ fresh spoiler free, now I'm spoiling every GD Star Wars movie from here on out.
I really enjoyed the humor in Ragnarok, it strongly deviates from the previous Thor movies, but I did not hate the change. Maybe I was drunk on all the Kirby tribute so I didn't mind it.

Okay, that's one I'll give into. He does have super soldier serum enhancement.

I found Ragnarok to be ok, though I would have preferred it if they dialed back the humor a bit.

That said, I actually enjoyed TLJ. I found it to be a refreshing take on Star Wars. I much preferred it over Force Awakens just for being different.

Please don't stone me or burn me on a stake. :D
Here's a good match. Who wins, Ebony Maw or Snoke?

Both like to talk, make fun of people, are tall, skinny, old looking, ugly, have telekenisis, and both were killed prematurely by a kid.