Man, King you are my greatest friend here on this site and it saddens me to hear of your Father's condition. The best advice I can give is to just be there for him, and be as strong as you can be. Be the rock that he can lean against, and take in every moment like it's the last.
Life can sometimes be terribly rough and suffering affects us all... But you can weather the storm if you stay strong and have faith that everything will work out in the end. We will be here for you, if anything just to lend a kind word.... or offer our support...Hell...even try to make you laugh and forget about the pain. But rest assured, we will be here.
I know what you are going through... My mother withered away and died when I was 13, and I know that feeling of helplessness that eats at you the entire time... Like there is nothing you can do. But trust me, don't waste a minute dwelling on it. Just spend as much time with him, and keep the faith alive. And when he comes through this you can smile and think back to this moment as the memories fade into nothingness....
He will be in my all of our thoughts...