Bank Robber Joker/New Sculpt - PHOTO Thread

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These figures are haind painted, so there's bound to be small variations among them. I know mine has more defined "tears" in the black eye makeup than others.
I think it was never clear if it was real or not. If I remember correctly. But it could've been real. There's no way to tell how old that magazine ad is.. so it's possible it was printed up with old proto pics before changes occured. Like some online sites posted pics of the original TDK Batman from HT before changes were made. It happens. it's just the timing of it turning up that got everyone ready to kill. :lol
finally got mine:banana


I think it was never clear if it was real or not. If I remember correctly. But it could've been real. There's no way to tell how old that magazine ad is.. so it's possible it was printed up with old proto pics before changes occured. Like some online sites posted pics of the original TDK Batman from HT before changes were made. It happens. it's just the timing of it turning up that got everyone ready to kill. :lol

That's interesting...
okay, shakespeare and rapist joker aside, since Two Face and Sparrow look so darn excellent on the new truetype, without any clothing modifications, I'm wondering how Br joker would you think Joker's overall 'hunch' is actually aided by the old TT, as well as the larger shoulder providing more of a support and appropriate look for the bag, OR, might the narrow shoulder improve an already near perfect figure?

i asked this in the two-face thread for mr. dent, but anyone with a new TT willing to try it out and snap some shots?

I'd order one and do it myself but my TDK collection is bundled away in the states :(
The thing I noticed specifically with the Two-Face coat on the Narrow TT was yes, the coat appears to fit better around the shoulders.
But I say "appears" because when you look at it overall.. you'll notice the coat actually doesn't really fit anymore.



And that's because the Two-Face coat (and BR Joker coat) unlike the other suit in those same pics was tailored to fit a standard TT. On the Narrow TT, the shoulder seams (where the sleeve starts) of the Two-Face coat are now abnormally low and awkward looking which leads to the sleeves being slightly too long. Also the jacket around the body looks bigger and more baggy. So it starts to look almost like a little kid wearing an adult jacket imo.

So I have a feeling the BR Joker clothing might look a little weird on a Narrow TT. But I could be wrong.
You're certainly right Devil but overall from these pics I think i will be going for the narrow TT, simply because to me the overall look is better eventhough sleeves end up being a bit long and shoulders are a bit low... the effect of having a more natural shoulder slope and width outweighs those negatives IMO
Yeah.. remember I'm just guessing. The BR Joker clothes could look great. We won't know until someone actually changes the body with a new Narrow TT for that figure.
My HT narrow body will arrive either later tomorrow or early friday. I'll be sure to get photos of the Joker on the narrow body Devil...I cant wait to see how it would look like
good points devil. For me, BR Joker's clothes fit perfectly, I was just curious if it could possibly be made even more awesomer with the narrow shoulders, just speculation, but now I think about it I kind of doubt it. I'll wait for darthCipan to post some pics.

the more i look at a-dev's pics, I think the way it sits on the body of two-face is a good trade off for a bit of slight bagginess. That bagginess of the arms is already there in the original, it might be a slight bit longer but it seems worth the switch.