Bank Robber Joker/New Sculpt - PHOTO Thread

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After just watching the movie again on bluray and checking out my figure afterwards, i never noticed how horrendously 'off' the purple coat collar/lappels are! I knew they weren't crash hot, but not that bad! They are basically big pointy edges around, nearly to the back of his neck above his shoulders. Whereas the real ones are pressed down neatly, smaller, just above his pecks. Even the DX's aren't proper, although better. A thing i did catch, is that the purple we see on the new coat appears in ALOT of the film, the real washed out color, and the sportcoat underneath in many lights does appear to be an almost grey color, but that's not hiding the fact it is still supposed to match almost identically to the blue of the shirt color, with a tad more purpleish tinge, and that the grey look is only from certain lighting. Also another thing i never noticed is the green vest appears to be made out of wool, or a similar suedey material to the purple trench coat. Man, i'd love to get some super accurate materials and make myself a proper screen accurate costume!

Amazing photography! :rock
Thread revival :p Jks. Well i'm not sure if some of you remember the 'Kmiro' BR repaint on ebay a while ago that i was after, which another forum member won, anyhoo long story short i offered him to keep me in mind if he ever decided to sell, and true to his word and kind enough to remember me (Tony, you da man, man. Thanks again so much ;)) i received a msg recently asking if i was interested in purchasing. Naturally, i just couldn't resist. Got him today and thought i would snap a few pics. There was (still is?) quite a bit of debate over whether the seller and painter, the very talented kmiro altered and tweaked his pics with photoshop. I believe we came to the conclusion that he did (he has admitted it openly in the past btw) but we never knew to what extent. I can safely say, not too extravagently it would seem. Only a bit of extra vibrance and color. These are all straight off the camera just resized in imageready. In hand, the work is phenomenal, but when you hit it with the flash or some forced lighting, that's when he really starts to boogie. The eyes are the best 1/6th work i've seen yet, besides JC Hong's, he chose bluey green because that's what the joker's eyes were in the comics. Me having a crazy blue eye fetish, don't mind a bit, although it is a shame they aren't brown, that would be perfect. I really like the one off concept though. Very tempted to swap him out to the classic purple suit setup. Just can't believe the eyes, they are like glass, like they are looking STRAIGHT at you, full of emotion. The relaxed look doesn't fully capture the joker as a more scheming look would, but you can pull off some awesome shots and emotions, i just don't have time today, and as you can see, am quickly running WAY out of shelf space, he's crammed in with the Don until another Detolf comes to fruition :p With the two repaints now, i'll be selling off the original head, so anyone interested, see the FS section. Cheers






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Cheers Snake, couldn't be happier, yeah i love the blue eyes, but can't help but wonder how awesome and spot on it would've looked had they been the proper brown. :( I remember someone did a photoshop and it looked sweet as. Still got Josh's artwork as the screen accurate piece :) The whole, greasy hair, messy makeup look reminds me of just after the prison escape, when he's hanging out of the cop car like a dog in the wind, now that i look at it :p
It is a nice paint job. I like that he also fixed the hair line as well.

The hair line on that weird blue eyed joker is absolutely amazing. Makes every other BR sculpt hair line look cheap
Indeed, it makes the HT version look mediocre now. Amazing how realistic all the messy look really is.
The only things I dislike about all of hot toys joker figures is the fact that they make his hair way to dark every time! In The movie its a much lighter green, but for some reason hot toys always makes it a broccoli green. And also his eyes on the bank robber head look to wide IMO.
Cheers all.
Yep basically it was closer to the lens and angled differently, just looks smaller. In the one with the Don, the original head looks a tad smaller :p
I figured out it was perspective, that's why the normal joker's eyes seem bigger for some of the folks here.
My BR Joker finally cleared UK customs today,(at least according to the USPS tracking info). Does this mean that it'll be forwarded on for delivery, or is it possible that I could still get slapped for a customs fee if the seller hasn't marked the item down?
When I got mine I was hit with customs, but sometimes they let things through, it seems like it's justa game of luck really