Bank Robber Joker/New Sculpt - PHOTO Thread

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Only thing is (Maybe someone with the figure can confirm!?) the hands look bigger than most normal TT hands, in pics.

From Nitro:

But maybe that's just in pics!? They'll still fit any standard wrist pegs, so I don't mean "Big" like they won't be swappable. I just mean they LOOK F'n huge. :lol
They seem the same size as other TT hands to me, some HT hands just look huge, their open palm ones look big and goofy, I hate them, I only like them if you're tucking hands in pockets where you can't see them :lol
TT hands are out of scale compared to the heads. The closed and shaped hands hide it better but they are too big too. If you want to check, put your hand over your face and look through your fingers in the mirror. Then put a hand over the face of a figure. You can really tell the size difference. Old trick for scaling hands for figure drawing.
TT hands are out of scale compared to the heads. The closed and shaped hands hide it better but they are too big too. If you want to check, put your hand over your face and look through your fingers in the mirror. Then put a hand over the face of a figure. You can really tell the size difference. Old trick for scaling hands for figure drawing.

Old game for making babies smile called "Peek-a-Boo".

im actually using the Twoface hands in my current Joker display and they dont look too bad. The only thing is the skin tone of the hands is different then the arms so it looks kinda weird, which is why im keeping the sleeves down at the moment. heres a pic.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="joker hands"></a>
A scale hand should be around the size of from the tip of the nose to the bottom of the chin, HT hands can almost cover the face entirely.
I think part of it is how the wrist peg is thinner.. so it makes the hands seem Ginormous. Same size hand but like a glove that covers the wrist and you don't notice it for example.
I have pretty big hands and the rule applies for me so if you exceed the rule, you're just some sort of freak, and not a Sideshow freak :lol
Who cares!? We'll never read their responses. I mean with those gigantor hands they probably have a hard time typing. :monkey3

:lol no keyboards for full figured hands.

I have pretty big hands and the rule applies for me so if you exceed the rule, you're just some sort of freak, and not a Sideshow freak :lol

be careful someday the large hands will come a knocking...extremely loud..
^Great Prison Break figure!

Man I still love the BR Joker. Even with the DX on the way, it is still my favorite Hot Toys figure.
thanks. yeah i love it, especially the pose. i wanted to get the others but i couldnt so i just left it. hoping to get the new enterbay ones if there ever released

LChinoz i agree with you there bank robber is one of my favourite figures. im not to keen on the new jokers head the hair looks odd to me
More hair. Looks ok but imo the only way to make it look correct is to use strands of twine or something to replicate hair. Like FML doesm because when you sculpt it or whatever it ends up looking like whiteboy dreads or something. :lol

Nice work though calvarenga.

Might as well through this up since it's appropriate. :D
