Bank Robber Joker/New Sculpt - PHOTO Thread

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Thanks for your insight. I really love the BR Joker sculpt but not the hair. I think the face sculpt is better with the BR Joker than the DX but I like the hair better from the DX than the BR. The Hair line on the BR is way too far back, especially on the right side. Almost looks like half his head is shaved off in some angles.

Gonna try the "real" hair treatment and see how that goes.....
Yeah it's kinda weird. If you attempt to make the hair more accurate with just sculpting (longer and thicker :naughty) it ends up looking kinda weird.



Makes him look like a rocker or something. :lol I think the only way to achieve that look is to do a mixture of sculpt/real hair (usually twine) like FML.


Being able to see individual strands of "hair" really pulls off the effect imo. Just don't go over board. :D

While yeah, fake hair is the way to go, even this would have been better for sculpted from HT, looks closer to how Ledger's was and less combed looking, and doesn't seem like it would have been that complex to do.
Love that manipulation there. Hopefully I can replicate that hairstyle.
I'm still surprised that the one-time holy grail of 1/6th sculpts -- the BR Joker -- has now become unsatisfactory to so many.

At some point fan expectation is gonna far surpass deliverable product. Or has it already?
I'm still surprised that the one-time holy grail of 1/6th sculpts -- the BR Joker -- has now become unsatisfactory to so many.

At some point fan expectation is gonna far surpass deliverable product. Or has it already?

The sculpt is fantastic - but the paint job never quite lived up to the protos.

I think the DX has accomplished both sculpt and paint.
I think the sculpt and paint are fine on the BR, it's the chosen "style" they seem to go with for the hair that I think could be different, and it doesn't seem like achieving that is anything more than a choice and not something that couldnn't be done.
I'm still surprised that the one-time holy grail of 1/6th sculpts -- the BR Joker -- has now become unsatisfactory to so many.

At some point fan expectation is gonna far surpass deliverable product. Or has it already?

I guess they've forgotten 12 months ago.

The sculpt is fantastic - but the paint job never quite lived up to the protos.

I think the DX has accomplished both sculpt and paint.

Eh... how...

If we never saw this I could probably agree.
The only real difference in paint I really notice between prototype and production are the color of his hair and the red of his lips isn't so blended into the white. All in all, still amazing production paint, far better than other makers and some other HT figures, and not too far off from the prototype.
Holy Grail?? Probably after a lot of people had endured V.1 Headsculpt:). I understand what you mean though. I was blown away when this first came out, but I always felt a little bit uneasy about certain part of this sculpt. Maybe these threads raised my expectations way too high. But I don't think I would consider this sculpt unsatisfactory, just needs a little tweak here and there. But hands down, I love this sculpt a lot better the the DX Joker.
MaulFan, Indeed. It's so minute. Everyone was saying this time last year the Bank Robber version was figure of the year.

Holy Grail?? Probably after a lot of people had endured V.1 Headsculpt:). I understand what you mean though. I was blown away when this first came out, but I always felt a little bit uneasy about certain part of this sculpt. Maybe these threads raised my expectations way too high. But I don't think I would consider this sculpt unsatisfactory, just needs a little tweak here and there. But hands down, I love this sculpt a lot better the the DX Joker.

Nobody criticized it like this time last year. It was nothing but 110% positiveness.
Nobody criticized it like this time last year. It was nothing but 110% positiveness.

To be fair, I think if somebody did actually say or had said something negative 20 people would've jumped on him for being a "nit-picker", "overly anal" etc. :monkey3

I still find the sculpt and paint amazing though, and love my BR the same amount I did when I got him. :eek:
MaulFan, Indeed. It's so minute. Everyone was saying this time last year the Bank Robber version was figure of the year.

Without the DX in hand, I can only speak so far, but I honestly see nothing about the DX head to change opinions on the BR, it looks equal, just a different take on the Joker with a more clean look, and that's been so since the prototype debuted. Maybe when you get it in hand there's more noticable a difference but I can't see anything in photos that makes the DX head give reason to change feelings towards the BR.
The BR head is still my favorite because I wanted an interrogation room Joker. I did update some clothing to the DX, but I prefer this paintjob.

I still find the sculpt and paint amazing though, and love my BR the same amount I did when I got him. :eek:

I honestly see nothing about the DX head to change opinions on the BR, it looks equal, just a different take on the Joker with a more clean look, and that's been so since the prototype debuted. Maybe when you get it in hand there's more noticable a difference but I can't see anything in photos that makes the DX head give reason to change feelings towards the BR.

Yup. Two different takes on two different looks for The Joker at different times throughout TDK. I like both but tbh I still prefer the BR sculpt make-up. The only thing I prefer about the DX over the BR is the eyes. If the BR Joker head sculpt would've had straight eyes or *gasp* moveable eyes that would be that ish!!!
I really love mine. I am psyched like literally everytime I see it..even from far away. I'm just wondering what im going to do with it differently when the mmdx comes around. I was going to do an interrogation room sorta thing, but I'd rather use the other one for the suspenders and vest.
Anyone else think of anything?
Eh... how...

The red on the lips appears to be different so does the scarring on the bottom lip. I think the black lines around his eyes look different - not as good as the proto. The proto pics achieves a very realistic look with the paint blending in to the white facepaint - like it did in the film but the sculpt that was released seems to have white lines just drawn on it.

MaulFan, Indeed. It's so minute. Everyone was saying this time last year the Bank Robber version was figure of the year.

Nobody criticized it like this time last year. It was nothing but 110% positiveness.

True that..for the most part. But actually I was just talking about me. I still give it high praise and I'm happy with it, just always thought It could have used a couple of tweaked here and there for my own satisfaction. For example the eyes, though it had a very cool look to it looking off to the side, I would hd prefer it to looking straight forward, or even better looking a little bit towards up. That way it would have been easier to pose withour having the head always in a turned look. But I always thought the hairline almost "bold" gap was a little too much. I know Heath had a bit of receding hairline, but not to that extent. But I think HT got the hair better with the DX Joker. But once again, I never had a problem with the sculpt itself. I have both BR and DX. If I would rate in order (and this is soley my opinion) Including the extra heads which I felt was from best to worst it would be like this.
1. BR Head Sculpt
2. Cop Joker HS
3. DX Joker HS
4. Slick back hair BR HS
5. V.1

Now that we have some great talents out here that can make some cool changes/ improvements like Small Studios, I feel, that it may improve the HS just a little more, also make it a bit more unique.
But again, I am just speaking for myself and totally understand and respect where everyone else is coming from too.
Well I love my BR head so much I've gone out and snagged myself a second one instead of the DX head. Apart from the fact it's cheaper to buy, I still prefer the likeness.
Well I love my BR head so much I've gone out and snagged myself a second one instead of the DX head. Apart from the fact it's cheaper to buy, I still prefer the likeness.

Know what you mean. I have 4 of the BR head myself. And it has gotten cheaper on ebay ($40.00 avg.)