Bank Robber Joker/New Sculpt - PHOTO Thread

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Ah, I see. I just assumed the feet were like the well fitted Harue Joker clothes model. Feet itself then shoes.

Just need to find some black fabric then for BRJ and Two Face.
well, I got mine in today woot! however there was a drawback, for some reason the paint on the Interrogation Joker head's nose rubbed off at the tip, don't know how, or where it happened, but looks like he just rubbed it right off. When my camera charges I'll take pics lol, still my favorite head is the one the mask fits on.
Just got my Shipment from Joe, this is by far my favorite Hot Toys figure. Quick question did anybody else have a hard time sliding off the outer sleve on the Bank Robber Joker? Mine was super tight, It was kind of a pain to take it of with out dameging the box.
Just got my Shipment from Joe, this is by far my favorite Hot Toys figure. Quick question did anybody else have a hard time sliding off the outer sleve on the Bank Robber Joker? Mine was super tight, It was kind of a pain to take it of with out dameging the box.

Yep! Same here. Luckily I was patient and didn't rip anything. I was really impressed with the packaging this time around. Seemed very classy and helped sell the price point to me. Almost didn't want to open it! :lol
Got mine too....


I haven't taken him out yet, but he looks fantastic -- like a little Heath stuck behind ice! Maybe a tad too much lipstick on mine... not sure yet.
:lolLucky bastid. Mine doesn't come til tomorrow and now I can't visit this thread because I don't want to get more oversaturated with images of it before I receive it.
Hey -- where's that little poster of the 5 HT TDK figures? I didn't get one. :monkey2

Also, is anyone's clown mask "dirty"?

My clown mask came "dirty" are you asking if yours should be or shouldn't?

Did you get BR Joker from Joe? I wonder if the mini posters only get put into HT's figures and not the DCD shipments.
I'm glad I got mine yesterday, that's the good news. The bad news is that I haven't touched it or seen it in person. If only the orders came in on time, now that I'm back to University I can only see it through webcam.
My clown mask came "dirty" are you asking if yours should be or shouldn't?

Did you get BR Joker from Joe? I wonder if the mini posters only get put into HT's figures and not the DCD shipments.

Yes, I finally decided to open the plastic tray -- my mask is "dirty" too.

And the mini-poster is under the tray inside the box liner.

All good -- moment of manic.
My mask has some weathering and it looks great, but a little more dirt would not hurt. I plan to just leave it as is though, because I like to leave all of my figures stuff as they come in the box.
I'm not taking Joker out until daylight, but I did grab a quick couple of the heads:




I can't begin to compete with what's come before, just figured I'd show the heads for those who like to compare their own to others. :)

I really like the Smirk Head -- as much as we all rave about the other as THE head to have, that smirking Joker head is just fantastic. So much attitude -- Joker attitude.

I almost wish I could remove the hair from the main one and put it on the Smirking Joker.

Maybe someone will...

I really like the smirking head too. Too bad it will be hidden beneath mines mask though. :lol I may try out that "Lifting his mask up for the reveal" pose for a little while.