Bank Robber Joker

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Well, if HT was just trying to put word out, they may have played games just to put together the graphic.

They put together artwork regarding their Predator figures that was only intended to be seen by a select audience, it caused issues when those images were floating around here. If Hot Toys had a deadline to get artwork in, wanted the Bank Robbery figure submitted but didn't have the final alternate head ready, they may have opted to just make the art with the first head repainted for real or in photoshop with the v2 makeup scheme roughed in.

These companies have purposes for their images that we're not all aware of, we just scour for them and go nuts over them, but because the internet is what it is, something like this popping up with no context becomes cause for concern.
well if it is just repainted or looks like the one in the scan, i am cancelling, the first bank robber sculpt was the greatest so i hope they didnt really change it
Magazines have long lead times before being printed. They may have had to use the V.1 head because BR Joker's regular head wasn't done yet.
It is clearly a variant of the v1 sculpt, but regardless, it would be nice to have confirmation from HT about the new headsculpt so we can all relax...until some other issue comes up.
Well on Hot Toys' site, in the banner, the original costume Batman was shown with the old version body/suit and the new headsculpt.

I highly, highly, HIGHLY doubt Hot Toys would release the figure with the version 1 head.

Especially after all the photos and articles on the figure and the new headsculpts.
Here's the reply I received from Hot Toys...

Hi Peter,

Don’t worry! This is just the trial version, means the one on our official site is the final one. J


Does anyone think it is a little strange that Hot Toys is adjusting the paint from the v1 Joker in all their promo shots? I mean, it does make it more accurate, but it shows a lack of pride in it IMO. I can understand why the customers would do it, but the company itself should stand by their product as is. But I digress, the BR figure looks PERFECT! No need or touching up there!

Anyway, I guess it makes them seem like collectors just like us, not afraid to make some paint adjustments. I like that.
Well, HT essentailly came out and said, sorry we ^^^^ed up the first time, they're not trying to stand behind the first sculpt, they're trying to emphasize how right they've done on the second and are even going to the length of using the first to make the improvement more clear.