Bank Robber Joker

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To me that looks like the V1 Joker with a different paint job.

I hope that isn't what comes withe Bank Robber Joker - unless you get 3 head sculpts! The first photos of the Bank Robber Joker looked 100% better and was the only reason I order it! :monkey2

PsychoCenobite :monkey5
If they pull off another wow you with amazing sculpt and release inferior sculpt I'm done with them.

This surely has to be different. With Kane they couldn't get John hurts permission but they're fully licensed up with TDK aren't they? And this new head does look like Ledger its just that we all prefer the other head. Again I like this new head and would love if it were a third head in the same package but not if its to replace the one we've all already fallen in love with for want of a less mushywushy phrase.

And again - emphasis on the 90s boy band hair
That photo from the magazine looks like it's the alternate head (the one with the slicked back hair) only with (maybe) Photoshop'ped hair. They probably wanted to do a shot of Joker taking off the clown mask revealing a sinister smile (which they would not have been able to do using the other head sculpt).

Just guessing.

Anyway, I'm emailing HT to find out.
I'm not concerned.

It's very similar to the V1 head. My guess is they were working on Bank Robber Joker some time ago, it's too detailed to not have been, and likely this was the first head they came up with for the figure and scrapped it for the one we've been drooling over.

This photo is a standard promotional style nothing fancy. I can't believe Hot Toys would go to the effort of taking all those inside the bank shots they did with the other head if it wasn't going to be the final product head, that's a lot of wasted resources otherwise.
All you guys who are worrying are making a big deal out of nothing. To me it is clearly the v.1 head repainted. When has HT ever pulled a switcheroo on a head sculpt?
Like Vader said, to me, it looks like the slicked back mask head with the V1 type hair photoshopped on it.

Regardless, I ain't gonna worry about it. Now, if we cold only get authentic Two Face photos...
All you guys who are worrying are making a big deal out of nothing. To me it is clearly the v.1 head repainted. When has HT ever pulled a switcheroo on a head sculpt?

From this

to this
But thats a questions of likeness rights. I am talking about a line where it is fimly established that HT has likeness rights.


(also note the caption on the first pic: Head sculpt NOT FINAL pending approval)
I think the big difference between Kane and the Joker is the statement in Red on the first Kane photo. "HEAD SCULPT NOT FINAL. PENDING APPROVAL" I haven't seen that on any of the Joker photos.